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Our Business Firms

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There are íew firma, eapeclajly iu the foakery and grocery Une, tha.t cau boast oí tliirty successful business. Bat Rinsey & Sea bolt, oí E, Washington st., can do tha.t very rtiing. Tliere Tvere íew business buildings on fthíat Street) w'hen this iirm coimmenoed there fia 1867. ín fact the firm they boiught, out, Goodale & Henley, were pioneers for Washing. ton st. The combitajatlon o: the abllities o: tírese two men, David Rinsey and Moses SeaboH made a happy one for business. Prerioois to into t'l,ispirtni?rship Mr. Rin ey had clerk. ed a numbeír oí years, for L. R. SlaKv. son, wlio at one time oarrled on the clilieí grocery of the city in the build. ing oppoelte tho Cook House, where Giiipar Riinsey aoiw liolds iorth. Mr. Seiabolt bad been wllth Wm. Sinclair in tlifi reninsmllai1 Mills, ;or fourteen ears, and botli wre well known in the cfty. Mr. Rinseyi p-oesessed the facultiy aaid diBpoeltioo to attend to ttoe boo'ks, and kep the accounts collected up, and alsd to ss3 to the stock. Mr., ivlth liis genial dlspoeltion and kind-heartedness brought custom and rebadned ir, and so they have yene on never missing a yeair tluat did n,ot add to tlieir income,. Starting out -n-ith no help but a baker, thy ilow employ severa men t.o hielp carry on the business, but tlhe oversighfc andi attention to tfcue details has never been surrender. ed tw otUier hands. Thait they giVe tlneir personal a.ttention to. (Thie building in whlch they otriginall.v st.rted becaime tao email for fhieir use ia 1876, sa ib was torn down, soeie 12 fee of laad added to the site on the east, a.nd the present doublé stoire erected. Tlifa, witih the bakery fa tibe rear has giren them cammodilous quarters. Iu 1881 fire Tiflibed the store and gave the contenta a pretby warm tilme, but tbe incident was not ajlowed Vo int-erfere ta any extent -vith tihötr trade as they kept serving tlieir customers wihdie the insui-ance agenta wföre yet adjustling tho losses. ■Tlie finn has had a greab deal of tra de Avitfli tlie ia.rnaers, gardners and ruit growers about Ama Arbor, and i:ivc pro'ba.bly sold more produce íor them thian aay oither iirm, in the sounty. The tobal business of the iriu luas írequeiiAllj' run up to $75,. 000 oir $80,000 per year. 'ïliere luas been a great change in prïees slmeewe have been In trnde," emuarked Mr. Seaiboilt, "and we now laTte to ncdl mord tuan doublé the uiuount Off goods to realize the saime proittt ilnut was formierly made. Vorkmiem compliaïa oí lower wages, Tuit judgtng by tJliiö lofweir prices at whi'ch w sell evtvi-ytliing, they eau proctire more iiow tluan they could W'ïth their salaries Oij "che past." Mr. Seabolt ím nat, cxactly a naHiitive oí Aan Arbor, 'buit ba cauie bei'e in 1S37, "whau lie was only six inontihs oíd, so he can a.lmost clalftn tio'be a, mativo. He was bora ín Baden, Geraiiany, lwnw-ever. Tliere are iaw peiople living in this county tio-day wlio oan boast of sixty years residniee luere. Mr. Rinseiy has lived liere since 1854, and lays claim to böüig a pioneer d(lso. Th Hrm has íílwaiys been liberal in everytlhing. If a Bcheaae has ever ■been suggested to help along the city Iïünseiy & Seabol't have been oimong (Conti nued on 8th Page.) IR BUSINESS FIRMS Conituned from lát PagaM tüie first to pub down tlieir miuoand appositie it t-licre 'wais sure to be a liberal aimouau. Tlioir money has pane int o every stoík eompany tlra.t li.'.s beetn fonrmed tar A mi Arbor man. uifactcries or enterprises. Mr. Sea. lxlt lias rrot ouly put his money but ]jí-í time in furthering1 niany of these projecte. The wrlter especiaüy re meníbers Ms services ia Bbartlng the Aun AiJbor School of Musie, and putting the institution upon a fina íoundation. And this school, though still Ín it infancy, Avill yet be one of the proud imstitutioiis oí Ann Artior, and the greatest niusioal college In the gieat vresteni sfrates. Mr. Seaibolt is a stockhoilder in mearly evevy bank and taustitution oí the city, a, director in mianyoí them, a,nd a vestrynian in St. Andrew's church. 'There is more than one poor faniily ■svflio hav had occa.sion. to be grateful fOT tibe liberality of this finn, td-ough such deeds are doae ia a quiet and unostentatious ni;a.nner, nnd wttb a íirm desire that the puib. He liould neex kmow about them. But such things will uofc aUvajs remain unkiiown,


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