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A Mei-ry Chrisrtimias tia .'lili, and to all a good tirae. Fred ■Weinibeng's ice skating rink is all rigM aaid ready lor business. The Aoin Arbor Agricultural Campany holds ibs annual meeting Jan. 4Uh.Thie Geiodyear Drug Co. lias liad Une Shwv wilmdows tlhat have attracted hje passers by. The snow storm of last Friday Mas given tlie past week a real holitay (ppeaa-amcèi. 'M. VV. Guy, a cotared man, has teen ctuosen orator of the senior clara of thie high school. The mitesion Suinday Schoo'li of the 3d ward had a nice Christimas entertoiMmeiït last Friday afternoon. A pair otf pure white, lanr-tail doves have been received by Miaster Harry Colliiis irom an a,unb in Denver, Col. The Sunday Scbool childreni of St. Andrew's church wffl be giveii their Christtanas tree on Friday aítemoon, at Ha.ri-is HalU. On Frid'ay oveiaing, at the M. E. ctareh parlors, tJiere will be a suppier gitvn t tttiö memibers af the M. E. Bumidiay ScOiöol. . The Chxistmias Festival oif the Ger. mian M. E. church a.nd Sunday Schood, occurs a-t the church, on the evening df Dec. 25, Clw-istimias Da.y. The lire department wias called out Sunday veiling by the burning of an oíd shed on Jliller ave. The blaze was quite a born-fire, but no Jaimage ■ias dañe. Mack & Oo's -windows been ort oí horsesho-e nuaginielts for peopie's dyes ttoe past week.. Those wihfo Iva-re bean; there liave enjolyed tlhie displ'ay. i Myran H. French, a íormer city ■recorder of Ann. Arbor, is now a candidate for congress before tlie next republiean conven tion oï the lOtli disteict. He livies at West Branch. States prisoin would be altogether too good a place ïor the raseals who wien't i'nto the orclrard of Peter G-allatiaai, on Cieddes ave., one nighb last vvieök, and cuit down or destroyed liis peach trees. Xu -tJie oase oí John SUadford vs the Anm Arbor Street R'y, which was on trial last woeik, Mr. Sawyer made ■viery ablo, eifective aaid eïïecting plea. .The jury buought in a verdict of $7,000 in his client's iavpr. The case will be taken to the supremo court. YoiU musb not forget to iinspect our aOirtmiemit of Hoildiay Goods. lÏALLER'S FURNITURE STORE, 112, 114, 116 East, Liiberty st. 2w ffhe Junior . Auxilia ry oí St. Andi-elw's cliureh mía de over $50 by i-te üo-51's Fair a.fc Harria Hall last Fridíay. Tlie tliermiometer took a tumble last Suimlay maming and went down to 8 deg. -below zero. The l'ields veré all oovered with snow, ji'OwieveT, much to theïr benefit. Tlier iwlll be a Christmas devotlomal eei-vice at 10:30 o'clock on Clnisttaas miaiii,Lng in th-e tecture room of thíe Presbyterüaji chuveh, in wlhílcli ■viariO'us churches ol the city wiilll üodtet Th Aun Arbor E. K. bias been aeked through the courte, liaad over $50,000 t o Elija h J. Cadkiius, as alleged damages tO' hia íiamc while atlömptüing to geit off 'a train a.t Owos■so Juinctiiton on Oct. 28. Let the snonv and elueli ramiain on jout sidewadk lomg enough aad it w'ill be pacbed tío liaird thait yooi ean't reaacn-e it. Whyí do unneeessary -n-ork ? Clean sidewalks would be too aristocratie any way. Tlie foirce at the poet office are up to thelr eyes ia business nmv. The ].oliday packagee are la their gloi-y. Most people are makinfí Bure oí the deliTOry oin tkne and are having spe. c-ial delivery stamps placed tliereon. Duiríng tlús week the dlays aire the shortest oí the j'ear. Those who bedieve tíhiat wheii the d!aiys begin to tmgtlhen, the c ld begins to strengthen, -will sqe thiati the coal bins (we illed, and t!he wood piles ia good arm. It tbeut the llth oí "ícveiniber last, a bilí for divoree was fïled in the circuit) court of Wayne coimty, by Fred Besimer, by her attorney Levi T. ttriffln. This -vvill Je a surprise to soine here, to others nat. !The Daïly Tiines oallsi ioir the eufarcamenit af the cifcyj ordinance relativo to' cteaöing the: snow fronip the walks. Hoiw aibsuT-d ! Ask our tiiiwiins to ?efc ouit ia the cold or slusli and work ! Such a thing woould be terrible ! Jo'hn W. Cmvan, whoi liad been a sufferer for sanie time witli paralysis, died & few days siace was buiried Satuirday, fram tilie hoane of John Forahee, af the Jiorthside, in termen t beiiig in tlie cemetery' afc Dixboro'i He was 43 yeians alid. At the annual election of the Farmwe & Mecliianits Baak, the lollowing dïnectore were ebosen : G. lrank All(nïeaad'tnger, Junius E. Böal, Wm. F. Breaköy, Cluarles E. Greene, Amibrote Keanoeö', Keuben Kemp f, D. F ick Schuiner, Wm. C. Stevens a.ud Oliver M. Martin. Fred "Weiiiiuiaim, ivlw luud u suit in the circuit co'urb last week, and recovered $12 from A,aton Teufel for au 'alEeged blow om tliie head AvJtli a bajue, 'lúas gane insane again, ajul ,'Jkhs been üO'nüneü Ín tJie Jall, previous to being returned tO' the Pontiac aoyïnim.. ''A Iioumd of BLrthdays," by Prescott Baiiley Bu11, illustraited by Eleanor "Wi'tlhey Willaird, published amd sent out by Tlio Michigan Trust Ca., Graad Baipids, fa a handsomo Christiw.xh Bo.ok, and a credit to tho enter. pi'ising iiiin w'hieli remerubers ita frleawie every Christimias in this maoaer. Tlte aanuail meeting o;f the Washtenan' JIuituail Ins. Co., wi'll be hield in tlids city, 3a.ii. 12 th. It is understio.od tltat au attermpt willl bo made to mato a chianga oí officials In the iaxtoi'est o.f soniíe loases tlïat the pree. ent board rerafia to ailow, beeause o.i a vitoliation of 'cine rules of the oüinpamjy. Ch-esterE. Boind, of Hoiyoke, Mass., dieU ow Sunday last. Mrs. Bond is absent in GeoirgLa with, her daughter MLss Maud, who is In henil h, leaving thiree ot t!he children here, who aro attendlng school. The oldeet daughter, Miss Cecile, lelt Monda y Ior the easti to attemd the funeral oi hor father. Wuz thinkin' o' sometbiug to give her Looked over the store - Kvery Klielf, Bilt nutbin' seerned right In the day er the nlgbt, Solsays: "I'll jnst givelier mysolf." So I hought me a pen for to wrlte, An1 oftered myself in a letter; But lier answer was thls (wuzn't sealed vvith h kiss) : "Dear John, can't 5 ou find nothin' better?" ï Mills ships trom 1,500 tö 2,00'CT Tbs oí mílk ovwy moming ix t 11 wondemsing iacbory at HoweU. The Hurei i'i'ver has commieaiced emieTsi'ng tlie sfcaters agaia. Ifc is abo'ut timie that etream chranicled uDio'ülmr vittim. Ib haa been same moaithe Morv gmcia ití xas claimed a lïuimian l'iíev Lewfe Kuirtz, wlio was brought-bt!faiie tine ci'rcuiit courti and fijaed for seflling ltquoi.1 at illegal Iwur, has been arreábed again tor keeping opeu aiter the timie to clO3e up. The judgc iJs no'b usually leni-ent on the set'Omid oifemse. Toledo papare liave a notice oí the iruari'üagö in thiaö city,' on Dee. 16, oí Olías. L. Esslinger, eldest som of Mr. and Mrs. Fred; Esslinger of t-liis ci'ty, tio Mlss Fi'ederilaa; Rentschler, o.lso oií thia cifcy. The ait'air was quite a ■ surprise to the friends of the youaig couplo. Thi-s is the weols Oí the Christrauas rxush, and the rmerchvnts haive b?en en Mand wlth smiling iaces and plenty olí aissistiainice to attend to the wants ai all. The welaher bafi iiot been tlve vei-y best, but the merchatats tlll uí5 tluat trade has been very good, notwithstonding,. Th-e departmiemt has put a stop to missing word and missing letter contesta wlüeh are conducted by puMishiers to thelr subscriptions. All newspapers and peii. odicals eontiaining advertisements oi this charoeter are iorbidden. trans'mlssio&i tlirough the mails. Tliere Aviül be a celebratioa oi tlie Hdy Conuiuiuniioai at St. Andrew's c buren on Chrisfcmias moming, ait 6:30 ocloek, and agadii ati 10:30 witlh eeronon.. The offertory at boti. eer. vloee Svill be devo'ted to a most noble purpoae. th support oí the aged and iailiPm clergy and their families. At Sfc. Tho'm'as' chmrch on Cliriutimas daiy thre wiill be services ait 6, 8 and 10 o'clock ai. m., and at 7:30 p. m. SolenMi hiigtn mass will be said ait tlhO iirst aeirrtce. The o-fferiaigá at all the services "vill be devoted to the buiiMLng iund lor the aimv clnu-ch. Jlay they b& bountl. ilul. Fiar ttie third timie Blleax Masom has applisd to the circuit court for didHKurce fïoim her husband W'illkim, chargüng noii-support. ThO two prevloius t.iin&s ehO hos relemtd and gone back to hilm, now slie has added to the ether offenses that of beatilng her, ajid slhe willl probably not withdraw tJhis time. Among the man'y handsome Avindiaws of ouir mierehajnitis, one tbat has attnacted Imiore thiao an ordinary atmount of a.ttntion hias been that oí liugeme E. Baal's ehioe store. Itü ixypreseints considerable work, good taste, land a fina ílsplay di goods. Ifc is the univiersal expresslou thaít it tabes ttoe prize. Iï $ou are in a hurry toihave your Ohristimias pacfcages deCLivered, the proper tlliiing to do Í8 to put a 10 cent detivery stanip therean. If you waait to know whether your packago was received a11 righit, then, registier the same amdi y-ooi wiil have a receipt ret-urned to you ïronu ttie iperso'ji Lt was sent) 1a. Jacob Weil, oí Chicago, who lived liere as ai boy, aoid whose fat-her once pan a t-annery ín tlie building niow occuipied by tha Elecbric Light Co., comimutted suicide lasb lriday. He' was 52 yeairs old uiad ïiinancial reversos, togetlier wiith a son's onis. fortune 9a becamiing deranged in mlilnd, the cause aissigaed ion' the lor the deed. The t'Ottial numlber of deoiths reported in WashteniaiW coumtiy ion1 the niouth o. Novemlbeir, was él oi wliijli 4 wre fiiom coansiumptiom, 1 tiyphoid feer, 1 ciicup, é pMeumauia, 1 diarr'h-eal diseaae, 1 cere"brt)-spinal meiiigitls, wJiicli arO tenned "important' in.ectiaus diseases." Tlie rate torth-e moiiith was 12 per 1,000 inhabitants. AnE excellent recoird. Arrangeinemts are aibooit complete ior the jolmt debat-e betweea Lyceum No. 1 df itlie An-ii Arbor High .School and tlie House ai Iiepresentiaiivci, Detroit High School, iwhioh wlll be liefiid the first eecond Frlday In M-arch. Tlie questüoin lor deibate is: 'Kei-jollved, Thiit tlift luUia-tive and Reserenduoa should be introduced in. to the citjy, co'unty and sba.te ííovernmients oï the United Sb:ites." Ann Artor wiill support tlie ïvegative. It iis with regret we have Ho .anmo'unce the death on Saturday night 1-ast of Adolphus Cra&g Broek, at his homiie on Cbapiai streot, oí consuimptioui. The deceased was idreman for John Bauimgardner, in his marble war'ks, and a miau we.Ul liked. He leaves a viïe aaxd two children. l"he lumeT'al was held yesterday afternoou h-om the house, Rev. J. AV. Binilshaw co.iducting the services. The re. muins were iaterred in Foreat Hi'l ccimietcry. Hu was a meinber ai the A. O. U. W., the Modern Woodmeo und the qoiuinbia.n League Insurance orders. Han f; the lio] Iy berries - Let tbe red namee do; Cheeks fts red is chernes 'Neatta Ibe mist Ie toe : Onlsicle volees on the air: "Christnias comea but ouce a yearl" S'epple bells a-rlngiog Over merry Ihrougs, And the lïdd 3e BiüRiug All the old-time songs] Auü outslde voiQea on tna air: "(Jhristmas comes but once a year!" Ou Sunday next Kev. Mr. Dieterle vil! pro.ich ac the TMnioy Lutheran huren. Ou Tïiursduy eveming next, l)ec. 8a lie -T.V. E. C. wilil givo a so'ci'al at !be Post rooans. C. E. Sperry, treasurer yi Pittsfield vi 1 recie-e taxes a.t ühe county treaeurer's o.íik;e iu Aun Arbo'r, Jain. 7 and 8. 1' is asserted tliait a eoupte of Anm Ai'bor's eiUerprisiug yo'ang men will go to South America before loag, seukLng'for investimnts th,at wHl pay. On 'Wednesdiay evening, Jan. ötli, Oompaniy A wffll höld ite ajinual electlon. Cap't, lst and 2d Lirnts., Secret.ary, Treasurer, and five mem. besói tdie board are to be chosen. Tbe Deigree olí Honor1 lodge, A. O. V. W. being t.lia ladjy ainnes of the arder, in Ann Arbar, lects Mrs. Wolf as ouitside wartch. And the members iud it miglity difficulfc to keep the "Wolf froim the door, though bhere is plenty oi flmoney iu tlie tre-asury.- Adrián Press. Thie Vamdeiii'bLlt linea haive drawn out Oi tase agreement in regard to the 'mileage books and now propose to iSsue a book. of tlheir own, which wlU be good íor transportation Avhen 0 f ered to he conductor. A number 01 roads 'have followed thi3 lead, including the Ann Arixiir K'y, and most af the Michigan liiiesi. The pressure brouglit to bear by the publía has toM in tlhls case. On Tuiesday on" last week, Sarah Alm, wtïite f James J. Parshall, of Ann Artwr towïi, difed at tbeir home on Waslitenaw avie., agOd 61 years, 2 moBitihs and 19 das. The funeral was ïietd at the resMeace an Thursd!ay at 2 opdoek, p. m, Rev. J. M. Geistan conducting the services. Intiefnueint was in Forest Hill cemetery. M re. Parshiadl "wns a womaa who ■vMittl be missed in lier hoane and from amoog lier neighbors, aad the fainUy Wave the deep syimpathy oi all the cotnmuniüy in their sonwv. The Greeác Society craze is aot entiiely cantfméd to college students. There are emiployed i)n, the la.rge fraitennlirtiy lnouses a nu-miber1 of colored fellowe niostly young men, and all of excellanit repuitattone. These have banded togetiher umder1 the tfctle of AlplKa Silg-mia ICaippa, aadl they bear tílie aamie relatlon to the colored society liere tlxat the fratemitles do to Umtversity society. They are the leaders. The A. S. K's have a hall down tovn, hold regular ínitiationd which are said ba be seorchers, and are uip to da.ta Sn everything The GPeefks were (and are) a great peaple.


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Ann Arbor Courier