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It is s&id that gome chilJren get all their impre88ion8 from their mother. This, then, is how slippery men origínate. VThm Baby wm lick, w gare her Cutoris, When ahe wa a Child, ahe cried for 'astoria, When ahe became Misa, she clung to Castoria, Whn the had Children, ahe gare them Castoria, There are in Massachusetts 65,000 more women than men. That is why the women have to s'and in the horse cars. HALE'S HOHEY is the best Cough Cure, 25. SOc, L GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP heals and beautifies, 28e. GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kills Conis & BunionS25c HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- Black & Brown, SOc PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minute, 25c. DEAN'S RHEUMATIC P1LLS are a sure cute, SOc Barber- Pretty short, air? Customer - Well, ye?, I at). Just put it down on the slate, wil] you? Muoh obliged to you for speaking of it. thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Acker's English Kemedy? It is tlie best preparation known for all Lung Troubles, sold on ft positive guarantee at 10c., 50c. JonN Moobk. Druggist. Pretty waiter tirl (to regular boarder) - What kind of soup will you have todny, Charley ? Charlie (in a fascinating man ner)_VVell, weally, I hardly know, y 'know. What kind would you advise me to takc, Jenny? Pretty waiter-giil (innoj centy) - Noodle soap, Charley. ïïew AdvertisemeEts TO ADVERTISERS! For a ehec-k for $20 we will print a ten-Une advertisemeut in One Million issues of lending American Newspapers. This is at the rate of ouly - lifthof a cent a line. lor 1,000 Clrculution! ïhe advertisement will be placed before One Milllion tr.nt newspaper purohasera :- or Fivf Mii.uon Keadkrs. Ten lines will accommoilate about 75 word. Address with Copy of Adv. and check, or send 30 cents for Book of 176 pages. ÜEO. P. ROWKLL & CO„ 10 Spruck St., New York. lVmMEPILEFSY X CURED. B B Hl tR0 Having dlscovered a nerve raillng OOM fr thii terrible malady, and desiring that all so afllicted may test without expense the wonderful and lmmvdiate effeots of my remedy, I will mail a package FREE to any sufDr. TIMOTHY DWYER, 79 JTASBAU s I 1(1 II . M. Y. pOMÏÏPïfc (k,P0ñ0USCO,dX ETROLlNt PLASTER Sures Backack, Lung f roubles, Kidney Diseases, Rhcumatisn;, Etc. A trial will couvinno the most skeptical that theyaretlie lïest. The m. Micatud witli capsicuiu and the aotlT principie oí petroleum, beliiK far tuoro powerful in thelr aotlon thau other piasters. Dsnotbe Induoed ti but bo sure mul n"t the Renulne " Petroltne," whlch is always enolosad i" au enTlope with the signatura of the propriotors, The 1.W.P. Co., aud directions in four lianuM; also seal in green and gold on eaoh plMBU. Sold by all druggists, at 'A cents uauli. PEDACURA CORN PLASTERS Ara the best known romi'ily for hard and soft corns. and uavur fall to cure. Trice, 'J5 cciiix. PEDACURA INSOLES Cure Culd Keet, out, Ktit-umatlsni, IaralyI, Nwolleii Keet, etc. The Pelee Whito Proprietary Co., M flniroU Straat, New York, Manufacturers. Of flrut damt driiiKlsls and H. J. BRÜWN, Dist Agt for AnD Arbor. iprUTP WANTED &S&, lcVriS Rhl II I Corset. Sample (ree to tboe b HU LH I II coming agaat. Ho risk, qulck sales rerrttory gio,atlfacüon jnrntd. Aildrejs OR.8COTTA42 Broadway8t..N-V RUPTÜHE! gBWk EOAN'B IMPERIAL TRÜ8S. B Pplral finring witli graded pre 3 ure 1 to 6 pounds, Worn day am r niiiht by au Infant a week oíd o adultofsn years. Ladies' Trums a ppecialty. Kncloae itamp fo JSaM? AÍS1J.SKÍ TRU8S CO.. Ann Arbor, Mlch EBERBCAH & SON, öRUGGISTS AND PflARMACISÏÏ No. 1 2 South Main Street, Koep on hand a lvge and well wleoted stook f DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFF8, ARTIST81 AND WAX FLOWKR StATl RTAL8, TOILET ARTICLE8, TRUS3ES, Aa PURK WINKS AND LIQUORS Speoial attention patd to tbe furnishing of Phj sldan, Chemlsts. Schools, etc., with PhllosopMoaJ and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemlotl Qiaasware, Poroelain Ware, Pure Beagents, etc rhyslclans PreurrlpHons oarefully preparad tl UI honri. 427-478 LÏÏMBËR LUMBERI LÜMBES! If you contémplate building oall at FERDON UDBtt YARD! Corner Fourth and Depot 3ta., and get our figures for all kinds oí LUMBER We manufaoture our own Lumbar and guarantee VERY LOW PRIOESI -íl ve us h cali nnd we wlll makt U o ,nr mta-ri'Hf . us our Inrire and well Krmlel wtork lullj mwlalu onr aserHou. JAKEH TOI.BEBT, Prop. T. J. HÜECH. SnPt. 427-478 BIBSBY & SÏABOLT ÏSTOS. 6 JlJ&JD 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Have alvrays on hand a complete Stock of everr thlng In the GROCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugars All prime Articles bougbt for Cash and can Mil atlow figure. Our frequent large involoei I Teaa la a ure sien that we give bargalm in QUALITY AND PBIOH. We roat our own coffee every week, alwajl flesh and good. Our bakery turna out the rerr beet of Bread, Cakes and cracker. Cali ana seems. 48J-WI OThr HIYURS' GIIDK U U.O..I ÉH-pt. and .Muren, nch yeax. - 31 page, 8ixll!j Inrhen.wtthover 3 BOO Uluatratlon - w'hole Picture Gallcry. (ilVKS Wholesale Prlcea dlrtet to conxumer on all Rood for „non.1 or family n. TcII.bow t order, and give of 'T Iilnii yoa u, eat, drink, wrr, o HIMIKS rontaln lnformaUon glea f rom th markrta of tbe world. Wi wlU mail a eopr FRKK to any addrc upon reertpt of 10 cto. to dtfrmL cxpenM of mallín. I " " tnm yoo, IUptfiUly, MONTCOMERY WARD & CO. C87 de 21Í Wafcaah Aicouci, ( hi.ivg, lik PATEÑTS FRANKLIN H. HOUGH, Solicitor of American k Foreign Pab 926 F St., Ncar ü. S. Patent OfflM. WASHINGTON, T).C All boilii before the rnitwl Statu PalM % tn(l1 to for moderato feel. rtnl ncurW tel (lwui itnlMinl II Kori-lgn couiilrim Trttt mq mi UUxU regiUTc! '■! 'llrltial w 4X1 prrK-ut-.i. nd cIvlotMMW m.m Kirnuehmfully fiinn-hi-J llhimt llmf. ■i ml ikdch or model lor Fr- opinión M M a MlttJ. ro agrncv in the V. . ioe ■ prrlar facilitien for obtitlnimg fc tent r aacertalulutr th 9tentnbility of imeiiita mj:'. of potent furnished for M crti ■. jH'. -rel-judeu-o Imitcd


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