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Kind Words For Prof. Perry

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The family of tlie late Prof. Perry are n receipt of hundreds of letters, from all over the nation; expressing heartfelt sorrow over his death. Some of these expressions we are permitted to quote, giving brief sentences only, to show in what esteem tliis great educator was held, and how Ann Arbor's loss is a loss to the country : Judge C. B. Grant writes : "ïhere is notbing in his life to regret. He is not dead, but liveth in the hearts of thousands who have been under his infiuence. If ever a man lived of whom it can trutbfully be said "well donegood and faithful servaut" he is that man. I kuow of uo one for whom I have greater respect as a teacher and as a man. E. C. AVarriner, Acting Supt., Saginaw, E. S. I was a member of the High School class of '81 and have regarded him ever sinee as a personal friend. His influence is with rae yet aud always will be. 1 feel a great personal loss in liis death. E. F. Scjiali., Supt., Muscatine, la. He was ahvays such a good friend, such a perfect gentleman, such a highminded man, to have known hiin is a blessing. Miss Taylor, Teacher at Terre Haute. We shall all reinember himwith gratitude and affection for liis faithfulness and wisdom in his respousible oiiice.for his helpfulness in the church and for liis constant kindness as a parishoner and friend. Rev. Wm. H. Ryjder, Andover, Mass. 1 want to say how deeply Mr. Perry's arge circle of school friends mourn his oss. . . . We all feit tliat he was at the head of liis professiou - a master vhere we were all learners, and yet so goud and true a man that his human qualities were never overshadowed by lis professional excellence. Persoually was much with him at institutes and associations and carne to regard liim vith esteem and love, and his death has jeen a great blow to me. Prof. E. S. Stroxg, Ypsilauti. Allow me to express my sorrow at the loss of one so genial ia manner, varm of lieart and so ready to give asistance. . . . The loss is ours whoin ie bound to hirn by so niany acts of dndness. G. G. Speer, Manistee. I shall always feel indebted to Mr. ferry for the interest he took in me hile I was in the High School preparng for college. His noble character a.s in inspiration to all with whoin he ame in contact. I. W. Durfee, Detroit. I shall never forget Mr. Perry's kiudness to me yhen I first entered the High School in '72, a kindness wiiich continued througli all my school life, only to be repeated during ni y childreu's course here for the past four years. MSS.XAYLOB, Ann Arbor. Whatever measure of success I have had during my eleven years of service in the schools I owe to his kind words and wise counsels. Aknie Day Robixson, Aun Arbor. He has gone sooner than he ought. I used to feel when a teacher that an hour's visit with him was worth more to me in the way of inspiration and practical help than any other help I had. Elizahetii P. Colli x, Coldwater. All who knew him as teacher, friend, associate, will feel the loss most keen]}-. As for myself, no citizen in Ann Arbor was ever as dear to me as Prof. Perrv, nul tliis visitation of the Unseen Hand :an not rob us of the hope of meeting lim again. Meanwhile hia infiuence ís vith us all and his beautiful life bids us e like him. Prop F. C. Clark, Coluuibus, Ohio. I have for years known Supt. Perry and have looked up to him as one of the trongest men in the state. To the younger rnen lie bas been a source of nspiration. We all learned to love him and shall miss him greatly. F. E. Hathaway, Supt. Flint. I cannot teil you how much his life (Continued on 4th Page") KIND WORDS FOR PROF. PERRY. Conituned from lst Page'ï has influeuced me, in giving me inspiration and aspirations not only in a purely intellectual way but in his life I saw such an entire unselfishness that selfishness always hides in shame when I think of him. He never tired to hear a "tale of woe." E. Belle Beals, Vassar College. I have lost one of the best friends I have ever had, one who for twenty-five years and more, has been the one to whom I instinctively turned for counsel and advice ; one whom believed in me and took frequent occasion both public and private to say so ; one whose example and influence lias been a perpetual sourceof inspiration and encouragement. My loss is very great and deeply do I mourn. Prof. Delos Fall, Albion. My great regard and high esteem for and kindly remembrance of Prof. Perry has continued with nie since the year I spent in your home, and is one of the pleasant recollections of my University life at Ann Arbor.


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