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100 In The Shade

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Ou Thiuireday eyeoftig ya&t, Golden Rute Txwlg.e F. & A. M., celetarated ;ui fviair ita it.s caroer tíiíait never hap. il liefore, tlie conferriliig of the i ii Tk mdredth degree durilng the ye r. As Oac'h (inidiílaif minst fchree degrees 'be.'üre beeolmiiJp.B a M'ason, mieams tbe raiüAng oi thiriy-tlm e and ■oiie-t(liirl miem to fuU ïaemberahdp in tHue arder. Phoemlx Lodge of YpöÜjajltft, hais also had a prospéreme yea.r, auid raifeed tlliirty-four candtdatefi tihe past year, just 2-3ds oí a niíi ii allKNwl af Gdjden Eiille, cm one of illve mieinbers P'iut it, oanlferring 102 d-egrees mstead af 100. Buit tlwit has nothrni? to do "with tlxiis aiffaii-, omt'y to liidloato tlue greciit interest tibeie & beinig tiakan. in Maaooary in ttoese days. an order tha-t bas been knoiwn to have Oxtetfed 1,300 yieaxs beifore tlhie Cliristia.a Era, vt b a piretitiy Miely arder yet. Tbi wDik of C oíidiera Knie Lodge Cxtf. 3nig ttoe iwe part of the evemiiiig wbjs "viery ï'.we, therO beini? 'btle ií anytlliáíüg to ciiitieise, and 'W'orship.Ti! Jlaster Heniry B. Dodsíey certaíílly ia deseirviiiiKg oï tttie 'gia fcest praise f or ot oni'y reacIWIng xlhe high water jmai'k iln. tllue po-tot oï initiations dur. Ing hts oecupancy oii tlie cliair, but iln so üatenestimg and attracting the ■wortihy brot'hers that they haie jpe:ujl)vd a etamidard o-f perfectdöia Sa tlie ccwutieirrÜDg of fine degres rare'.y attaïlued. To spact-'y nny particnl lar woorfcer wauld bu ilnijusölce to the oJhiers, aH were so aximiiirable iin their pa.rtis. Ai'ter tlie oí tlie eveming yere O'Mer tilaeii eame the. banquet. The dii'Ii room luad been Dalban charge of biy tlhie catien-er, Mr. E. V. Hang stiertW, and he had transformad It inIto a bowier of böamtiy. Tlie tables were not only a delEgilut to the eye, tat tibie miiiilti'tude af gaoú. thfings ttoiemn were toumd to be very temptinií tío tibe piálate. There were eoveis íor arec 200 guestw, and e very coner was ii.'ibed. Haviing reíreshed tilieimsei've.s polis oí neg-ujarly wrapped lea ves, noto oí thíe siiKs'i'süxe acoasski, bii'fc oí the mtoTe nuodem tobáceo jijauit, veré freeüy pa-ssed, aind by tita time AVoir(-..iiui Maater Bodsk-y aa-ose to greet Míe giiiests oí tbeí evaniÜDg ajul iutroduce ílhie floaetmiaeter, tito air oí the i oom wae ais bXns as tuna hnperiial aieh oi HeavenL. Joilin W. Benntíbti acted as toastin.atjcer, 'and a riíglht gowd orna be 3, too. Thiere waa no1 ílow of wi pngsüng his way th'at was not Itnaraied yto the deülight. oï all piresemt His bii.lii.iiut and been t-lirtiete at theftxrtiimjate speaikere vere not rusiy wütl age, buít briglut aind sparkling as a Dalraiaiscus Klado rig'lub frouu t-he forgier's laiiívi'j. It woTiild be ímpiossilble íor us to giYe cvein a brüaí eyoopöis af whialt was Kiaid duiiiug tina eTeiiJi!iis. ata oí' the tepeakers spelaktog so we.l, bu bu-t we gi'w; tllua po-ognajmj orntire as arramgied toy tlue toaistauastei' : 1. From Labor to Refreshraeuts liro. H. B Dodsley, W. M. 2. 1000 iu the Hhade, "A Hot Time" Bro. J. E. Beal 3. TheTie That Binds,- Frateruity Bro. H. G. Prettymau 1. Variations on the Ritual, as Exeiuplifled by oíd Wasbtfnaw Lodge Bro. A. J. Sawyer 5. He liad a Pass From Klna Solomoii- Uro. L. C. Goodrich, P. Jt. 0. In Order That he Might Travel in Koreign Countrle6-_.Bro. N. J. Kyer, P. M. 7. The JUxlgeau Ally of tlie Chureh Kev Bro. H. Tatlock S. The Lost Corners oi Freemasonry Bro. J. B. D;ivis J. ín Extremis Bro. C. tí. Darling SUSPI0IOU8 CHAEACTERS. Timid Brethren may now steal a sniail boat and put to sea. BROTHERS: H. W 1 KT N E W K 1 HK, W. H. BÜTTLER, II. T. MORTON, J. J. GOODYEAR, V. L. PACK, V. W. WATTS. Dr. Dariing bedag imdiosed, Máiyor Hlscot-k responded in luis píaee Of 'thie ''SiLspEetoua Characters" onS}1 Judgie Xi'wkiak aaid W. L. Pack ansWiered 'lo the charges, bu.t they díd Lt nvieM einoug;h foa% all. Tbe bonir liand of tlie c.Ikck ui the ooim lonse towier potautd to II whea tlie 'brotlvers canio domn the stallra t-eadijis to Ma.?oiiiïo Teauple, and everyone .oenned surprteed tliat the time had paissed so rapidlft'.


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Ann Arbor Courier