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A Great Book Free ! rWhem Dr. K. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y„ publishied tibe firsfc bdlfcioa oL his gireat ivork, The People's Comr moji Seiise Medioal Advisesr, he annaunced tühiat aifter 680,000 copies toad been sold ah tlie regular price, $1:50 per copy, tliO pros'it Om whleh wöuüd repiay luim ior tlie greitfc anuouat oí labor and money expended ia produeing it, he, would distribute tlie iiext hall millioti freo. As tliw nuan'ber oí coplea has aiLready been eold, he is now giving away, absolutely free, 500,000 copies of this most complete, interes tiug and valúable ooummon eeaise medical week ever publlh'etl- the ouly being requíred to nuail hiin, at the above address twenty-oine (21) one-sent cover cost of mailing only, and tire book vr'dX be sent post-paid. It is a verit)a.ble medical library, complete dn one volume. Containj 1008 pag-es, proíusely illustrated. Uhe Free EditLan is preciseliy the same as that solía at $1.50 excepfc oml'y that the books are in strong manilla covera instaad oí clatlh. Send noNv beíare all are gi'ven a.way. 9 Abraham Limcoin said "That tari wlll last as long as the1 goveruimient itself." Therefore every vo - er should study it. The Home Mar. ket Bulletin of Bostoa is the best help. It is in our club list. $1.25 per year tor the Courier and the Bulletin. Beauty is Blood Deep - Clean blloioid means a cleau sktai. N beauitjy wiithoiutt ilt. Cascarets, Oamdy Cailhartiic clean y-ausr blood anidi keep 1 cLeam, by tilnring up the lazy Dhtar arnid driiving a-11 lmpurltles from tlhe boóy. Begiln to-day to banIsh pitauples, botUB, bloitetlies, blackhieadls, anú thiat Bteklty b-Moiua cotmplexiiom by takilng Casoaretts, - beauty tor ten cents. AK dtniggllsts, 6atisfactioin guairanteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Ann Arbor Agricultural Co. for the election of directora, and other important bufilness will be held at tlie compnny's office in the üfth ward, Ann Arbor City, on ïuesday January 4, 1898, at 10 o'cloek a. m., local time. Polls open one hour. John Finnegan, Secretary, Evarï H. Scott, President. For Sale! 30 ACRES OF UNO, ' East of Ann Arbor, just beyond City Limits. For Sale at a bargain, and on time at low interest. Enquire at Courier Office. TRÜCKandSTORAGE Storage of Household Goods Pianos Books, Stoves, etc, in rooms or space. PIANOS AISTD HOUSEHOLD GOODS CAEBFULLY MOVED All kinds of heavy and light Braying. FBEIGHT WORK. PRGEL DELIVERY. C E. GODFREY, Phone 82. Office 48 N. Fourth Ave. l L McGUlRE - - - . . . LAWYER Offices over Farmers and Mechanica Bank. 1 Huron St., E., Ann Arbor, Michigan. All legal business attended to with promptness and accuraey. Abstracting and Conveyancing, Examination of title and all transacactions affecting real estáte in Washtenaw County madp on reasonable terms - can be found at the Court House. Ann Arbor. june as, 1897. M. Seery. Notiee. The annuftl meeting of the Washtenaw Mutual Flre Insurance Company will be held in the office of the company. Court House, Aun Arbor City. Michigan, tin Wednesday, Jan. 12, 1898, at 10 a. m. of that day, for the purpose of hearing ihe reports of the company for the year ending Dec. 31, 1897. for the election of three directora for two years, In place of Kmory E. Leiand, E. A.Ñordman and Wm. K. Childs. for the election of three anditors for one year in the place of J. W. Wine, H. W. Bassett and A. W. Chapman; all of whose terms of offlce wlll then expire. And to transact such other business as may properly come before such meeting. Emory E. Leland, President. Wm. K. Childs, Secretary. Forest Hill Cemetery Company. The anuunl meeting of the Forest HUI Cemetery Company of Ann Arbor will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 4, 1898, at two o'clock p. m.. at the offlce of the clerk, for the election of three trustees aud the trausaction of sucb. other business as may legally be brought before it. Elihu B. Pond, Clerk. Dated December 21, 18'.7. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTIST. Booms over Ann Arbor Savings Banks, Opp Court House Square. VITALIZED AIR. Administered. It is agreeable and easy to take and no prostratingeftects follow. while the teeth are extracted without pain. POllihenter Enrflah DUmond Bmd. - ENNYROYAL PILLS _4tv Original and Oaly Genuine A VimA safe, alwayi reliable. ladils uk J &Jf S M Druggist for Chiehttterè Etiglith iia-iBV Lf%$B?Efcfnmd Brand in Red ftod Gold met&llioCr JÏX -wQboxes, Bc&lod wfth blue ribbon. Take VSf 71 ' iSno other. Refute dangerous subtiittf v I ffftion anti imitationt. At Druggiati, oraend.4. I yg In Htamps for part.icuta.ra, testimoniéis and TP Ef " lïellcf for ilftdles," in letUr, by retnm - if Molt 10.000 Tftstimoni-ils. Mmtat Paper. - " CkioheHterOhemlfulOo.,MndiMnB4iware Soló by all Local Drugglsts. PIULADA., PA.


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Ann Arbor Courier