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Kansas Again Republican

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One of the graat states of the west, essentially republican, yet mach disturbed of late years by false politica! teachers and vi.sionary experiment, lias returued to the party of stability, enlightened progress and proveí! capacity. Kansas ia once more where it belongs and 11 receive a hearty welcome in the republican column. The margin by which Kansas left it was a narrow one. It should not be forgotten that in 189ö McKinley received 159,541 votes in Kansas. It was a splendid army to stand flrm in a period of hard times against the deceitful lure of a debased currency. Thongh defeated last year by a plurality of 13,166, the Kansas republicans this fall carried the state by aplurality of pver 9,000. Thirtythree counties have changed from a fusión to a republican majority, and the republican gaius are general, footing up over 22,000. Kansas will be found hereafter in the repuhlican ranks where it marched for so many years to its own advantage and tliat of the best uational policies. Kausas liaa been through a course of political delusiou. It was mislead by tlieories presented as a result of deeper study and lrigher intelligenee. Events and facts have disproved them and have been schooling the vvhole country. Kansas by no means was the only victim. A vast number of voters have been shown tliat the depre'ssion in prices, the lack of eniployment, the timidity of business men, the paralysis of new enterprises and the alarming deficit in the reveuues of the government were not due to the depreciation of silver. It has been discovered that wheat eau go up rapidly in price while silver moves just as fast in the opposite direetion. Many voters honestly entertained tlie belief that this could never happen. They were artfully led to suppose that the malady f rom which the country suffered was not democratie mismanaeiement, but a wrong perpetrated upon one of the money metáis. The disproof has come in so many fornis that it s overwhelming. To Mr. Bryan the loss of Kansas is equivalent to a breach in his citadel in the Northern states. The nucleus of ïis populist strength was there and his support there more disinterested than n the silver-producing states. He will soon be in the enemy's country at home. Sis is mi iuteresting but weak personality, and his lack of strong qualities and of firm convietions is best understood where he is intimately known. [n a national contest this year it is clear that the republicans would have carried Kansas. Last year's deceptive irguments have been discarded. Prosierity is doing its benefleent work on the farms, and industry meets with itting rewards. All the nioney of the jeople is on a parity with gold and will ie kept there. Kansas has parted coin)any with the misguided populists and the incompetent democrats, and stands ar higher in the opinión of the world or its wise dei'ision.


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Ann Arbor Courier