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For Vnk KniUJ Ja. 4. Omaha erected 1,600 buildings last year, at a cost of 5,034.000. It is reported that 15,000 Jews have been expelled from Kiev, Russia. A. E. Small, president of the Chicago Homeopathie College, expired Friday. Bartholdi has been promoted to the rank oí Commander oí the Legión oí Honor. By the burning of an inclosure at th6 People's Park, in Madras, 375 natives lost thcir live. Judge Claudius B. Grant, of Houghton, has come out as an aspirant for Senatorial tumors in Michigan. Charles Godf rey, a son of the chief of the Miami Iudians, living near Wabash, Ind., ' killed hiraself with a shot-gun. The orauge-crop of Louisiana is said to be but one-tenth of an average, and none will be shipped to tho Northern States. Returns from Victoria show that the yisld of gold in that colony during the last year was 130,000 ounces under that of 1385. The Laird House and nine other buildings at Greensburg, Pa., were burned Wednesday morning. The losses aggregate $100,000. A square of business buildings at Glrard, Pa., was burned Friday morning, causing a loss of 150,000. The insurance is less than 5,000. There is a growing belief in Vienna that Russia is determined on war. The Czar has ordered the massing of 300,000 troops at Kief. Mary Baker, aged eighteen, an ailing girl living at Monroc, Iod., is reported to have not caten or drank for the past sixtythree days. Business failures in Canada dunng 1886 numbered 1,353, with 110,386,000 liabilities, against 1,356 failures in 1885, and liabilities of tS,S81,000. The new soldiere' home at Grand Rapids, Mich., which cost $100,000 and will accommodate 500 persons, was dodlcated Thursday afternoon. Rev. Dr. Truman A. Post, the father ol the Congregational donumlaation in 8t. Louis, expired in that city Friday at the age of seventy-six. On an order by Judge Gresham, Mr. Perlrins, the contumacious witness in the Indiana election Iraud cases, was released on bail Friday evening. The Milwaukee Ship-Yard Company is said to bo making arrangements for the construction of a mammoth dry doek, te cost about $75,000. The iron and steel ineustries of the United States en joyed during 188Ö a year oi exceptional prosperity. The prospect foi 1887 is very encouraging. A proposition was put on foot to impose a tax of L5 per year on all foreigners working in Enjrland. It would increase the revenue L500,000 per year. In the products of South Carolina cotton uow takes a subordínate place. Tho erop of potatoes last suason was the most profitable growu in the State. Th-3 eightieth anniversary of the entrj of Kaiser Wilhelm, when a boy of ten, ] into the arniy was celebratod with greaí re oicing at Berlín Saturday. The Medical Record says the case of th late General Logan appears to be one ol those rare ones in which acute rheumatisu causes a rapid and fatal issue. About 30,000 people in Northwestorn Texas are on the verge of starvation, theirdestitute condition being the result of poot crops and lonu-continued drought. Governor Oglesby is said to have mado the positive s&tement to certain Illinoisans at Washington that he would not be a candidate for the vacant seat in tho Senate. Offlcers of several Pittsburgh natural ga companies, in interview, admit the truth of the current statement that the supply of natural gas i likely to fail within a few years. John S. Newberry, whose death at Detroit is reported. was hiterestodin railway, stearaboat and banking enterprises to the extent of Í3,000,UOO. He served one term in ('ongress. The Dolores Land and Cattlu Company, of Texas, ihartered during the lat year with a cupital stock of tt!,O0O,000, has maüe an assignment. The liabilities are ÍTidO.OOO, assets 450,000. Pliny Nickerson, one of Boston' foremost merchantfi and an extousive shipowner, made an assignment Friday. His liabilities are about $00,000, with nominal assets of 1250,000. Tbe shipping trade of Liverpool during 1886 feil off 100,000 tons as comparod with ■ 1885. The decrease was wholly in foreign trado, eoastwise ahipping having gome, what increassd. The growth of Mitwaukee during the year shows gratifying progress, while that of Kansas City has boen phenomeriui. The business of St. Louis, on the othor hand, shows a considerablo decrease. George W. HUI, who killed J. D. Potter, a diaughtsman in the navy yard at Nor folk, Va., was acquittod Frtday. Potter had pretended to bo a single niau and had deceived the daughtor of his murdurer. The cleariugs of the Chicago banks wera Ml,5:i3,7tS6 for the past Bve days, and fí,804,762, H'.! for the yeur. The banks of New York report the possession of f 12,271,1)0 i iq exoess of tho tweuty-flve per cent. rule. I Colonel W. H. Bolton, formerly tnpario t tondent of second-class matter in the Chi I cago post-ofttoe, was on Friday brought be fore Judge Blodgett, trtaere he pleaded I guilty to an indictmsnt for 9mbezzling (IS, 603. James Kenmore, an orphan lad Mnt W - by a iharitable society of New York, hangod himself in a barn near Peotono, 111., because he was not remembered wheu th farmer's Christmas tree was filled witl) prosents. The report of the Scotch Crofters" Com mission show the existence of a systein of rack rents in the Highlands as deplon able as any known in Ircland, and rooom mends a reduction in reuts of from tifteet to flfty per cent. I The buildings erected in Chicago the pas I year would makc a straight line for teu miles, and cost t20,000,OÜÜ. About 15,000,001 was spent on buildings justoutside tho citj limits. The real estáte transfers for th year astgregated f75,000,000. Tho residence of the Chilian Ministe r i Washington was during Thuisday nighl robbcd of $7,000 worth of jewolry and con iiderable money by a discharged servaut named Silva, who was rrested whila boarding a train for New York. Thomas Stephen, the bicy.-list who haa for the last three years been on a tour around the globe, has reachod the end of his journey, and will be in San Francisco within about two weeks, whore he will ba banqi: 'ted by tho local bicyole clubs. Repr.ientative Springer, after a care. lul study of the Pacittc railroad questioi, has deolded to offer an amcndmeut to tha Outhwaite Refundine bill requiring tha to discharge their debt to tho nunent tB twouty-six years, by innual insiallmi"n:s, of f3,S77,li. WUluun Foole and JoMpb mg i ijfe m sin;-' tot tho miirder of John Ryan, in SW ïork, hW been pollee(wen I tbu'. L


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