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Personal And Social

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Miss Belle Cook is visiting in Detroit. Albert Sorg was in Detroit Saturday. W W. Watts is doing the local on the Argus. Miss Sarah Cady is the guest of Detroit friends. Mrs. Muir returned to Grand Rapids Monday. Joe T. Jaoobs and E. B. Abel are in Detroit today. Bishop Harris of Detroit, was in the city Monday. E. B. Lewi, of St. Louis, Mich., waa in tbe city over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robeson returnec to Port Huron, Monday. Wm. J. Olcott, of Hurley, Wis., is viking friends in Aon Arbor. Mrs. E. McLaren, oí South Main-st, is seriously ill with lung fever. Dr. S. A. Jones was called to Muskegon, last Thursday for consultation. Ed Jolly bas returned from a week's visit to his sister in Pentwater. Mrs. E. Hud8on, of the Cook House, spent the past week in Lansing. James Duffv and Fred McOmber spent Saturday and Sunday in Detroit. Miss. Carrie A. Roe went to Battle Creek, Monday, to visit relatives. Titu9 utzel returned Wednesday morning from a visit to Chicago. A. L. IIuss, of Monroe, spetit N w Years' day with relativos in the city. Prof. Chas. H. S:owell and wife were the guests of Detroit Iriends last week. Prof. C. N. Jones, who has been spending his vaoation in Detroit, has returned. Prof Merle A. Breed, of the Coldwater public schools, was in the city Wednesday. Sam Lang8dorf and J. J. Quarry journied to Detroit last Friday for a short visit. Mrs. J. R. Bach and child spent New Years day with relatires in St. Louis, Mich. Miss Bertha Christman was the guest of Miss Emma Gardner, in Detroit, New Years. Mrs. M. Campbell and children, of Detroit, are the guests of Mrs. M. Green and family. E. S. Crawford, of the Saturday Telegram, East Saginaw, was in the city over Sunday. Miss Anna Villhauer, of Toledo, was the guest of the Misses Hangsterfer's over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allaby, spent New Years and Sunday, with relatives, in Hastings, Mich. Miss Charlotte Hutzel, of W. Washington-st, left Tuesday morning for East Saginaw to visit a sister. Master Eddy Hudson entertained a number of his little friends to dinner, at the Cook House, last Friday. Jacob WUe, medie '86, practicing at La Port, Ind., was the guest of Ann Arbor friends Saturday and Sunday. Mi 8. Cook, Mrs. Hoffman and Mrs. Eekerman, of Detroit, were the guests of Mrs. John Muehlig over Sunday. Miss Ella Mueth, of Detroit-st, was very happily surpri8ed last evening by a number of her 'riends calling upon her. Mr. Wm. Kulencamp, of Sharon, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Margaret Diehl, of South Ingalls-st the past week. A. L. Noble and family have returned from their eastern trip. Mr. Noble has been slightly indisposed since his return. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Watts were called to Holly, Monday to attend the funeral of their brother-in-law, Dr. T. B. Johnson. Miss Luella Brusb gave a very deiightful party New Year's eve. Dancing and card playing was the order of the eveninif. Refreshments were served. Chas. H. Manly went to Lansing Tuesday. He will be in' Adrián Saturday with the committee to try and secure the next meeting of the Soldiere' and 8ailors' as8O ;iation. Burt J. Lamb, formerly of this city, but for the past year in Portage, Wis., was in the city last week visiting friends. He has accepted a position with a Sandusky house for the next yetr. Mr. N. Q. Phelps, of Bancroft, was the gueat of D. Cramer'g family the firstofthe week. Her husband was the founder of the viUage ot Bancrolt and is s'till largely interes te d in ita progresa. A party of young people of the flr. t ward went out to Hamburg, Saturday evening, to a social. Besides a breakdown, a tip oyer in the gnow, a runaway etc., everthing passed off very pleasantly, P. H. Djlan, of Williamston, Inghani county, has heen in the city the past few days renewing old acquaintancea. Mr. Dolan w.s formerly threaiurer of Northfield townghipaud moved to Ingham county but a few years ago, but during that time he made friends enough to elect him coroner nex: fall. Mayor Robison, Recorder Pond and A.ld Hens, of the council, and Col. Dean, Capt. Manly and others are in Adrián today trying to induce the executive coramittee of the Sonthwestern Süldiers' and Sailors' Associatiou to Belect Ann Arbor as the next piace for holding their reuoion. The committee took with them a guarantee of $1,000, from ten of our leading citisens as an extra inducement. Dr. Winohell, returned last Thuraday from a trip to Massachusetts and Oonneciicut, and reports a rery enjoyable time. At Melrose, Maseaohusetts, he wa tendered two receptions, one by the C. L. 8. C, and one by Mrs. CoL Hesteltine, at both places many distinguished literary persona being present from Boston and other places. A reception was algo given in his honor at Ly an, Mass., and one at Melrose, N. Y., hig home.


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