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"Jack shall pipe and Gilí shall dance" just as long out in the opn barn as they please. The free bom American citizens don't fear neuralgia with Salvation Oil to the front. Pnce only 25 ets. Advertisements, such as To Rent, Foi Sale, or W ante, not exceeding three Unes, can be insertad iree weeks for25 cent. FARM FOR SALE- 197 acres, said land is i situated in the Township of Webster, four miles noith of Delhi Mills. HO acres on section 23. and 37 acres on section 10 Said Farm is flrst class iu every respect. For further Information address the undersigned at Der er, or inquire on the premises. A. A. and R. O. Buckelew. 628-83 NOTICE- In order to close an estáte, I wish to sell what is known as the Whitlari Farm, consistí ng of 101 acres flve miles north east of Ann Arbor. Farm in good condition. Time will be given on a ponion of the purchase price paid. if desired. Dated. Ann Arbor, Jan. lst, 187. E. Treadwell. Adminittrator. 628 88 IE FT AT THE BAZAA :-A pankagecontalniug -j a piece of üingham and White Uotton Flanncl; Alio a pair of eye glastes. 68 30 FOUND- A sum of money at A. L. Noble's Store Cali and pay lor this notice and eet money. 628-30 rpo LOAN- Money on chattels and real estáte X Address Box 671, Ann Arbor, Mich, 628 30 WANTED- A good girl for general house work, good wagee offered, at 26 Thompson St. 627-7+ Ir"OR SALE.- A good second-hand Coal Stove. 1 Address, E, Box B, or this office. 627-9 WANTED- Work by a reliable young manto takc care of a horse and makehimself useful abnut house, will work for board and lodging. Address W. C. this office. 627-y LOST- Red pocktt-book crntaining a sum of money and papers. Finder will De liberally rewarded py leaving it at 56 E. University Ave. LOST- A Mink boa last Sunday, betwee;i Ann Arbor and Boyden's Finder will receive reward by leaving the same at Wm. Wagner's store. 627-29 LOST on Liberty orFonrth Sts.Christmas.night Gent's Plaid Silk Mnffler. Please leave at D. . F. Sihairer's store and get reward 627-9 ÍT'OUND- A plain gold ling. Parties having 1 lost such enquire t No. 17 South Thayer-fct. 626-28 1URNISHED HOUS"E- The entire main floor ' furnished complete for housekeeping, and piano, woodshed and basement wiih fiirnace, will bc rented to desirable parties wisbing to keep housetemporarily in Ann Arbor. Enquire at 4ó South Ingalls-8t. 626 8 FOUND- A watch. owner apply C. W. T., Box 658, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 686-28 WANTED- A young gir) to work by the day. W Family of three. fowashing or ironing. Mrs. Finley, 45 South Ingalls st. 626 28 mo RENT- A very fine furnished house in very 1 desirable locality. App'y to Zina P. King. 62j-27 I7OR S ALE- My house. No. 27 Ann Btreet, or will V exchange for smaller house, or well located vacant lot. H. M. Taber. 623-tf. FOR SALE- A note, fecured by a first mortxage on a good Washtenaw Co. farm, valued at twice the amount of the note. Address Box 644, Ann Arbor, Mich. 618-27 tAEM FOR BALS- 160 ACRE.", 2 MILES ' southweet of Ann Arbor. A anit-class fann feil nnder-dralned and improved. Address Israel ark. Ann Arbor. 488-tf. FOR RENT- The Waldron house, No. 13 Elisabeth ft. Iu excellent repair and very codvenient. Enqnire of J. Q. A. Sessions over Express office. 619tf rpu EXCHANGE- A good 80 acre farm in westl ern Michigan, 60 acres improved and buildings. Will exchange for city property. Inquire of J. Q, A. Sessions, over express oiBce. 622tf. FINE FARM FOR SALE- Two miles lrom Ann Arbor, consisting of 160 acres in a high state ot cultivation. Has been used as a dairy farm for 13years, consequently soil Is very rich. Splendidly watered by ereek and springs, largo two story frame house, large basement barn, carriaKe house, large thed with hay loft, also grain barn; good orchard. Terms onethird cash, balance on long time to snit purchaser. Address, R. Watermann, Ann Arbor, 62tf OPECIAL SALE- One 7 octave square piano $-. One 6 - ' - 40.00. One 6 " organ (fiue) I61.OO. One Whitney organ (new) KO.00. One Taylorit Farley organ 150.00. One genuine Sii ger sewing Machine f2ö.00. One new Hoiisehold Sewing Machiue $25.00. These goods are in good order, ome íw good as new. They must be sold See them at WIOSEY'S NEW MUSIC STORE, 25 South Fourth Street. 620tf. WWKATHKK HTKI I'S - Champion Best in theworld. Exelude rain, wind and d:. irdereac Eberbach's Hardware store orNo. 12Lwrenpe-st No extra charges for repairs. M. J. FURSÜM, Prop. OANINO- Money 10 loan on flrst dam real nate montages at enrrent ratee of interest, tetlsfactory arrangements made with capltalisu desirixig such investment. Kvery conveyance and transaction tn abstracU of tltlea carefuliy exnined a to legal effect. Zina P. Ktng, Ann irbor, Mich. tf


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