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The Grass Latoe News .' Dec. LI, lius a Uut oi tihree caluaans ol de .1! lieaiU. The faiani'v's institute wi'lï be lielJ ju Sa lm eome tisie In January. Tliie State Tol-eirhouo ÍB beltlg exil Brotm sr.oia to Dr. Walkw's ;iinl noin t'r.-oru on to Worden's. D. A. Bmiaett, who has been l tthe I. S. K'y u Sai'jna tar 14 yeairs, lias beesn transferred to. Tpsi).anii. Clws. A. Snwiüi. wii.v (U'.'il at hls hOmie ia York 011 De.c. 2, wns boin : New Ycr.k Jan. 4. 1825, and cafm ■' coumity to 1848, Bïtöng od fa vin om whích lie passad ílie rematoiler ai hte d.i ,ys. Charles Gay, wlio lias baem ill wltih neretíte, for soima tiie, (lied at hls home Ja Milán Sattiurday. He AVas a ínmi pea'haps 37 yiears ol ag menrt in his lióme He leaves a wiilow fouit mo childneiu. The Balilne Creamiery soiHl duriuu ilioimicttith of NoYmiber 7,552 pomada oii tourtier ealMng $1,682.38. It aleo sold 490 gallóme oí buibtenmilk, whtoü O8ited the, (3.19. Evwyttóng :is in a pTo-ierous condition. Ai tune aamuinQ mieetdmg oí the Salean Panmieir'e cíab fflsa üollowlng ol wene eletíted : Herbert -Smitüi. pres. ; CíLas. Ooldion, Ís; rdoe )iru-iáenlt : W. B. ühompsom, 2d v4ae pres. I ; Jota Muinn, recordlng ; Henry B. Hooper, corie-poniL secntítary ; Wn Stambrov treaa. m-er. A gireaí daafl oí fault 53 betog IcwhmJ wtktli t'he eoumty di-aini ni east Brldgewlater. It fe ujaámiad the "work is not properay doaue and a grea deal iiaitaiishied. The amicramfc toi be coftDected for draila Is $941 a.nd property owmers sa,y tJiey aire wKDSng to pay, ibub Tvifeh tüie work danie, and tha.t propea'i'y. - Enêrprle. Ths 1-egiiQar eleotiioa ,cví ofíicers of SaJJnsF. & A. M. iieeolted as ío'lloiws: W. N. Ltsrtr, W. M.; A. H, Howard. S. W.; Giearge S. NtoaQy, J. W.; A.' C. Cia-rk, Trensuirer : C. N. Hmv, &eci-xtla.ry ; A. J. Waanaii, S. D.: G. C. Townsend, -J. D.: X.. M. Tirona and F. D. Fcrd, Stewards; W. N. Bnarnard, Tiísr. The subscribers of thO pw t-elepl one exclaaige are becoming1 eomeKtbat out Oif patdeaice. Theiir contnacts are tha.t tlng 'phdaes eha;l be :ji iwiarklfag oder by December oue, ajid tjiey luiMe motb ye been shïpped li'Oím Det,ro.i't. ïilust ba terrilblV Swmb.- SaMme Observer. Helio tíbere.' Buít -n-ie forgot. Tdiet-e íb 'ao Ivelio tüiiere. ' OJJvie ïxxjge No. 16"), F. f A. .'M.. CtaeCisaa , "elecled the ■followita of i - eis at tlnei'r ainmiuaü'niieeitling : W. M.- Gie'ö"gO AVard ; Í?. W.- Jo.lrni B. Cote : ,T. "V.- J. Webster ; Bec'.v- J. D. Bdtmaihiaain ; Treasnrer- H. S. HMmies ; S. D.- E. B. Waltrous : J D.- O. T. Hcwmer ; Stewards- H. H ATery and A. E. Wtoams ; AV B. SoioaniiBr. At tSie aimiail nii?et:ivg' o'. MerJ llai cli:np:;ei Xo. 4S K. A. M., Manch tihe ojlowing oftioers were lected H. P.- Mart I). Blosaer : K.- ('. W O.ifeo ; S.- 1". E. Spaïard; C. oí H.- H. Ca.ïvoran ; P. S.-T. B. l'.:i :■'..■ y ; B A. C- Wübur Stoort ; M. 31 V.- Fre H. Blo-ser ; M. 2d V.- A. .1. Ixxvf M. la: V.- A. IJ. Y'oeum ; Tieafe.- (i. .T. H'aeujseüeir ; Sec'y- C. .T. Eobi Bdn ; SemtLnel - S. Hainuuon. At a ïeguOaii' eouiiimuoiii-catiioia o Maiiich'esteir Dodge JSto. 48, F. & A. M., lneld last week, the iollowtag ofii wiic Gieeted : W. M.- (T. B. Bailey; S. W.- Enan Esseity ; J. W.- Fred H. BCoeser; Sec.- C. J. Robison ; Treas. -E. W. Oaee ; 6. D.- F. M, Freom.a,n; J. ü.-F. Ij. "Woaver ; Stewards- M. HindieKhoD and Jay D. Co.ey ; ög am Ut-C. W. Caise'; Chaplahi- Mat D. BJOjSer ; Tíler- Í?. Hanimon. At -a iecEJvt teaöhsr'a exarntoatioa iliiaftd ia tili'is coumty tliere was givien au exannpOï tfiuat ,baa dowined many wi,o tua-vB ior years prided theooBeOves I ha i tlhe boo'k coatiatoed nothiaig that -tïïey coulM. aot woric, llla beeai compAted to quietly eay, llI oaa't." ïüie prtoUBeim trams titos : Tlïe dividend 18 2,047,346 ; tbe quiottemt is 245; the Ie 2,645 lesa tÍKUi the divoi or. Flnd titea (livisor.- S iliac Ob. server. - ■'id;iy tJ.f Aun APbar raiüroad a'uiiiovied ilhie baüuunce o;" ilie ï, toofe dowin .tibe target, arad removed the 'solg'MHl a,t ï.htó Lake Bhone depot, ;iu.i i ïaeaii-by now presemts töie appaairauce oí desoOation. The Lilm;a Northern is running traína b ;'w lili iih oid depot and Trenton, dalïy, "uï tüieir aeiw sectioa ckI io.h] isaeady tor, 'wtheni UraJaw wï.l run w. amd from A. A. depot. - Dumdee lío.porter. Di-. ïhomas F. Moran o Pordae UmSvensiity, Lul'ayeite, Iud.. b&e Keaieiouisi--y aïfered 10 comie to Mamefhester, and de.Uver hi).-s lectare on Benedlct 'Annio.ld, lo.r tlïe ben-eiitt of tlve plaao iuinid of btgh Bchoolt, on l'ijilay evieniing, Iec. 17. He s'Lied tihie soeuiie and a special -ni-ily ií Anioiil's ireason. The leciw.i: wül bö illustnitod by stereopwb a.nd om ni y cxpect a iSnrtclaas enterbaiiniment, - EnH'iprfee. l Ttoe W. E. C. oi Manchester electo.l tino ï'o.luwiiii! offioers : Pres.- Mei .i-s.i S. Hall ; S. V. Pres.- Nellíe R. Öbmagöaan-; ,1. V. Pree. - Ma.ry J. Teetier; AvTreas.- Suisaai, .1. Eafby ; tíec. - Lízzi ■ Naval ; Cha.p.- Lizzie J. WhitDOre ; Cotnd. - 1-a.nná-; L.. Howard ; Guiard- Amia E. Eoee ; iDel'egate to (lepai-tímieait cotiMenliion- Lizzio Nasli ; Altiyiaiatc- Eiuály Farrell ; InstalUu, (i]i;.-.e: - Ili'k-n Browm. Insta llatiou wdïl ttake placa the ïiret Tuesday ii Janvüairy. The quiestitou oí who efrruek BiHj no weiglït wiith Cliaf-' E. l'attcrsoiii shica liis little dauglito carne 'ast Sunúaiy. Xlbo wi'iiib o tlie lit-tle lady vas 7 1-2 Ib-., bu Oharife ihiiiks the weight is nothiiv t'lnc waüt -tliey ha,d beíore .-b ■ io bfess tliei1;' borne. - MHai Leader.- Charlte lia no strut'k the li'g-lit Viailt yet. Let hita walt unit lio paces tlie, floro all wlrth toe wfebt iuif liis arras ai ' c'hivd cryiing in tlie nlght ; a ehiWl wllth Cbe n'":!t', wlfch no langtuagie but a cry." Tliic rnl'cd Fafende oí Michigan ei3Cted tllue follo'wíbig oííiüei-s it landhijstien- lar tlie colmá.ig ya.r : Coiiv.- 3G. S. Hia-gamiaui ; Xtoe Com.- Clmw. Kiieil.ttiier ; Sec 'y- Jni AVuertlliaier ; Ti,e:iií.- Wm. H. Letor ; Preüute- M. Fl-'k ; MarshBt- M. M. Fisk ; War. lea-Jolhn Hoilieaistel1!! ; Guard- Jacob ICalirntoachi; Sointa-y- Jalm, SchooppOer ; Ex.- Dr. C. F. Kapp ; Tmetees- C. Berjlmore ,Jacoib Bclmmia-cttier, B. A torens ; Depnlty OrgtMnlïer- Kallev ; Jani'tor- Miv. M. Ffcík. Tbs ftoCSÓwHag officere were elecbed art. tibe auimuial nveetSjg 'a; Come, ook Post, i. A. li.. 'Ma.iH.-liiestieir : Cainmtinder- T. F. BubMbo, ; S. V. Cam.D. M. Burcli ; J. V. Gam - Hiry KitwsMioier; Barganlt- M. N. Hough; CbajyiBDni- J. E. Teöter ; O.Ticer of i iu dsa.v- .Toli'n ilomt ; Quew-termas. wr- Jas. KeMey ; AdjiiKarnt- It. M. Teertier ; Oilfcer of t'.ie (Uanl-A. A. Sfcrfogttiam ; Deüeg: t.o Dep'c eaoa.mipm.reitit o be lucid at Port Hmraa, .lint.' 1898- J. E, Teeter : Altérnate - ü'tebard Dcker. TSmicmllii.v Smi'h, i-ouaity drair.i eommJ)36om)8r oí Ubis camnty, has created a bad iikhMvi by Bab obse-vvJni ■ iiv In .uil. i.i re3xd t i fa-!' let. tiSni.? toí ti':ie draiu contract. H adyiertdsed to let the job of cleandiog ooit tibie Cadar dr.iSn by Bections, but nm illiii. flav of tobtanK reiuaed bo cel) blds by seetJttns, and '&b ttie job as a wlw&e. ThO tax amouintel to oner $13,000 and libe board of sup?mil-ors ítíused to order it spread. The Sttpreimie Oourt decisión says: 'WlustD tiie icttitiis lias been adver(i-ied in sectiojM t.!ii&re Bbouid at least te a.n olfer to tot ib in, eections beviore 3c. is lt as an entiirp&ty." the oldest piem ix avashtenaw: Tlue Ibajikuig riirai of It. Kenipï & Bröüï&r ai Chieisea, Jltoh., wiH incorpórate undex tllue Geoi' Banking Da we of itoe Sta,te of ill&liiga.n aboui Jan. 1, 1898. 'Thie BHock of tilia :iv bajik is ïimfy all tialkien, only a, smaljl portiiou heling atHl a-viaSlalile tor special frioiuis o! llhis ne-sv bank. Tl Messrs. II. Kömipl & Bro. e.iinc toi OheCBea ia ilhe viear 1SÖ2 betog tiioa yomiff men, .i.iiil li,a-ne baen co,nitouioudjy in bu-iiiiess i'rom tllïat date vsaW tlue present ■. Dturinig tlhese yars tteey have aiwayé (uitred to ilieir motto oi "stiritetGly 'hicniest tleallirurs vith all, oitl ar youmg, rtoli) or pooi-." Few bueliaeBS touees lianei enjoped to a iwr degree tllie coiniMence and es. xrvrn -ai tUie pailtíliie. That tlioy hare been om'meii.tiliy suiccessfuil in all t-foeir bossllows viiivt-ures goies wtBho.ut con■t'img. ■ The Kempl Brothei-s have the Iotas. esl bmsincss record oí any business .liaiiso tu Waahteaaw wunly. tC Tlniiirk of ili! A lifetimio anti it l!a ontiy bending to the Inevitable afte;iJü1- lupse oï tiane Iflïat has iiiduced !,lu' KHrinpf.s io argiaiiDÜze üiader the Etia.te Jaw. A buBÍlnieBa suoli1 as R. KJeaxupI & Bro. haTO huitíh xip shoiild it oicnse "wthh Uhe deatn oí eJither ral i hemi. Tli deellre to perpetúate t,li!' hICWUSe without inlornipi ioa ia erase of tilie doat.h of elifcher ia the reafou tüat tliay ha-ve eomseati'l to d Tdide wlUhi ofcliiar equnïly responsible ■iiinl 'truBtworthy partl'eB :i bueïaees btmonafMe as we'.l as proObablei.-


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Ann Arbor Courier