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Thlïs issue c'loses the 35th volume of the Courier, and the next issue will start us on tine 36tli year. For tMrtiy-five years the Ocrurier has given the people each weelfe ai pen picture oï this citff1 and county, nating antarately all tihe transforma! ions thai hiaw. been brtcugbt about by impponettneaibs, by death, by chainges oí all fcimds. Cou-ld tlheee pictures be traausf&rred to a coutinuous roll of patper, amd the roll toe uawound before your visioa in a single evening, it Hvould astound you, perbaps deJilghlt you, no doubt sadden you, as ttoe dirferent incidente and scènes appeared. Tbe kilnetscope gortraij-al wouKl picture to your giaze the city's gradual growtlh, ïrom a place of 5,000 imliabitont to one of 15,000 ; oíd lamdmarks swiept) away, ntew and handsoune sbructures arisen lia their place ; there wouid be a, perfect eöa oí fa,mJllia.r íaees ttoat have come iluto your liíe eomsbantly ÜHtlng piast, recalling many thinga oi pleasure aind oí sorrow, too. The oaimpuis, wiith its half-dozen buildings, tfncOd in tío keep the neighbor's live stook out, would present a rwcraderf-ui panorama, could the , progi-ess oi all tünese years sweep on tel'OTe 'you, and you could [aze upou hO uprising and multlplying oi those buildings, tihiat then aceoim:inoda.ted nl'y la few lmodireid seekers alter tooowledge, whiiteh are bow thronged -viift(h Diearty as miany thausands. "Wbat a pi-ocession ib woold be, ior .all tihe students whq ha,ve attended tJMa great Uaiversitiy to march by M doutole ranks ! Whia-t an armiy it -vioiulld aflakie ! And tOiea, vrix&b ai düfecenb scène jdow irttm tOie time of excitemeat and ■war wlen the Couirler wae born ! But tihiese are only visio.ns. Some ■oí oor readers lra-va mian(y of these last. fadilng pictures oí1 tihie pasb Inv pressed upom tihefcr mind, and no öoubt man(y viü sbap for a time; at tbis iseusoui, reoatia irom the woveu -web oí miemioiry a, hosb oí those .soaaes, anxl then aiwakn to1 the present afealhi, take up their life's burden amd mairch on to end. May God Igramit 'bo all oi yau impressions ior 'tihe 'luturre thab its wil! bei a. pleasUre to reoall. The euirrency questiom witli ilie average pat-er iaimüias aow Is how to geft caiough miouiey to pay Lor the presan Is tbe Samiliyi lias bought íor Min. "Where are you going my pretty maid?" "To marry a mili klng, sir," she said. "Then what will you be, my pretty maid?" "The flour of the family, sir," she said.-Chicago Tribune. Young Peopte's Social at Newberry Hall Friday eYendng. Msers. D. F. Schairer and Chas. S. Millen were the happy recipiënt fcf same very apppopriate presente from tibeir clerks. The offerings at Bt Andrew's Epis. oopal chuirch Chrlstmias day, for the aged and infirm clergy, amounted to upTvards oí $40. B. St. Jlaanfi garer hifi employés a banquiet liast Frida-y nigihft, la additiou to a long list of Ohxtetimas glfts. A'U üad a good tlnuO. The Christmas pnogruim at the M. E. church last Sundlay évetüng was oí great initerest, and the large audienoe njoyed the whodc of Ifc. Clias. Bishop, the stralling nctor wfho brought out "Fate" hre a year ao, is trying to oliange his fate and giet ouit of stato prlson a.t Jackson. At tlhe Congrega tiooial church next Sunday nuarning a eunrise prayeT mieetimg will be held by tlhe Young Peopl's societies of the city, at 7 o'clock. Dr. E. S, Copeland will be tbe leader. Tbe ladies of the Northslde to serve a turkey diinner at the Noirthi-ido cliapei, froim. 2 to 8 o'clock, oa New Year's Diay. If yoiu waat a rigirt good dinner, tone that will last yon for all áasy and a part oí the diay fottlowing, go over to the Chaipel and tot the ladies Berve yora. The praceeds go to the new church fund. Kairt E. Harrimaji appeared beíore a Detroit audleiice last week, in. Sa.r. dou's comdjT, "A Scrap oí Paper," givsa by the Detroit Ooimedy Club at tune Empiire Theafcre. AJÍ oi the Detiroit papere, witlhout tíxopntion, praise Karl's acting, and rote liim the abili'tiy aind the genius to' make an actor tluat wiü be known all orer tJie world. Dt. D. W. Nolaa, a eteriaiary euT. etion, Avho lúas made his ho'me here and iu YpsiLanti for ttue pastyear or sa, is iin jail iu Detroit, qn a cliïii-ge on' bigamo'. ín tliO íirst pDace he was arrested oa a charge of assaultj but tbe evidemce did uob appea,r to be very stroeg againet him Theu appeared a man. who claimed No lan had married hls sister, and bad a wiarranit íor bigamy made out against hlmi John F. Lawremce ha ving purehased tihe, lot oa N. Foua-th ave. adjoining "nis building on tíie soiifch wlH erect a new building tihereon the coming spring, and Dr. Sudwortli wil also build ob tlhe next lob. Now i.' somie kind i'iriesnd wil! stort tire Y M. C. A. boys oíf wilt'h a $10.000 ov $0,000 suibscription, tliery -wül agree to raise tJie balance needed, and build alio, and tihe eas& framb of th court ihO'uee wijl be as ílae a's aeny oí its frolQts. Whem Hertoan Krug, M'hO' keeps a tailör shop in the building on S. Kiïth avie., at tOie " sooitheast cooraer of E. AVash'ingtoin Bt., atteanpt-sd. to Tght the iirO Friday inoming, his gaeoline can iwiae tioio nieau; the blaze-, and it exploded, tlwowing tihe burning iluid owi' ViiTn.. He was buraed very badly beilbre the ílantes could be extdav guirihed. The building sustaineü OTmie diannage iinside, but notihing very gfeat. In respojiding to thfe iarm the hose oart was tipped ia turning the cioa-nr, so thiat the back ex. was ■vias sprung quite badlly. !The suit is Qorw! on in the circuft cauirt in wjiieh the city of Ami Arboiij soeking to iiaUi out to wihom iü sh'all paty th.e $3,238 ia its hands beloaiging to Hem-y Collins, the sewoi1 eotutiivietor tac tlie Huron and H1U street sewers. It seems tiuat the F. & M. Bianitó liad paid ooit $3,300 o laborors for Colliina, aaid thafc there ;ro $8,000 iin claims of various kinds besides. Tne city has u, b.cmd cu $10,000 on botJi smvors to iasure the paymeuit iav taúbor aiad material. Tlïere are soiune iimo p-oiirts to be dclidcd. I I dreatnt I dvvelt in a rnarble hall, With vassals at my beck and cali - Just then 1 heimi my darüng shout :- "Come, John, the furnace flre's out. Uet up and start"- well, tíiat's all ! -Chicago News. Marsli-al Sweet proposes to stop coasting on fiidewiaUks in th& city. SCTWal peöple will unite witih the the Congrega ticraial church next Bunday. Tlue aiferings at the Oomgregaitional clrarch Sunday next will be íor tlie poor. Mr. luid Mps. G-. H. Gro'li's litrtle daugMer Mab&l, aged three years, did Tuiesday morning. I heao-d tlie beOls on Christamas day tOwlr old can-als play ; I saw tibe bilis tílua.t calme next day; Oiiey fKH'&d my puirse wit'dx sore dismiay. Beime'm'beT aad send in provisioiw Nervv Years datyT íor tJie childreii's dinaer. Seiid bevore 2 o'cloek, to tlie Courier BLock. Tnere aire one bundred clhildren tO' próvida ftr. A fine edition. oá Taine'd Englisli LiitöPature was the fjift that found i te -way to Deputy K. K. ComiAVedemeyer tor Ohristmas, givea him by the K. K. Corm'ti oiïice ïorce ia Lansing. The oldest university ia, the world lá at Pekín, China. It iá calLed the ''School ioir the Sons oí of the Empire." Ite anrtiquity U very great, and a granate register consisting oí stone columns, 320 ia number, contiains tlhO! of 60,000 gnaduaites. Tire Coliseum at Chicago, la vrhicli ouir U. of M. boys deaveloped the fact tbat they couild not play ïootball, was buirmed to the grounid laet Friday nlghit. Sereral uves were lost in the lire. An, exhibit wias in progrees at the timie. The Amn Arbor uniwn of young peopte's eocieties will meet with. the Congregatiomfli Y. P. 8. C. E. to hold a ' Sum-Kise" prayer meeting, on New year's moniiiBg, Baiturday, Jan. lst, at 7o 'doek. Subject : "New "ïear's liewolves." Ivender, Dr. Copeland, oí the Epwoirth league. All of the jouug peopte oí tlhe city are cordially imvited to be present. Every ï-eiader imi aur ciity is asked to raid tiliii appeui froini Miss Browm and act accoirdingiy : ''The teachers oii t'hie Bevvints school are to gme the chïldirem a dinner on Sa.turday, New 'eai's day, at tiha-ee o'elock., iu tlieiir rooms iu tihe Courier biock. Provfeions and frait will be graiteïully receivied. Theie are ane hundred chïlüiein to provida íor." Tliere will be a graoid piano dedtcatiou concert next S&turday Jan. lst, at 7:30 p. in.., uinder tlhe direction oí Proí. J. F. Schaeberle,' in the Suaidiay School room, of the Bethlehiem chuirch, on S. 4tli street. Hay. dou's quiakit Obilldxen's Symphomy, Webar's Eureiamtliie, Mendelssalin'j1 Midbutmmer Nig'bt's Dream, and o-theiattractioins will be perioi-med. FSJty Years' Iinproive'ineiit in i'arming is tlue tibia úl a supplement issued by tliie New Yrk Tribune which alone is woorbh far more tliau the bost ai tltue papeir far one yeai-. The CcMirier and tlua New York Tribune are funnished for $1.25 per year, ar any subscriber who, has paid ïor the Couirier ome year in advance eau taivi! Uie Tribune by paying 25 ets. extra. 'Is business knproving ?" said a Main street merchamt a day or twvi since ; ""Well I should judge so. For the fin-st time in, years haive I failed to get au order fi'lled proimptly. Lasi week I semt in two ordei-s ior different .kinds of goods for miy store, and oiio .was aibout haJX' ïilled while the oiiher.wias only one-ninth iilled. The houses were so overrun with orders tliat they could nob keep up with flie -demand. Thaft looks like olü time business, doesn't it?" W. H. GoiW'ein baa beein appointed city passengen1 agemit ionr the C. II. & D., at Toliedo. Mt. Goldem hBfi beeu a resideat here ?ar tlie P'ast six years, and fou1 four years tick-eb agent oí the Ann Arbor li. IÍ. In hia new po. sitian be solocite businesk íor the rö&d emtire&y, lua.ving no other duties. Mr. G'oaden is a youing man ttoat the C. H. & D. wffl be dissippointed in. He is a tblarough gentleman and a lnustJter. He is a mían vv'ho attemds to' business, and nevor Ullows anytJiüig to go by defia.uilt. ,T. C. Blliot, tlue yard iwastör taks Mr. Oorden's place liere. Judge -NewkiTlt has had a reredos íixed up over the mtuiitJe iii his office, 011 "s1hich is displíayed in ail their antiquated and pristiae gtory tdie vari. ous swords, pistods, guuO, etc., with ■svOiicli he íonght, died and bled for hi3 qo.unta-y in th& Eevolutionary, FremKSh iand Indiau, 1812, Black Ha-ivk, Mexican, Toledo, and the Great Refoellion Wars, together with Our Late wbj witto Spainii. Wheu oíd veterans or trappers, geb a sight oí tlia Judgo's relies a beatific visión oif heav-em comes to thei.r countenanoes, and tbey appeíir to be ready for the eaid. __ Gkm. Hancock cajled tlie tariff "a local question." The Home MJket Bulletin, which is Ín our elul) ltet, tos always fougttt for equal protectioin to all industries and seciloiis. and lts poilicy lias largely prevailcil. Her woman's eyes are keen to see A man'N duli wit in luckl as me: Ijueklees- till her woman's heart, All-forglvingf iny part.


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Ann Arbor Courier