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Miss F'jonance Ëabfelbt has gane to Cfricinnati t'O virsit ii-iend1. Mih. Wood, ojf B. Hurora 8b., .anticípate a trip tq CalLPomia toa. Tiie Ivalglute of the Loyai Gaard .u-e aeeklmg adnilsslon to tMs city. The comiiinissiüHiier report'-! a greatler deanaad mpon hhn tliau ever ■bef'One. O:i Ctoristmaa eve a.fc Ht. Jüh.n'.s oliureh, a clroir oï 15 voices wEU WiMiird's Mass. Tlnat pouiltry elvow i to e lieid bene Dec. 30, 31 a,ud Jam. lst. Cotoe a.nd beiie omr roosters crow. The honue of Chas. Thompsoti, !u the EOirttavestem su(burbs of the i I y. was diestnoyed by last Tliua-sday miornilmr. A Lawnenoe 8mt;h, formerjy wttti tihe Península Pa.per 0t., is now wlth DueskieJl & Kenny, p.aper com-missioii mierclhaníte. The c.ít.y wL'.l be i.t the Savligs Bajik bu&ding Tuosday, Thuireday aivl SaJturtlay evenii.igs, to reoe3)"e taxes. Her. C. B. Austiu wllio suipplietl the Piieebyteiian puipib here temporarily la 1898, hasi axicapted cali io AVh-etCing W. Va. CBneooe Eddy, proba-bly as great an onga.ntst as t'he eomutry eontaLiis, is to gilve a oaaoerb at the Xoa-mal Hall ou Friday eveuiinig. Cluas. Bafüiow, a paSniter, took a .hieadiar íi-om luiU wlieel while vid i n.-c 'in't'O Khvii one day ïUKt week, and Nv as qudfae ssíiere'Jy injured. It is assertedtlbat Eer. M. M. ) wiüi lnas resignad tilia cliapíaiiicy lie I MLd ia tbs U. S. Navy1. Ib is not known "wlliere lie expects to lócate. M'attUie-w ílomr has boughb a part interest in the cigar maaiufactua-ing ■busiinees of Miatbew Steia, a.nd the örm wi'.l be Icaiowü as Bteiia & Hoser. The Ligiït Guarda have conimenced dii.ling under t.he uew The company made 110 money on its piay The Contederate Spy, neMier did it lose aiïy. It is a s toni s hing tlue nuaniber of inqul. les received about tihe watch tounid sO'me fi'vO years ago, and reoen1 IJly depositad wibh K. H. Dodge & Son, buit no one bo fiar liasl proven propartty. (Kiev. Dr. AMea tml'tied -dlie li've ol Miss Florence M. Ftefe of 'Jlüs city,' and Fnedea-ick Miua.rd, of liawsouville, last AVediacsday eveukig, at the home of tlie bride's únele, Cha,s. I'i.-k oí LotwM st. Mr. ï. L. Dadge, ol Traverse City, and Miss Coma WestflaU wea-e vmited ïn nuarrlage íit tba OcL-idental Hotel last TlHiisday e-ien.ang, by Eer. B. W. liyan. TlLere -vvre aboult 50 guests pweseiii't. Tbe coupíie wlU reside in Amsden, Ohdo. The reorganteatdon o thO l'eninfml'iv Paper Oo., spokan of kbst -week, was made. ïxjwxs.-u'.v by the expöratioji oí the oorporate life- 30 years - -of "tUie compajiy. Tliere h-as been 110 cliange in the make-uf o? the tompamy, how.ever. Thie ladites of Ypsltamtl will bo interested Da visltlng tilie dispiïiy of iiiit' needtework at tihe Congregaitionl al Clwistmais Sale early in December. A youing Mexican girj in Pwabto is paying ter school expenses from, ihe sale of tihiLS work. - Semtinel. Thiei1O iö a íine prognaanj in preparatïom for tte xnext anniual eonventalou oí tliie Waslitemniw Couinty Bunday School Associlalatoirt, to 13 lielü In tiliiis city Friday auul Batuirday. All Siwiday Scliools fti tlie coanty shiouild be nepo-eseiited by at leaut oae diel'egiate, for wlnom entertaïnntent willl ba piroviidcd. At tibe annu-al' olectiolii oí oííicers ot: Ypsiiaiiiti Lodgie, No'. 128 F. & AM. Tfaiuesday erening last, tlie iolDasydng were eleeted : AV. M., M. M. Bead ; S. AV., Geovge WÜBOa; iJ. W., Dr. Ij. M. Jannee ; S. D., F. L. Tlioynpso'.i ; ƒ. D., Prof. Tayüor ; T., E. B. NeTvihail ; S., Friaok Deubel ; Stewards, W. Brqoks aind Oeorge Vo'm q. ; chapjaia, Re:v. AViii. üaa'dani. It was a joily tune tttua Maaoins had a.t Deti-ait last 'Weducriday eveinI'ttg - njgihi ra ( her, lor tiuv did not retuirai uiiti'i 5 o'clock tihe Uoxt iuüiiihi.ü'. There wene 9 4 in üie party, piioemüx Iodg.o dtd t.h degree work at Detroit. Among 'i.lio ep&aiera were W. S. and jTred Greca oí íhil-i clity, nul Juidge ïiewkiirk o Anu Arbor. Ol'iieers eilectecl FriJay evenilng iu ExiT'lsio.v Cbiapter, No. 25, K. A. M., wélie as foilows : P. H. Baa-nium, H. I.; M. M. Read, king ; B. W. Kici, fccrlbe; C. E. Huto;i C. oí H.; tVco. F. So'toffer, treaeuü-er; P. W. Garpem. ter, secretary ; C. B. Lainbert, V. S.; W. S. Oaipen,ter,R. A. C; Wm, Webb, M. 3dV .; W. 1!. Eddy, M. 2d V.; L, M. JamiS, M. lst V.; Geoige W. Kilikir, scsitSael. Mllse Xora BabblUt aippears' to be wtonimg suicces.i in torwa, wlhere niie Is emigagi&d in teaxshing in the vatory of Music at Crestón.. The Crestón Daiïy Advertiser ol a recent date has tibia to say of Jiar efioit.s at a recenö FacuLty RecRail : "It was tüie flrst appearanoe of Misa BabbH.t before the pubjix: ia Crestón, ttooug'li she has beea gi'v&ng vooa.1 instiructions in the city fr seyi&ral nioailte. Miss Babbitt's costume was beauitüui, and stoe displa.yed a %vondei'íoil voic of great range a.nd power, fui'.l, round and1 of great volume. To tne mimd of Advwtlser oritic, Jliss Bal)bitt appeared to best advan-togc in. her latter seflectlomis, vrtiich wene ia tlie higher sca.te. She strikes toer high notes with eae, and it U in t'.luo Mgtoer wiaie hervoice appeai-s to til best advia.ntaixe, a;tiiomi;h all öf.faer nvumbers wera rendered with cnediiit to hersolf and pleaevure vo her luiii) nee."


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