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PwsMenit and Jlrs. Angelí will have a Tarfcey diimer to-morrow. The t.'n;ini:T c'.osce to-day for Thanflaagfving and flierc has been a Pal gfttting out oí! vown by stu■ Pío:'. Aïberto Jonas is In Boston and tliO oast, ptoyiflg somie ongagenueaíte with tha Boston. Festival Orclusstina. The olee ti ie lighlte vrore used focthe liii ttoe at the Thomas orchesra last night, and mada lic oJd ltóll look briglit. It is a tí a mi improTemoit. The giame of foot bail will be áll íUht wlnaii the dangerous roughness Ís eailnniíaatiecl. Six men piled on one is opposed to tli Baxon oi talr play.- St. Louis Globe-Democrat. ActSnig President Hutchdns should ï)aw tuiJkey for Tlrainksgiving 1L he watíüs it, for heí te proviiig liimseilf an aible taan in t.1 placo of the great,teo college puesMoat tn the United Stiates to-day. Tlneiie are nearl'y 100 tuiuleius to iihe viarioius ttberary societies who deitire tío camipete for the honor of íneet:ng Oiiioae'O in dëbart. So om1 fiiands caji see tihlat oratory as weJi as ailUll'etlcs, i popular. Tlue tiinue idoomiing, cund.not. íar dlsiv.ait, fitaier. when every University öBSOciaitioui or society wiU have upoa itis board or ia its organizaiion soineA,hei%e, a member oí Míe íaculty. 'ihií ís called out by recent 8. L. A. rumore. A Hom,eopa-tMiJ GuiLd, liaving for I dbject the assistimg of people Avho ne isi neied of treataaent at tli Hoiiieopiatiliic Hospital, but who can not aifoi-d to ramada long enoagto to be baneüitied, was farined ait tino home oí Maj. Soule lastí Saturday. Tlne pi-anouncing contest Friday .evt'niug, betAveen the laws a.ud the i i;.-, nesuilted in a victory for the íawB. There were 26 laws and 24 ais in the contiesi; and -í lo-ws were stianding whn the lits went down. Tlieio was a large crowd presemt H. A. Sanders, wlio liae been studying 'u Mimiek Jor two years under the 'I,ati:i exicog raptor . Woellflln, bas baen granted wnat few American or ïoreigin süudants ewer receive, hia dtgiae suimiaa cum laude. He "viil ;be Sa tflue city gluortlty ou his way to Caláíoíuüa. Tlie Glee, Banjo and Mandolín elnibs wïll telaa no taris year. The íaeulty has sec ite ioot down on the eelwamiö, and wijl ndt let thein sing ItshieUr jölly somgs boiore au Ypsilaotl audiemce even. Buit Wney wiitt g'ive a oaooei-t and da.nei In December, and a bi concert agui i in Üiespiin Yon oan't keep íihe boys Irom singing- soimewhei'e. Two studeaits Frank N. Bacon and Gtorge H. Allen, wWle retmaaidng frotn Dexter lase Smnday jüg-ht, were "held -uip" by tramps. They be-tliouglit tframselTOB oï the college yell wliich aïways have wlth them, and givlng it to thie treun'ps, vhc would-ibe l,i-hw.ayinien dkl noit stop to let any ignaes grow onder tliiair feet. The IX)iys w.ei mAstiakea lor Pkiice.-;, and leít alome quick. At tJhe 4th anuual necep'tian fciven by 'lljie OratoricaA Assoeiatioin in honor of famotts aotors arnd Orators, lasi Tlrucsdaiy aftermoon, Freöerick Warde wan the gmest, amd delivered an addreijs uipon "TUb Aotor and His Art." He claimied tluat actxrs ïnusc lav the ïutcural gift for the art ia order to be great artista. He also claimied tluac the art was the greatest al áll arts, as ït comibiiaes -uhat ol the miuisiciiaa, the painter, the eculptor, wïtih its owii. The ylayer aliould, not pnebend to be, but be vhe cbaraeter 1 is portraying. What he lïad to eay wae viery Laterestimg and Ulie Large audience present was viary emthTisiastic over 11 J. C. KnowOlBon, ctoaimnan of the A'UMetlc Board for thie U. of M., fcedids nepliy to tilve charges preierred ty the Oberlta College teaim, -wfno boy-like popftied aaid Bulked, and cried 'tvaa't failr, wfben tluey were deleated iiere last faJl by the TJ. of M. tiearo. TMá neply goes inlto t!lne details oí the mattier, and ebowis wheredin the chaises made by Oberlia were uot orily iatee but cibildifsh. WLoi a tiea'm erateie into contests wiitli other team, tly oulït to be marnly emough: to tiakie either vtetory or defeat ia a maulo' way. Th Obea-lta boys couild mot póssibly feel worse tiban the Ann Arbor boys have at times over defèatis, burt oaxr boys siimply bW tiliioir Ups, bathed their sore bImiib, went to work and used.the musetas 'of tlneir logs and arms instiead oí their jaws, and iiext time refcrlieTied tneir fortvunes. Oberlin tet"ber f?o and do lilkewise. Tlie riraeclea oï -tuno jaw hav3 liibfclo effect ki winning' footiball ga mies.


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Ann Arbor Courier