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Soine I'reity Hard Ptll. He went home a few nights go aiid not feeling vell took what he supposci to be four pills, and tlioii slept the sleep of the just. Wbeo Iih ife awoke in the iiKrniiig she begau n wnirli for four shoe buttous w hieh she Inteaded to sew on baby's shoes bofore the littlo one awoke. She oould not flnd them, and the husband joined in the search. Finall}' ho remembered where he had found the pills mul said: "Good heavensl I swallowed thciu buttons." - Detroit Advertiser. I thick very highly ol Dr. tjeth Arml I's Cough Killer. Father used it five years aud I have very often heard him ree mmend it as the best couh retnedy he ever Baw. C. C. Keenev, NVw London, Ct. ' I hear your lutle boy is sick, Mrs. Hitormiss." " Dear me, yes ; the Charlotte rusge broke out all over him, and if he hadn't wore the lujun beads as an oraelet it would have calumniated fatally, I fear." - Washington Post. Dr. Seth Ariiold'd Suar Coaied Bilious Pills unequalled for co8tivene88, jaundice and liver troublxs. 25 ctg "Is that a Landseer, Mr. CraMus?" asked the visit r pausing before the paintïng, "'No." replied the host, " rejkon ifs a Durham ; see how broad it ia betwen the horns, and see the color and the curl on ts forehead. That's a cenuine Durham, ure. That ain't no Landseer." Moetor Yonrself aud save money, and perhaps your llfe. Send th ee 2 cent stampa to pay postege to A. P. Ord way i Co.. Boston. Maxs., and receive a copy of Dr. KaufmminN gr. at Medical Work, 100 pages, elegant colur 1 platea. " Is me wite in here, do you know ?" asked a callrr at the pólice headquarters yegterday of Sergeant Martin. ' She is ruit !" "Thank Haveul but that 's a relief to my miud I If she isn't in here she must have tumblc-d into the riverl" - Detroit Free Preg-; A Muvb. tlnrrlcU Woman. Mt. Fowler, of thls city, was marrlt1-! January to her siitn husban J. and strauge a 11 may seem, fivu of them dled ezictly two years trom their marriagf day. Hc-r present bu-band has bbn sick for the last four m.mths with chronic jaundice, and was glven up by four f uur fo-st nhysicians ; asalat resort he U'gan iihin Pulptiur Killers, and yester.iay told our reporter tha! thi'y had saved hls ihe, soiiiingly nayiiiK ttmt Ite guessed Mrs. Kowler wi.uld be unalile to takp a wviiiih better half for sume time to come.- HxclianKe. A I'hil nielyhia oil broker received the folloH-ing business like note (rom a woman the other day: " Please Imy me 10,001) barrels ot oil at 99 cents and sell ai $1 10. ÜTnit me the difference lesa your commission. Upon (he promp'.ness wuh which you execute this order dependa my tuiure patronee." The best on earth can truely be said of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which is a sure, safe and speedy cure for cuts, bruises, gcald, burns, wounds and all other sores. WiU positively cure pilen, tetter and all skin eruptiona. Try thi wonder healer. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded, Only 25 cents. Johnson - By Jove, Jackaon, that baby looks the very picture ot your father. Jackson - Well ! when that baby hag a set of íalse teeth, a red beard and the rheumariem, 111 believe you. In the raeantlme, excuse me. - Lowell Citizen. HALE'S HOHEY ta the best Cough Cure, X 50c, tlGLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP hcaU and beaurifics. 5c GERMÁN CORN REMOVER küU Con & Bunion, -Sc. HIU'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- Black & Brown, 80c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure n 1 Minute, !Kc DEAH'S RHEUMATIC PILLS are a ture cure, 50a


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