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$1.00 a year for DEMOREST'S FAMILY MAGAZINE. The snliscription price of DKBOREST'S s reduced to $1 .00 a ïear. Hdnorest's Family Nagaglne is more Ihan a Fashion Magazine, aiíhougli it K'vt-s the very latest home ïauil f oreigu Juxblf ms rach niiiuth; kuíí,,, ■ -v . t bis la injíyoneuf ita IDEMOkbSTS'-sLi-es. u bas so S FA.11LV JSS vn ng f-ti. eftoh memMArATIlVFl1 er r'he fHinily.for zljLèLihl}rJki very panment of B35B5Múlr Míe hoi.s.-hokl. and ú?i j., i ta vaiieil contento "?! a k i liík ' IU'(' of tlie btRhest 'i#S, grado ]i.kin)ritpreilHB I ÏÏ Í1eL i e '"i n.iii ly. KamJIciBiE.. 'til;;■ Sapizinr of tlic irrV'1' , I Vo rld. h funilslius HBfcJ1:', ItiiH hest thouRhlfi of i íSwsjV1-'1 ;- ; jttie inot. lntereatlng , yi -" -'Sí 'an d motil protfie.sNI y '■--'' ive writers of the legnBjrasaxnnKpj!.'.-,! y , and is ubrest of (BBSSbtKr-.jRiKt tinie in every thing - Art, Literatura, Science, Society Af íairs, Fiction, Household Matters, Sports, etc.,- a single number freqnently coutaining from 200 to 300 engravings, making it tlie MOST COMPLETE AND MOST PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED oftheflKKAT 0NTHL1KS. llcmorest's .ilavazint' Faslilon Department is in every way far ahead oí' tha contained in any other publicatiou. Sabscribers are entitled each month to patternsof the latest íashlonsin woman'saitire, at no cost to them other than that necessary for postageand wrapplng. NO BETTER CHRISTMAS GIFT than a year's subscription to Demorest's Jlag azinecanbe made. By subscrlbing AT ONCE you can get the magazi ne at the reduced price, and will also receive tbe handsome 25-cent Xmas Number with its beautiful panel picture supplement. Bemlt ti. 00 by money order, registered letter or check to the DEMOREST PUBLISHING CO , 11O Flfth Ave., New York City GREAT SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFER FOR PROMPT SUBSCBIPTIONS. ONLY $1 5O FOR TIIK ANN AUBOK C0ÜB1ER and Hcmorest's Family Magazine. cnd Snbscription to thisjOfflcp. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY GROCERY. FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACK ERS, CAKES, etc, for wholesale and retail trade. We shall also keep asuDpivof STVIFT & DEUBErS BEST White Wheat Flour OSBORN'S GOLD DÜST FLOUR, BÜCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL. FEED, etc. at Wholesale and retail. Ageueral stock of GEOCEBIES ano PROVISIÜW Constantly on hand, whlch wlll be sold 011 reasonable Uerms as at any othnr house in th city. Cash paid for BUTTER, EGGS, auc COUNTRY PRODUCE frenerally. Goods de liyered to auy part of the city without estr charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Schedule of Teachers' Exarainations. The recular examinatii'o'na for all grades will be hfild at Ann ArboT the taiird Thursday and Friday oï AuBust 1897, aad the last Thursday . and Friday oí Marohj 1898. Examiaiatloiis for seeond and third grade at Ypsilantl the thlrd Tüursday and Priday O[ Ootober 1897, and at Ana Albor -t3xe tnird TJwirsday and Friday of June 1898. Special examlnatiffins íor third grade only at SaJlne tüve ttlTd Friday oï September '97. W. N. IJSTER, i Go'mmlssHlolner. The Surprise of All- Mr. Ja mies Jones, oí the drug firrrn ai Jones &Son, Cowdwi, til., in tipeak. Ing of Dr. ICing's New Disooviery, says that Kast wfoter his -viie was attack. el witn La Grippe, amd lier case ;rew so serious that physiciaais at Cowdeo and Paaia coiiild do nothüng ior her. It eeeïaed to devetop itoto Hasty öonsutmption. Having Dr. King's New Discoery in store, and eeiling l'ots af it, lie took a bottle home, and to tJie euirprisa df all slie bagan t giet from firsb dase, and half a dozen dalflar battlea cui'ed her eoumd and weül. Dr. ICüig's New DJËoOTiery ior Consiumption, Coughs Cojds is guiaranteed to do this good work. Try ït. Pree bottites at Etnei-ttach and Son's Drug Sttore. Extiingufehed.- "Yes, sir. I approaclued liim wllth iire In my eye.". "Wliiat did hie do?" 'Puit mie out."- PMiadelphd'a North Airmerloan. ■ ■■ Book on Diseases of Horses. Boak on diseases of horses, cattle, sheep, doga, liogs and pouïtry maild free by addresslmg Hump'hreys' Vetenijiary Specifica, cor. Wiffliam and John. 8ts., New York.


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