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RedStar TRAPE V MARK. (oÏTgHÏURE Free from Opiaten, Emetics and Poison. SAFE. rmrn, SURE. 2PCtS. PROMPT. ÚÜ At Druooibts ano D kal eb. THE CHARLES A. VOtíELER (O., RALTIMORX, ■. CT JACOBS OH GERManreMEDY W V% Cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Al U nt VI HurkHrhr, Ilrariurlie, TlM)hrt, 1 1 1 r A Srln, Rml-i. otarte. III PHKE. FIFTV CENTS. wl I Mlll AT DRUGGIST3 AND DHALEBS. Tl17: ciurlïs ..tooeleu t. baitii"Of. hd. SOBAOS T. PTTRFIELE, Car penter and Joiner 36 South 12th Street, Post-offlcelbox M&. All work in my line promptly attended to. Mrs N.H.PIERCE, Eclectic and Magnetic PITSICIM A Register ed Physioian Under the Laws of the State of Michigan. Has Had 25 Years Practïce. Has returned to Ann Arbor after an absence of three years and will renew her practice here. OFFICE S9 PONTIAC8T, Fiftn Ward. DR. PIERCE cares without medicine, employing Magnetism- Nature'8 Remedies- which, If taken in t me rarely to ('ispel rtisease, and restore wasted energies. She cun lócate pain and give a correct diagnosis of disease withoiu asking qaection. Letters of Inquiry must contain stampsto insure attention. She has hundreds of testimoniáis from people in Iowa, Nebraska. Dakota, Kansas, Missouri Illinois, Ohio, Indiana and New York. HTTJo charge for advice 621-88. l TERMS ALWAYS REASON ABLE '' ■ - cxJSKCiwdA.ia-'s - SjpV fAT.JkN. 5. I8S6. y Menthol Inhaler, APTOBDS QürCK RELXEP Or NEURALGIA, HEADACHE, HAY FEVER, CATARRH, ASTHMA, And by continuod uae effects a cure. $Lr Satistai-tion Guaranteed or money RO. funded. Six months treatmcnt for 50 cents. If your druggist has not the lnhaler in stook send K! cents in stamp to the proprletor and the Inhaler will be forwarded by mail, postaga paid, and if, at the expiratton of flve days from ts roeeipt you are not satisfled with its effects, rou may return it, and if received in good coo dition your money will be refunded. Circular and testimoniáis mailed free on ap plication to the proprietor, H. D. CUSHMAN, Three Ui vekk, Mica. For Sale by DragrKistft In Ann Arbor. East Huron-st, next to Firemen'e Hall. SH INGLES! The best Rooflng in the world is Waiter'sPatentShingles Made of Iron, Tin or Steel. Cheaper More Durable and Ornamental Than Slate. 'Warranted to give satisfaction. Por partioulars and p rices ad oreas CZORGE SCOTT, Architect. Sole Agent for Wash tennw County. fc-i Ë ' IR Aftr Fort y jtftrt dr JpfPrlïïïi iptncnr 10 tb B B-J ú PrPrtlon of mor 5 mm (han One lïnndred p H Thoniftod pplication for patent ia K H the United Stttes and Koreign counftp H trm tbe pablitbers of the Scientifle BfciB 1 for patent, cveat. trade-m&rks. copy■mmI right, Ut , for the United Staia, aa4 to obtafn patent in Canad, England, Froc, Ofcrmaoy , aod all other counine Their expert eoee is aoequAled and the ir iaoilittes are aosor paed Drawings and ipeciftcations prepared and flled In the Patent Offlceoo short qotice. Term very reasonable No charge for examination of model or drawings Adnce by mail free Patent obtamed throngh Munn A Co awnotioed lothe SC1E1VT1PIC AMERICAN, which ia th larpeii cireulation and in the moftl inflaentiat newipaper of ita kiod publiahed in the world. Tbe adantagei of iuch a not ice eveír patent aoderMandl Thi large and npiendidiy illustmted newspape t publiBhed WRRKLT at 3.f)Oa year. and te admitted Ut be the hett paper devoted to cieno, méchame, inventioas. engineering worlts. and other dfpartmeni of industrial proKw. publianed tn any conotrjr It ("ontains th name of 11 patantees and title of every invention pateated acn week Try it four months for on dollar. 6old by al) newsdealers. f If yon have an invention to patent irrite t Munn A Co . nuhtither ef Scientino Amric Ml Broadway, New York Uandbook aboat ptaU matted fr


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