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A Good Man's Property Perverted

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Juist befare the líate Prof. Corydcra L. Ford died, his friends Bay he was to make a large gift to the citiy or University, he had liv. ed f or many years and liad won hts great reputation. He was only hesicating whether he shoiuIld buüd au awdUtDrium tor tbe &3h.ool oi Musie, m art miiseum, a womaa's [rymnasium oír a modern medical building on the campus. Bub uiihappüy deQtü caimc to him swl.'tuy, beiore he hatf Uuie tío períect hit) plans. HL.i estiate carne iato tíie control o.' bojnie Detroit lawyers, who jio.-isi. b.y beiny hoirt o. clieüite, laoked uboiiL tor tome wa.y to xaake businjs:-. JSo tliey i'O'Uind au uttóeKsment oí a ïuw hundred dollars agairat the estaie .or a sOver whicli was laid past the pi'opexty iu thia city, thereby improviiig ii in valtue. 'itoey deteiiuined to1 coateat it la ttte cowte, whicli tiuey did to their utmowt. last week Juüge Khnne detided ilnat 1 ua: a lawsui asseesnuenfc and that 'cht; estrato Büould jjaiy iu lï good old Piioi. Ford had innagined his propei'iy wiaa to be spemt in iigiliting Ana Albor instead oí holping it, wüait woulü he haie done '.' The riog oií tíi Chrisümtas belle COs-ba nuamy a lad. deaxly - solitaires or fcolid gold omes eibher are : i-ve. ' An entertainment and supper will be giveu by Welch Corps at G. A. R. Hall, Dec. 30, '97. Öupper at 6:30 p. in. All are invited. R. R. Ooim "Wesselius has the thanks of tüe Courier for remémbrame ia tïxe vasy oí the new railroad map of Michigan. It is a good one. i Couety Cler'k Schuh has placed in his o.iiee a nw cabinet for the keeping öf the nuimerous and varied blauiks o: tJiat office. It ie a eeuslble piece cuf fuimiture.' Prof. SpaWing "wlll speak, at the Y. M. C. A. rooma Suoday &b 2:45 p. m. Special muslc will be reodered. All mm, wihetliej members oí the Y. M. C. A. ot nob, invited to come to tiliis mieetiog:, Woindiay nigli't, Jan. 3d, G. F. AUmendLagesr will give tlie next practica! tedk. baTorO tihe Y. M. C. A. Hie subject, '"A Modern FlDurlne Mili," win lie illustiratd by dna.wings jnade expriessly Itor t'hia ti alte beíore the aepofiatiodi. The Cammrclal oíiice a.t Ypsilanti has tu'rned out a, neait joto for that city. It is a libtle paanphlet adver. tiking th city's bath liooises amd mineral wells, aaid Ypsilaiati will be beniíitod by it if she eets them) thorouglily dista-ibuted throughout the. states - tihere's tihe ru'b. Tlue recou-ds oi' the Kegister oï Deeds o) fice show tliat 725 mortgages leeoi discharged thiss yea-r ia vhU eowruty. A record ee'ldona, 1Í over beböire equialled. But oi eourse it Is no e"ilein.ce oí prosperuyC?) If you tliialv It is ask you'r ïree silTer calaimhowüing neiglibors. Doa't foi-gert tüie "open house" at tiüe Y. SI. C. A. roomt; ïïöW Year's d'ay firom 3 umtil 10 p. m. Tlie "SYonuau's Auxiuiaa-y wlll have it iu cliuiige. Ir you tavO not yet looked at tüe pliaois i'or the proposed Y. il. C'. A. buüdinig, tilla will be a gpod titoiti tw iook at tüMu. Friends oi tihe atssociia.tion should noö miss this time to niabe a. íriaadly cali ab the rooina. i The attetuiioui oí ouir readers is :isked to the article oa the 3d page, hwaded "UniTwreitlea vs. Church CotllegeB." li is frotn lilie Decemiber Aiïantlc MonUiiy, and pen oí Prof. Kelsey, aad is mot' ouly interesting but eointlaiiis soama íacts tli'at are woïthy ou' serioue ccmsidenatioa and dei-i) tliought. Especially by those wttuo lia-ro a.t hear'tJ the welfare oí ooir young iruen and wo'ineii studente. Bach eniiplios'e oi the ï1. & M. BajLk received a $5 gold pieee as a Chrlstmias gift. E. B. Hall said tHiait as he was coming down tiliaough the city yesterday ruioiroing he noiiced the coal going up inito tlhie arn1 iroinii varitms cüimney tops, in thie shape of black, smoke and was particular ly struck witli 'the di'.íerence when lie looted -at the cliiimney iroan the Coui-ier office boilers. Tiieire was no black smoke at all, irom tihem, buit it was whitO and clean witli the coal all consuimed. Öe w.ainted t-o compilimeait the on knowing how to run the boileirs. The secret, however, was ïtot witlh tlie iiremanj bilt with the smoaie that Mr. Davison inveoated, and which not onliy all the smobe, but prevemts the soot Mettiling all over the neighboiing rooft and ctathes linee.


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Ann Arbor Courier