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A Note Of Warning

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Washington, Jan. 25.- The Benate yesterday pussed, by a voto of 46yeas to 1 nay, the Édmunds bilí antborbing the President to defend the righls oí American fishing-vessels, American tishermen, American trading and other vessels on certain cases Th i bilí is practically a measure of retaUaUon against further ishing outrages byj.the Canadian authorities. Senator Ingaüs (Kan. ) declared that the Teal party in interest was Great Britair., not Canada, and that the conduct of Great Britain had been sufficient to juBtify a declaration of war on the part of the United Statei Canada and HerMajeêty'i Government bod shown a disposition to harass and amioy and destroy American fishing intorests, hocdless of violations of treaty obligations. He deired to be informed whether the measure was Intended to bo paciflc or hostile; whether it was, in enVct, au invitation to further diplomatic negotiations, or practiially i declaration of war. Senator Pry (Me.) made a very impasioned speech, charging the Canadian authorities with outrages and ïnhumamties which would have diograced the Fiji Islanders, and deolarlng tliat the purpose of the proposod legiilAtlon was to notify the Government of Great Britain that a continuanoe of such a coursc must bo at her perU. Ue intimatod vcry pla.nly that tho pi islatiim was desired ky ü ■■ aak Senator Bdmundi (Vt.)aald the question was not ono of war, b;it one of non-interourse betwsen the United Btates and the Britlsh provinces, and ■ qnectlon of who could stamt It the !.iircst, and there could be but oue answer to that question. Ben i.)ke, denounritii; i'l a coward- insolent o i! to the feeble and obsi ' cringing to the strong. 1 r . r ruling olasses were unfriendly to this eountry. Tii memory of two dofcats rankled It t of Englishmen. Therc were tew Amertoan rho did not regret Waterloo, and, for iiis part, hu waaglad tobearof the Interpretation put opon tbeproposed lcgislation by Sunator Fryc ttiat Greal Brltaln will persist tnrther in her course at her peril. Senator Hoar (Mass.), Morgan (Ala.) and Erarte (K. Y.) did not oonslder the measuro in toe nature of a menance or tending at all in the direction of war, bnt all were in favor of the bill. Senator Vest (Mo.) would not vote for the bill if ït was mandatory, but sin gave the Prosidcnt diacretionary power, ho was in favor of it. It was wcll enottgh to refer in rhetorieal plights to a war with Great Britain, but when they camo to the natter of military resources there were ome Uiings whïch had better be said ia iecret session. The world in arms could not oonquer the United States on its own toil, but, in a marítimo war, who could nswer for the result, or who wanted to invite such a contest? Senator Riddleberger (Va.) opposed the Wil, because it was in tho nature of a treaty with Enjfland. He wanted no treaty. An amendment offered by Senator Vest for the appointment of a commissioner to taüce testimony in regard to the losse and injuries inflicted by British authorities apon American üshermon was lost - yeas, 17; nays, 27. TIn' hill w;is then passed - yeas, 41; nays, 1 (Kiddlebergor). [The bill tli;it hen Uu: President h;tll bfl sütiiiflüd tliut nny Anu-rU-:ui tlshing, triiili ik or other vesscls, or thoir matt crew: . drnicd or abrfdgeü any of the rilítat , seeured to them v treaty or law, or ir nubjccted to unroasonable restHctlons, Kgulatlons or requirementi Ín reipaot to luch righta, whlle visitln the waters or ports fBritish America, it shall be the duty of the President ly proclamation to ilrny rdMels, their Biasters and orews, of the BritUIl Dominionsof North Amoríos any eutrance into the porta or waters of the Unltfld States, whether tlny tome directly from the Dominion or not. He may also, tn hls dlaoratkm, deny entry into tho TJnited States ot íresh or salt flsh, or any ether product or goode of the Dominion. The blll further proykles that any violation of such proclamation shall be punlshed by a forfeiture of the vessel or goods, and every person (-"in Ktfd of violating any of lts provtstoss shall be punished by a fine not ezceeding 11,000. or by lmprisonment for not ezeeeding two years, or by both said punlshments, In the dlscretion of the court.l HATES TO BE REOCLATED. Washington, Jan. 22. - In the House yestorrtay, after tho rcading of the jourbal, tho Speaker statsd that the regular order was tho vote upon the adoption of the conference report on the Interstate Commerce bill. Mr. Crlsp (Ga.) bjected to requests for separate Totes on tho fourth section and the ono relating to the commission. He lso raised a point of order against tho motion of Mr.Dunham(lll.)to recommit the report, which was sustained by the Speaker. The vote was then taken, resulting in the ulopt ion of the conference report - yeas, ïli); nays, 41. Those voting nay were : Allen (Mass.), Anderson (O.), Bliss, Boutelle, Boylc. Bngg, llrumni, Campbell (O.). Caswell, Dlbblc i:iy. Evans. Felton, Flndlay, Frederiek, Gy, ( ; il til : "r, Hayden, Hill, Johnson (N. T.), Kelly. Ketoham, Libbey, Long, Markkam, Martin, MiKenna, Miller, Morrow, Oates, ONcil! ilVii. O'Nelll (Mo.), Rannej', Reed, Elcc, Scymour, Wadsworth, Wait. Wcavpr and White (Pa.)- 11. tThe bilí provides. In brief, for the appointaient -it i oonunlMton of iive competent men. Bot mort' Hijo threo of whom belonK to one political party. Shipprrs vlu have Kfievances ftgainst railroads can tnake eompluint to the Commission or uuUtntt uit in the Federal eourts. Uailroads are prohibitod trom charglng more for a short tlian for a longcr (lislance apon their linos ín thl rtion, the ■) ulc.t withtn tho longer éistanoe, and the cireumstanecs and conditions tïoinK th same; but Ihr commision 1, apoa ippUottlon ol mi after Investígating the tact to rolleve tha joads from the operation oí the general ule in special cuse Pooling Ís ausolutely prohtbit'!l. K;ich rfttlroad U nqnired to makc public tho ratcs bctween points 011 road, ;is proposeil in the House bilí, ami In addlUon the ommission ís required to secure publicity of tbrough rates la so far as it muy !■ toan' I iry.] Washington Jan. 19.- house- The joint lesolution for the Investigaron 01 ccounts of OW Paotflfl railroads passcil tbc Boqm .vf-tnuav. a motten tolayon Iho tablo ■ resolution setting January 49 for the consideration o( the HUir Zduoationnl hill was defealed tiy a vote ot 7Í yea to li nays. A UiU was reponed increasklgtromtnto HOO por moath the pension of Joldirs .uui tailon who hiivc lost botb arms. 3. BLouni uní the Po propriation bill .ution a tor ;i oomnittMol Ave Senutors and eifht BepresentattTM to o the i at hoiilniK in 1KH! u Lntarnktionul OXlllblttoo of industries nul proihu-tions of all countrit'8. The House bill forfeiting the land Krant " the Ni Orleant, BtOB Rouge & VieksbuiR Kuilro:iil ( oüipany was pi WASUlÜUTOV 20.- HOU8- Thi1 House sed a bilí autherizing the or.dgin( of the Missjssippi river tí Si. LouU. An effnri to üx a day for the consideratíoo oí the Blaii Educational bilí was again defevted. Notiee wa glvcn that the Inter-State Commer:o bH would be pushed to a vote Wday Sknath - The Senatc ycsi '1 üie bilí authorizing the construction of anotlier bridge across the Mississippi rier at St. Louis. It also adopted a mensure appropriating $300,000 to expedite the completion of jetties at Charleston, S. C. Washington, Jan. 21.- House- In the House laf favorable rrports were made on bilis for the admission of Washington Territory, for the suppression of the opium trafile, for the completion of the monument to the mother of Washington, and for the special distribution of seeds in the droucht-stricken counties oí Texas. Mr. Miller (Tex.) introduced bill appropriatini; Íl,(i00.000 for the relief of the depositors in the Fruedman's Savings Bank. The House devoted the afternoon and evening to a debate on the Inter-State Commerce bill, with the understanding that a vte will be taken after the reading of the journal this morning Sen ate - In the Senate yesterday the conference report on the Electoral Count bUlwuagree to without división. Senator lilair (N. H.) gave notice that Tuesüay next he would ask that body to take up and act upon the joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution so as to authorize ornan suffrage. Washington, Jan. 22.- Hocsb- In the House, yesterday the conference report on the ínter-' Btkte Oommerce liill was adopted- yens. 219; 11. The cMinferenco report on the bill ior the aüotmrnt oí lands in sevcralty to Inilians was adopted, A number of private pension bilis were passcd, among them one grantingïöO per month to the widow of General Pi Meagher....SE.N ate- Senator Spooner (Wis.i was appolnted to flll the vucancy on the Comroittoe on Privileges ; s rn I Cleotlona oensed by the death of Senator Logan. Senator Slierman (O.) offered an amendment to the Sunrlrj Civil bill appropriating $3,000 to put new around the cemeteries in which Confedérate ciead are buricd near Columbus, O., and on Johnson b Ishmd. Senator Oolqfttt (Ga.) pretested from the Woman's Christian Temperai. e CTnios uf the District of Coltimbia, charglng tlie oemmisalonen with proteL-tins saloons, gambling-houses and brothels. An Ion will probably be ordered. Aijourned till Monday. WABHIBQTON, Jan. 'M.- IIoüse- In the House Sutunlay the District of Columbia appropriatiou bill mu reported. The amount appropri iver laai year of amad (he oonslderatloD of the bill lncreasing the rute of peniton allowed for total deafuess to -J0 a month. The opponent! of the blU retralned from votiiií; aní left the House without a quorum, and In this eomlition it reiuuined until the morning hour ezplred, and the bill went over without aotioll. WAHUHGTOH, Jan. 25.- HOUSE- Mr. Lawler (111.) in the Hou ly, introducvii ;i ' Ion to imiuiru into the expediency of vxpcndinf! f5ii,(XX).000 for the coustruction and "f war. Mr. Springer (111.) lntrodtUMd a constitulional amcndmcnt chniiging the time for the assembling of Congross to the Hrst Wednesday in Januury of . ..Sunate- The credentials of ('hurles H. F.irwell, of Illinois, clected to flll the vacancy in the Senate caused by tb death of General Logan, were flled iñ the United Statu Senate ye were atoo thosr of Cushman K. Daii-, 8entor-l6ot inim M iincsota, for the full term of six years trom Haroh i, 189T. The Senate passed the bill proriding that thlrd-class pOit-OfBoei hall not bc changed to fourth-class where 11. ut to H,9(X) a year, or where the box-receipts and oomndMlons oonitltntlng the postmuster's compensation umoutit to Y1,000. 'i'ii, s ■ debate of Aeep ntörest, patMd ulmost ununimuusly a bilí authorizing the President to take retaliatory meamm asalnit Canadian fishermen whonc er Am u'sm Is shallbe abridged in the enjoyment of their rights under the treaty.


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