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The Limia G-ramgO meets io-inorrow witli Ii-ving Stomme. Thte EQectirlc Iiglit Co, at Dexter w4li start in wltth 200 Incandescent ere 1 a saos oí fchíaves a.1 woirtj in Dexter wSiio .-iro lüable to set bheir cïawB i:i a trap batane loa?. AVm. E. Miirph.v intl Heinry Eusn Ii;i bomght oui 'ilv.' ;rnn-c:-.v bnsJn'S.s oí S-n-iii-Miüiit Bros., at l'il.irkncy. CavanKUüiih Labe lias íi-ozen over and ice baaitlnig eafhiuBlaists are casting longlng oy.'s In h'.iut directioo.- Ohielsea Süamdard. Dwigilut SmKQi, who recaiiti'.y dicil at bis hoinis in Jacksom, wae fonoerly iu bolineas at Dextsr, wiuere iie was favoraMy roni'enib&ral. Th pabi-ïoiiü womeni of Dxter Jiavo fonmed a isocíity, to lieCp rai-o fimids lo build tili-e soldter's monument lu tiiat vKlago. Soccess be ö thetr effort. Dr. TIüos. Mora.ii ol Fuirdnia Untviarsi.y, LaFayeite, Ind.. wi.l lectoxe on Benedtet Arciold, Dec. 17, ior the li n. i of our sctool. - Manchester Ent.ei prise. Tlue Iadivs oi the Coaigreeatkmal cburcta, ])r;ii-, havie arranged for a ehiixrcli fair, togetner wlth a. diimaer . 11 1 .-upper on tltoe löth and Kith 5ns:. i;:r:ii sale oí lioiiday artiicles. The Suinlay Scimu: cannetítion íor HamibuTg towadhlip, wilfl l)o hld ín iln cliuTch at Hamibur'g1 vlllagra, on Su.iMlay evéiii-ng next, !Oec. 12. Au excellent program hlae been jwranged o ■ . bie imeetln. Jiulu'e Xewkiik anil famUy, ol Aim Arbor. aml D.C. MeLanen and famllp of Chiateea, were presaab at a fanifily peomion, at tibel home oí Mr. luid Mre. S. Xwkirk, ooi ThanksgiTing Day. - Dexfcei' Leiader. Eev. Henry Stouex m Briglütou lias acoapfted a cali fram Sfc. James' Episcopal chmrclx oí Dexter, to act as tlieir rector, amd wíl carne Uere .Lm. lst. He is the old&5t so:i oi tbe late rector. - Leader. All of tllue Stockbrldge Inwitors, who wtíit nort'H for deer baTe veturned. Tliiey were amiooag the imsuccessf'u; -. nr.lhiough 700 deer were killed by luiin'tfeis wlio want nortli iroini liiern Michigan.- Sun. O:i üm 29ch oí Kast monuh ibaut 15Ü friaads of Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. I iio'Jer assembied at their home ia Wiebster, to rcuiind v'.tat caupOa o! ■ 20th miarriagie .;!: v r.-;r-.v. ït was a geaui'Die sorprise and ijrea-tjjy enjoyed. One of Ure boy. ia vhe Ui2;h ücüool .síioiofi-y class ivas ashed tjae ;nea of HM expireeslon 'i'riinevuL man." Ilr eaid "prime" Maini iirst and lUiiougln theve-ore the ereaticm o. nuaii was the - vi:."- CiEntou Local. (Lcster WiMialms span u.s a, yaru i-ilay, abomt an applfj whdeh giw on :i XoPÜliiem Spy tree, livo. iHfirds Norfbem Spy and one-thira Bussettt. He dddu't ahaw u.s the appje.- ettocfcteMge Sum. "Tlmt was a fatal OMersiglut 0,11 Lssteir's airt Tbe pWBtOrlííce employés cotinted the li t.ers tliut were handled at thu Clielsea oiïice Monday, thia iiu-miber b 1,236, oí wliicli 691 were received and 545 dispaitched. Tho coniit on M'Oiuday ome ieek beiore resul'ted .sam-3 íotai;.- Standard. A couuani'btea appoioted ,■ tíiafi ínurpose ralead over $1,000 ia 01.13 day in Clietsea, íq.; , ., 1, ■ 1, peimiauant bnJMing foff fche oí the Ma.sQiifc fna,tnnlt)y oí vhat vlliage &nd ib looks vei-y awich as ií vhe bnSMJng wonld be built. The bii'Clida.v saciad ln'ld at the home oí Mr. aiul Mrè. E. S. Vh;i;,;u ■was wtíl aübsiided, and all carne cknvm lor a eeafc 11 tbeir life so far ais tbeo' h ■ ; J.i this woittd. Tttte miníster reeeived $14 011 accoumt oí tanej bo majny oftd jnaids abamt lnei-e.- Xo-rth Lake cor. Cheleea Herald. ■ Pi'cseaice o! miad s.ixn -.-; people maiay (irme. Mus. Johm Va.ughiam, al Dcxter, betliiouight her oí a,:i oíd lamer toim, nd b!ew a ti-.ineiidouis blast lipón it, the otliai' mtg'ht when burgJars were attemp:: ireak lato her toces. The wouSd be robl ers flij nob accept tlus inrttaliou as one kindly mieiajit, and bastead oi atterapting to come in, tibely took fco their heels nnd dug out. rito farmer s Cltibs tliat are hkxw im fu.ll blast throuighout the eoumty, are doíog more to eoJBgiiteo and build uj every farmer wiho be'.longs to one o; ih:in,tlMn any moans he has at hils commaad. He aot öally lias a few houirs of p,jea.sure, but he e'er comes away ïrom a meeLimg buit 1'h'at lne has eametliilm.; iiew to thliik abouit. Abamt ,six yoars ago Aaraa Vau Pat tea, af Howc;], alged 58, niarrieil a gild 24. They lived togetJier for ,-i i.iiiDü wibera ïiy giav har liiis nate for $500 and lli'ey separaited. He gofc lioimesick tor bar and begged her to oomie back, Whích slie (lid aíter J-ecseivilDg I ■ $4,000 and suiric.iidiM ii UIm; one ïor $500. 'Sow sha aaka l.he court for ;i di v oree, fuid p.n ordiar conupaTliiag 'ninv tp pay ihe niotbe. ]';ini s wefl kuown bhroagtiouit LSvülngston coumty.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier