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Oystei' Bu.pper to-moiriwv eveniing by Liodge, I. O. O. F. Frlday -wii.'l see a, gi-eat gettim.' out o' towii. Co.'lege vaca.tiion comtoemces tlten. A Httlle sou camia to tto !iom& oi Mr. amd MrB. W. Lameky oi the Narth. 6}de (Bast FiidBiy. BiniBimiber ilue enlterbainment oi Ed■wiard Frye, la Ulna Y. M. C. A. course, át taie Attaiis Theatee, Dec. 28. Tliie Gttit Edge Band wül ?i've a. Tflilaed, feupertine, up to date minstrel süow at Germaaila lxajl to-mwrow aSgthit . Tlïe are aíl lürtng iu graond expectajtqlans of t)HO vXsit of Ol'd Saiatai qii FriUay nlgtolt of raext, Taelc. Thieiie -willl be a joiinJb inetallation oï oïïtoers by Fratoi-nlilty and Goiidea Ruié Masoaiiu lodgeB to-morrow, Tbareday veoilng. Dieoetmiber iw töe most expensiive nKMiMli oï tlue yar. Taxes, .ChriHtpnae, ai'l billis yoni uw, and p.anhiaps lioinii) yow do mot. A program pair.ty fe givefa every Satuniaty vnSng under tibe eupeivtóoin oi Mrs. Tyfcsr, at tito Unlverefllty Sefinaal oi Dancing. AceordUig to tlie Jacksonu païere, Dr. Caspier K. Laihinfis, oí tdiis cilty is :to nuarry Müse Crysba.1 Edsill, o; tiUat city, oa ec, 22. Bersouis toaTiiÓg woirk tío b& done and who want iu,aje hlp . Kliould iieave woird w&tibi t'ü,e general ecrcUary a,t t lite Y. M. C. A. rooms. Boefcruasber "Bealbies has luul a teüepluoaie pub iui tla P. O., buit ilt is undei-etJood tluat no questiöa oi "Is tkere aniy mialilL lor me?" wül be an.swereil. Aun AiTjor lias not. teoUved tlia tralrnp lueailton quite, bui Slue couUi söl'vie it ii tfoie kiiud-hcarted but miagulded .peopjo wiluo ieed -branipsi womld stop iloing eoSwnidiaj at 2:45 Judgo Víctor .H. Xiape wial uddress thle m,eEki2 at the ■ Y. M. C. A. Aül man ane im'ited by lua AsscK'.ia'tton., to com.o uip to the roolitts aiud hear Judgiei Lane. , Piloï. D. "W. Sptt-iiiDger Wlí atteind a 'raieatilmg oi tke fedeoaitijoia oï edicatilO'iDa.l aBsoclatiöa in Chicago duirótnig Hlbe lHoOdaye, wlieire he will preeenltpaprs oai commeircihlli work. Thte ttoie oi year is the newepepet jnaa's íhiairvesit, so O'ur readers wM allow iis to iadulgio ia ain uausual amouiat oi adverhiwlng, for a week r tivo, wi'tiliout murmurios over it we hope. Tliie ipeiBOins ,w(ho oaa uot saittefy iancy tosr Chrlstmus presenta líere íln Aun Arbor thte J'öar, aire hard to plleasc. T.he tíinoiw witoöows not .omlliy loóle fkue, bnt contain almosi eMei'yüidlng diTiabIe. Thíe "Woimaai's Auxfflaj'y olí tli.Y. Y. 5V1. C. A., lueüxl .i'ts m.oiatihly mépttog at tBuo í-oiolm, oí .tlvei asaocíatlon Honda y nítemolO'n. It was decSüed Ib liwSid th-o iiisuial1 receptton ,and to kiöep ''opea bause" .Tammry 1, {rom 8 %m 10 p. m. The Star oif Be.thiiehe.ra. lodge emnaimoe a Ne"v Yaair's ove dance at Unified Frlend's HalJ, om the evenSng Dtf Bec. 31. Th; TJiniviersity Hospita] is crawded to fhg utmost ca.piaciity, a.nd ruany Have ïegtytered aiiul are awaiitimg tihiei'i tuirn to ï& admLtted. . G. F. Aüimein-diïnger wiill .at (tihe Y. M. C. A. Nxuras next Motiday ntglhlt a:t 8 o'cjock, oui '-A Modem Fhbusiajg Miijl." Meanbers of Uio Y. M. C. A. öWouid not iali to afcbend. Am eniteirtiariiirnient wild be given at Higli School Hall, oía Friday eveaittag, ly illie Y. W. C. A. eUocuition class o Mae Managet. Proceeds to lwSIp illue Y. W. C. A. A nuoöt deaew'Jag etniterpaiise. Thiene 'wias a ï'ilae party at tlhe lioiiue oí E. .V. Slwope, at 1111 Ti-aver si.., NortituBlde, oui .lo:iday eveimiog lfisti niie e-vent -va.s tliij Clst aniiitvei'sau-y of t.he nuarriage oi Mr. aiud Mra. Slhí-ope, and tJiei par. ty w-as ia realty a siu-pirise, and a Happy otna. A DoCll'e Bazuar itó) to. bd lield ou the afLerojOOin and eieailug of December 18 tin iin. Harria Hall, uiider the .aiiispijes oí t.'üe Juitóo.r AuxiLáai'y oí At, Aiidrew's e'hiurch. A"J1 axe iloiv'iit. d iu eoime atwl eee tllie chai-miltt airva y al do.Jls airuBinB' wh-itll aire sevetial trcan Euro.pei. Ha vu yOiU aoitded ttoit whem lyKKi (uieec a doctor lae aays : "How axe yon '.'" A iinüwspiapea' luam, iuquiii.ies, "'W,'hiat do you loaow '.'" But !ihe ïta.wyw hfilte you oai the back fioid e]acu3auas, ''What have you uo;t ?" 'ihie pieachei' aaics, "Wiiere are you go jog ?" And thiat U the "uaii-desc to aiKivei1. - 1''yinoutilD Maád. Tile -wtoage coviiacil Tmetjduö' Ui'li.. g-rixiltied a f ranc'lúüse co the Detrolit, JTpisUJainltJi & Aiua Btreet radlwajy. 'l'hie iaaitiLve of greateet Jaiterest to pdbjic aie tllue low ïares obtaliiied - iO oenlte aioiumd trïp; to Betrolit ; 1,OO(J müie baak ior $10 witlhout tlm-e limac und traiasieiia'bJe. The ordLixanee ís pirinlted ö-sevbere. - Wayne Eeview. Ev.eiy pierso'a. capaibüe oi readSog shouüd aiead &m a.rticle ia tJiO Decem.bev OosíJiiiOpoji'tlaii emitled .'-A Urca. X.itioinial Nevspiapea-," by Harry Th'ujrstioiu Peck. It miglit give. you i-onn; dlLfeteot ideas, oí newspaper ■menthan yooi now possess. Beivles you 'migii't le'a.ilae BOmethlng of iliu labor It'h'erO is iu g-etitirug ou.b a newspaper. There was au ioddeiat in Aun Arlo-i- "iast week, tlila-fc liad ít occarred in itlhie soufh, wouild liave fcaused a i'viK-liiinLi bee. Justlce Dutt'ïy inaivieU L. D. Batías, a ooüored man 22 yeara no Miss Lema MaHiieiw, a white glrl 19 years old. Thie glvl oaïne hieiX! 'fromi Pont Hnroii to get uiarïd-ed, a ad is evidemMy lualpipy over lier oUoloe. Tlie anaiotïiK'icinient lts mado o tlie ïmanlige, on Dec. 21, oí Harry AV. 01a rfk, the gnüal isuip't ou tili} Univea1osílbal, to Mtes Clara E. Pinck□ 3 . i-oi-emoiny fe tío take ];;u-t; at i-lie Ivonne of the bride's areanta abomit ionr nrXs nocPth oí Ypsttanti, la Siipeiior townahip. ,Tlie couple wiil foinani-ni-!' beap'ing bio-use at once in H!lie ue'w homise erected tJieveior by Mr. Ctaefe, O'ii E. Caltihari'ne et. W, 'K. CiniUlB, as secnertlaipy of tbe WaethftieaiBJW 'Muftuiiij Fdire Ins. Co-., bas iieoel'vied , Iletfber ipom Milo CampL, Itllie State of Ini-ii'i-aaioe, to ho compMiaeilte hilai llp'0ln, hiis Mxurlc ats secratiairy, and comgirartiuBaites ilbie coimpamiy upon tlte exoelWetiit condirfion in whlch Depaity IStieians tomad tllue ajfaiürs of tbe eompamj' iipom liils reoemt iaispectton. AVhen !tbo reporte of same other com. pajiölas are read tihia members af the Waishitiemiaiw 'Muituiat may well ïeel promd of tibe adniünlitstraitiom of Mr. OMl'ds. A. mew piostlaj diepairtimemt raKlng gio-es ilnitlo eifeet Ja.niuja.ry 1, wftoerelby 'every letter carrier iin. the go Mernlnueoiit service wöJll liave to ?Lve boad ior $1,000, secu-ved by a recogiiiized Boirety or indecnntty eompuny, to piiio'tect "tiliia goxvnlmjent agadlist loss. A "boud i'n tlviM snmi is now requi'.d o'! letter carrilera, but tihey are peirmd'tted to as anp a'eputable ci'tizemi "wlw ea.n qualify ion1 tlr; oí tina bond. Ifc is n1.iJiüimI tjbiat a receinit tavestiisra I ion by the deï)artmiem.t Showed tha.t a. lfirse 1 i-o port f on oï the bonde of 1 carriers are wortJiss.- Daily Timee. Momttiíy t.f .-i social at Maeeabee HaH 'Itibmonow niigit. lÉrs. Baijph ('. Whitding and hneii i n-,1 bave moved initoi tlue city, and 'Ave a.t 314 S. FoiurWu ave. The 'ue nal apen house wüD bs held Jan. lKr. by tibia Woim'aa's AuaAilfary oí tibe V. M, C. A., froni 2 lo 10 p. .m Thic 'Local Elks will g to . Cli'Slsea to-morrow levepin, t-akíng thet Clieqv&misgcmsí wJith them. Thera wi.1 be ninu.c Da tibia OlneQaaa alir. Care wiijl be ruiniaílng o,n tibie Detroit Vjiriiya.mti & Anal Anbo.r electric voa,d a fajr as Dearfoorn tlhdsi weefc, .-nii as í!ar ais tflue Itet.reat by Clwistimas. The Imites oí thíe M. E. ehnrch wia le pMased t.o meet ytxai at tea eoeial tounon-ow ennantng, in t.!ie cflawcb. parlara. Tea s sn i al 6:3 i o'cPoc k . H. G. Prefttymn.n hlae baan aiiipo.'iited cJualii'möiii o.: a. carami)tee t.o comnío.inaiat.iían of coat, mode of pro. oeduT and gen&ral pointers of bidycJie ipa'Bii bmild'inig, toit Vbto 'U A. W. A dlef'eötive wallk on MMler ave. is wüíat N:Cliloias Milller claims to have Ihiurt Mimoeüf o,n Jlan,. 2:). '87, whikih ilald Mlm nip tor taa weeks for which lie ivas sued tjie clöy cMmtoiig $t',000 dairuag'es. Judge Lam,e gia'e tilid Y. M. C. A. cïaea ane oí titae best talks llfc han yel liad, on ilondíiy evwiitti}? raat.. G. Pnaník AltoieridiJmg'eT wffll give t.le next piwctllal talk u.pon "Thü MO'Jeru F:o,iiTinnr Mili." Mr,. S-arali Bakr, who xed i Aam Arbo,r tO'nTn, dlíed an Sanday, a(t tile age oí 85 yeaiPs. Fuueraï ser. ■tteee were lneHd yesterday, aiiid the ïKunaiina iíutieriied tai tliO city cemeteiy, No,rtlhei'(ia. Slue leiares iapi. iiy. Edison WetJiíen-ibe'e, wihiOi brousht sivit agaiünst tltae M. C. R. E. for.damagieH aecived a,t thia overtiead bridge on Beakiee st.., aniel wdiöoh vras decided agadnst Hm in Juidgie Caipieinter's court at Detroñt, has noiw íiljed a rtaitn ngaBost thie city for $5,000 doniaig.e. Ou Friday nigJht laet Lyirna-n Hull, an oíd solditer froto BoynO Cilty, who oaime ihene wiltli hits wïfe who went to tlie Ho&pltial: for treaitmemt, was held up aiiid íobbed ai aibowt' $40. Aftier 'tnkihg hiis wife to Hospital, Lyman, carne dowiv torwn and IMed up on bud.ei, wltíh thO aVcwe resulft. The polifcei madei aa a-rrest on euSpibiioTi. OnFiWa.y Laet, Dec. 10, dieath carne ■to 5Ire. Amia Haimiíitcn, at lnnv rs. ídenoe No. 15 S. TtWayer Bt. Mrs. H'ami'1'.t.on died of oíd aOe, ha-s-iing passed hier 82d veair. She vas tlie motlhier oí Misa M'ary L. H'aooiCton of itíhÍB cilt-y ; A'Jex. H'amjllton., of Chicago ; arad Joel Hamiflton, of Xe'v Mí'xwo. SI had rasi'ded ia the city i gneat mian-y years, and was hiigthl'y ir.espec.ted by ivlio knew her. Tbe irelmladinB were taiken tío the AVordn cftniettry for intermont,. At 'the reguüaT nveet&ots ' tta schtootJb oard lBit eveinini? a leave oí .abseocO Poír t.he baflance oí the school yieiar was grarfted Misa AbWe Pond, eeiftatioai teaclhier im the Gi-am.mar Sclhool, om half pay, beoauas of illïiees. Mie. CJara G. Plymptfoiu, will tüatoe Miss Pond's plince ; Miss Dicken will assnme Mrs. Plympitom's dutïes as prlbcipai.1 oí tina lst -tt-ard scliool ; JIili-s Vo'.tiaad tiakes Miss Dickein's itoiOlm. and Miiss Altexander will take M:f-s Yollnnd's p-laoe as asslstant i:i ".Sip at wta.rd soluo.oc. Joseph E. Gaffe, of PiiütefLeilid, was ïi.liivi nea.r hfe home a.t Pitt. flld Jnnctóo.n last suimmer, w'hien the w.ago.n wbetíb weet toto1 a that t'bnew hi'm off aad iixjmpad himi eo .tliiat he wiae iaid wp íor a táme. He bronigWt snit agaílisD th town luid Ib too'k thiree diayfl to try it. DawreiDCo & BvutiteríWjd were Gage's at. tonneya anid Framk Jones appeared for tune, towia. Oa Juryiuan teffl ÍU befone 'tkhie case enided. aind tSue íhiai décteHon wiae reached witlh bur eJeren wluo ga.yie a jmdgroejnit O'f $250 agai'nst IWe town because of the bad road. Yon fío tyood roads a-re leffl expantííwe, alter a.X An luinsiKil oase camo up ii tlvo oiircnit court Friday. It pertiiK t!nl MaiítSlIa Fin.mii;:iG;, a. colon-e1! woMan, áppllsd For a divo-rcei Hiere, in tMs eiirerft, a ral bor aittoraey served a BtUnuntunB oai ttoe buribaüd, Wm, Flieimmihs'. who was liviniï la 1 . - troilt. The oQd darkiei studied over 'ilv:' iM.n'ai docunuiemb very hiaird a.nd iiially comcluded it jmea-nt that im'-í w)! had oíbliaülniad a dlvorce. "When he carne to con' -a. ttosne was gpeait rejolcing Ín Ms lwai't. His( heiefjs oracked toKogiefher a juibülee, arad he did not let tibe gTteas griow h:M Seet -iwitii t-ie lid noO'ther wii:ei. Judge Kinne evklenlttB' t.hoiiKht it M-ould be too bad 'tto y Wmi'a cwp oí' hon.ey, and Bo he grantfed; t(he diit)Tce. Tbe Spirit! of '76, the periódica! is. sioed 'iln tibe Interest oí the varioms eocfleftllKS oí the ReAioCiDtion, is a vevy Sntterestiing journal. ThO December V.siiñ íb chí Uoeal imite-rest ïrom the fact ■that Tt corntadlna a f bine portrait of Mrs. ElSaabetJi A. Eaithbone, orne oí ■tibe beet known and most hiUhly esitleeimed lladies of Anw Ai'bor. Mrs. KiatiWboue 1b presiden oí the, Boqit'ty oí OofjonShl Dames of America for MfcMgam. Mra. Raitlilmm la also ia i egemiï ío.r MitíhBgiaav of the Maant Verman Society. The samo muí oí tttue DuagBaltaB ooiivtains a ïine port. nalt of ex-Senuator Thios. W. Pal oí He't,roiit. who te preeiaennt of tlie MttfcMfean Sonfl oí the Am'M-i';vn B "AilS'oa. W'ilh tibe varilouB suirts íijl agraiast 'he clity da.inagies, ilb looks as tlJ.ougli the city attorraey woudd woniedluing to do to tabe cax oí t'h'e city's ilrates'ests. Our streets are ' t a vpr.v bad oaadllttoa in many fflaoes, avud lib ifj nof at all Lmprabalyl'e t'hait nuore eufiit foir damages jiciy be brougTiil at! my tijmiet I' ttelleOid lías jiist balan sajited $250 far a had roatL. Ai til' Insta 'Mtt'joa at oiftoecs by J'oe!T. Jaco'bscamp S. o; V., Manda y i.ü'iibi, Híijigsterfeí appeared wSttti a feapt tor tftie 1oys, to wMch aCl pres. en)t did .■liiiLivL'i; Jutoe. the ta-c ,.]n.i ]..-i j. x. 3 - w.i.s made toastrnaster, and respoosee by Paut Capta'.n C. M. S: - ;is, Capt. V'. It. Krapf, Is Si-ï'i .Jola ij. Ocxs, Dapurty Q. M. 6erg't E. C, Krap;, O. V. CoaAs, ..n 1 E. 3. Boek '.'.: Au oncowaging letter was refluí fi-oun. Col. H. E. Cowl:n. It ivas a happy occas


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Ann Arbor Courier