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B. F. Onodi -ir li wlio (lied at Hömer r-rriuly. formierly lived at Saline. Tlie librnry o' Si. Mary's chtireb, Cheïeea, has naw aJou!t 700 volumes On Dec is a 4auiglh;ir came t Mr. and Mrs. ffjn. Haeuaslsr, Free. doin. A. A. Wood '' Saline, aittended Stock JSrrcdcrs meeting i'i Lansing las! v Fro'm all thp. surrounding vil! comee reporta .' a good Otoistmas tra de.. .Jood. Over at Mifóord the piiplls In sc!io;s ane allow xJ bo take snap shiO'ts at visUors. The JCpworth League of XorthSh.uüii i to ïold , social on Frid:i y eTemiug Dei'. 31. Tlue ]ay car vislted Manchester jusi 'Afane Chrístanas, naid the railroad twiys wcic vei-y happy. Lewis KueJbter bias purchased V. 1'. O.ish's brirk sto-rc at Mamchweteir, and moved lüs tin shop thoreto. THe iu'xi meeting o: the Bridgewster Beading riub will be ir.-l 1 -1:1,1. 3d, wfth Mr. and M:-s. Pelte-r Knielt. A mm ai tha hom of Mr. auul Mrg. Wm. Trulla, oí íía-aron, Dec. 14 ; amil a at Mr. and Mr.s. Lewis Walkci-'s Div. 20. Pnesident Xissiy, ai Balime, tel's the pexyple al ;!i.u. viUaga that they niusL o'in-y the ordinance and h: tr w.-iiks clöar ol show. The Universa list society o: Manchesier announce an entertaiameni lor Jan. lltJi, with Miss Fuller, elo. cuiionist, as a dra.wim card. On Friday evendng Jan. 14, W. Iï. Mose, mono'.osist, will give au entertain nuemt under the aUsplcea oí the high .school seiiiio,i-s of Saline. Saline people eau talk with any station in t,he county and with bon, Tecumiseh and Mason for teu ceius over the Ball telephone line. The (J3d binhday oí Miohael S.-hanz ofLJm.a, on t;he 16Wi inst., was made a very ptóasaint day lor him by his friiends. He ivas gipen nuuiy presi ir. -. Tlie tenant Ivouise on the Asa Darïinu'. i'.-irm, Augusia, buroed Wednesda ƒ ïast. Insured in Mutual fotr $120. Oause of fire aakinawn. 'Smow is here."- Mikin Leader. 'Sano graat tlihig co crow over. It's liere too. - Adrián Press. Youi two feüorws are hm-ing a iiail of a time over a : lit-tle thing. lier. Hiariey H. Harri.s, of Alanson, Emmiec Co., was united in marriage Dee. 16, with Miss Thereaa, daughtet oí Mrs. Wm. R. Haniiltan, of Pebble'e Camers, Salem. ■Naarly all tihe stiOTes o; Clielsea will eke tiheir doore ab 7:30 p. m. iroru Jas; lst to April lsb. The good wol-k oueht to be continuecl ihrougU uut il uext December. A Mancliies.ter man had a new Tie- red pnobabiv- and his iriend jiad a ticket in a raffle for a hcorse. Tbey excbanged and tha.t ïieket drew i'lie h'oirie. And yet it may be doubt. tul -wihich gat the best of the barÖain. , Mr. and Ure. Jos. Schatz last week reaeivied a box of fruit weig-liing 200 pouiiids and containiug iifteeii varletles, fioin their non George, of Fres, no-, Cal. Soune oí) this Iruit was paobed by Miss Sopliia. Bfhatz.- Chelsea Standard. The Baily Timies oí Aída Arbor in. sinuaties tluat Wmu Burttoss, the genial, supervisor o.' Mancluester, wil] be a canididatte ïtoT sheriff before the text repuiblican county conventiou He is oae of the best fellows, and best runners in this eccunby. Chas. Paul has opeaed a blackHmitíi shotp at Jerusalle-m, amd la pre)ared t do horeeshoeing auid general Llac'k-mithiaz iu a iirst-'jlaís uianner. - Che'hea Standard.- Well, Jerusa. ein ! The aext thing they will wani i factoiry.- Plymouth Mail Why so ? Th&re's aot a Jew iu lemsalem. Kii-ses oo,me high ai Wyandotte. Denuda Beño, tihe -rtll-age. blacksniitii, p-aid a iiine oí $5 la.., ■!; for just rylng i land ono on Ebta Warner'á -h, -,.;;. Had he suoceeded tüe rOe wouM pnob&bly luir,; beeaa 525. i, i i hvüiu Record. liad he succet'ded t.h gb"l never wKMild have been ao mud abo-ut it, probably. He nusi hiave bumgted awíully. Vlrgil Buieh bu' Sharoo, niet witli - i..ü.ii, accident Wednusday while uimlng a husking ma-chine íiüi'ch o' lowii near trlst. His big finger goí Oto tiiu: and waa c-rushed, "ndering'ta.tiG'fl neceseary. The naching had to be taken apart beore he coulri be rolcased, aa operalion ihai con-iimiiMl jiali an hour.- 3 Lake Neivs. He saye he woin't do it. again. E. J. Beckwitih was attemiptinjg to cleau a pair oí overalls ome day last week. Iu the pTOcees he msed Borne g-asoline. Soon uftor he put the ?a,rment into and s sb ; ,,.i -,h stwe, and in a short time was gre with au explosión which iilled the ï'ooin -vith llamo. Mrs. Beckwith sustíained a nuinber a," Iranis, whicn ■vhlle piainiul are nat dangerous. Jlr. Beekwir'h -wa.a let oi?f eaeily, buirning


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