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Ypsilanti News Items

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Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Janneiy are in Dunudee. , Miss Chfalmers is the BTttest oC Mrs. Aloazo BlisseJl, o? Jacksoa. Frwl Sbraith 01? Chicago, i.-s visitimg his piáronte In this city. Miss Miimnie Diavis luas gome 'co CleTieliand ío.r a. two nwatlus' Htaiy. Jlirs. Deüia Hai-ris has gome to New York to remain durtag tlve winter. Quicen Cüty Hive L. O. T. M. ive a social tounorrow evemtng, at their hall. Wim. Evans has ai ordor íram Auklaixl, Nöw Zealand, for gome root (rutttars. Col. Miapes, taiO president of the Lamsing & Ann Artxw Electric road, foaimie'rly lived luere. Rev. and Mrs. Ja. A. Browii nre enterbafoiing Miss Eliza.beth Peterr, oí Minneiapolis, Minn. A Chrlstimias present cama to Mr. and Mrs. Gleason, olí Parsons st., in the shiape of a fi-ae baby boy. A ïamily reunían aifa Une home o; C. J. Daschiniar, oin EJIíb 8t., was one of tlne plelasain't evonts oí Christmae. The mierchanits of thts city are T'Oi'y liappy over tlieir Christmias tra de. It Ava.s way ahead oí íoTmer yöars. PiOíf. B. L. D'O'Ogej ís at Harvard, whire lie is pufblishlngl an cditio.n on' Gaesaír, Ín co.nnectton witíh Pro'. Greenougfh. Art.. Nichols ioti the S30 Lold piize in ile News oratorical con. test. These Art. Nlcfaotte's are always winners. A telegi'alm ivas receivd here M-Oftday moimimg, announcing the death oï Miss Vee CoiTQiWéll, thO daughter oí Clark Comwell, it Atlanta, Ga. Jos. H. Woodmianj claims to liave had a spring chicken íor Cliristmas at h,is honus thaíti weighed G 1-2 lbs. What spriing was mot mientioiied. The Baptist chuirch people aire cansidering the questioii of free pew?. There is no. questioin about it. There is neveír any question atoout a thing that is right. Prof. Putinam avïis chosen moderator, at the amnuial meeting oí the Baptist society, and NV. P. Stone, Louis Gray, G. M. Gaudy and Jas. H. Phillips trastees. The Unique Cluto liad rootms over E. E. Beal's drug stoa-e until recently, -ndieii he beoame tdred oí them and loctoed the door with their belongings outside. Tlney have broug-ht sui; to recover possessiom. Tbe Daughters oif the American Revwtotion luave purchat-ed a liandsoimie itag which by permissiou of fhe Ladies' Ubrary Associatior, wil! ilo-at oveir the Hbrary building on patriotic dates.- Ypsilaintian. Bernard L. Greene, who hais jus; reiurned from a trip through eighi Europeaan countiies, inspecting greai wcw'ks of engineering in company wlth an eminent engineer, is cpendinig tlie holidays with1 his íamily ai at the home oí? Mrs. Greene's mother, Mrs. E. Samsoiu.- Ypsiilantian. Queen City Hiva Noi. 64, L. O. T. M., hlave Olected tlhe follonving offieers : P. L. C, Ella Stoup ; L. C, Nettie Laonbert ; L. L. C., Lo'uise Drury ; I. E. K., Helen Burt ; F. K., Jemiüe Osti-ander; cluaplain, Eli. za Bow ; sergetuit, Alta, Peck ; M. at A., Ohrislie NVilber ; seoitinel, Ida Forsyt'hie ; picket, Ha-ttia Wesott. Ypsillanti Hivie, Ne. 621, last night elected t!h'e icllowimg ofiicera for the oiusinaig year : Lady Conimander, Estlier H. Jotoson ; L. Commander, Fioi'wnce Barnuim ; R. C, Jennie L. Bove ; F. K., Lydia Maoan ; cbaplaim, Helen McNiool ; physician, G. M. Huill ; sergeant, Cecelia. Stoup; M. at A., Ida M. Alban ; sentinel, Vatoette Broiwn ; picket, Emily J. Forman. Biid a gentleman tc-day : ''Twenty years ago wlien the Michigau Central wae giviag co'inmuta.tio'ii rates oí $22.50 for tllwee months betweea TpsUanti amd Detroit, there were 57 commuter in Yp6itonti. To-day Saimuei Post is the ouly oae left. ït wtas so'ine otoject f oir a. miaa then to live O'iit in a suburbain town, but wihön they trippled the price it forc. ed ervrery man in business in Detroit to1 reside there.. The new electric line will luavo ai teaidency tcv bring tliem Tjack heire." - Daily Times. . .■. At a church in LenoK last Sumroer the pulpit was supplied by an assistant clergyman. One Sunday in the course of sermón this minister told how a man the had amassed a large amount of money aimply by prayer, going on to give the the incidente of the case. A titter ran tlirough the congregation when he minister, after dweiling on the fact tliat prayer alone had brouglit about this man's fortune, placed his hands together, and, lookins upward in a very prayerful attitude, said, "Lord, teach us how to pray !"-


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