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If Germany Secures Kiao Chou

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sia Port Artliur, niiul Borland WeiH'.ii-Woi, tilie tlvree grca pcwers of Europe wiJl be iviMilns h&lltag di-sfcance af etw?h other. Th9y Jnay get. too close to eacli ObheT, so the Chinese will be able to K3e them eat e.ich O'lieT up. Mr. Brynn was ricli when he took 500 inerican dollars from liis pocket as lie crossed over iuto the Mexiean line and exchanged them for 1,087 Mexiean ilolars. He thouglit to himseli - no doubt - if ouly my followers could pay their ïonest 100 cents on the dollar debts on the Mexiean basis, how the men and woiiien - many of them widows and orphans- who leut tiie money, would squirm ! ________ Th United Süates minst maintain a digni.ied yet firiq posibtom In the easlern questian. Her navy in the Chinese w.aters should be strengthened, so all the powers would .be glven t'O tihoroughly understand tha.t all rlghts oí her citizera must ba respectied, in -w'haterer couaitry they may be in. This oouiuiöry does not aiul)7 oí China' land, or inhabi.iants, but the Iwnor of the Amerioan flag, and tie safetiy oï the Amerioan ci.izein, mucsti be madnbainod at auy price. It is jvossibl tha.t Japan may have to learn, atiotüier lesson Erom Uhe mou'tih of American guns. Tiiie Jiapa mmst aaO kill öur sailors. A public rooim ia Oaro liara a. enromo picture ai ttoa Battle of Gettysbui'g os tli chiei decoraitioa. The wiseacre oif tihe toiwm was heaird expLaining tlh,e scène to open mouthed listenere this week. "That fjen-tlemn" said tilue mami o-f all brains "is a represeatatian oí the (jreatest battle ttoe world has ever koiowii. It ten-i ic as hisbory uays. Wha batirte wias it ? wliy man, can't you tell by tibe picture ? There was iteyw buit ome tsuch iighí in a.ll the histioriy oí itie worid. Tlwt, gimtílum'en, ivas the baittlti Vi tare Juilius Caesar whlpped the 'daiyliglatw o-dt o. oíd Napoleon Bonapart, the batile oc' Bulls liun."- Caro Couíie:-. . , Au examiiLanou o;' the wart of the new tari.f law shows thiat the sotiilkd protesta of io:-ei(?ni countries do ua: seem to have avaiiled aaytiiug mwiie ín thir eifect upoii our commerce wlifeh tJiOie counitries than tl;ey di.l in e.'feït upoai Congi'e.-ss. Xo atiteotion svns paW to t'toem by Congresa, and rt seems tluit comimerce rs mo'w payiiag no attentiou to tlbeim. ïho thirteen coantriea which made formial x)r0'tests againirt certain 'eatures of the tari í law of 1897, ia the two months in wilifch the debailB of our exporta can be obtained, have puirchased $131,446,503 m v,alue oT our pro. duí-t.s ana misrchancli-ie, against only $107,077,580 in the correpüiuling mionths af last yeiar under the Wlleon law. Ttoat daean'ti look imich as tlKyugh foreign door were being cliöted agahist tis ca account of the new tfariiii.


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