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FROM LIFE TO DEATH is bui a moment if rheumatism or neuralgia strikes the heart. These diseases are the most painful and the most dangerous of any to which human kind is Hable. They fly from one part to another without a moment' s warning, and linimento and other outward applications are in themselves dangerous because they are Hable to drive the disease to some vital organ and cause instant deeth. Rheumatism and neuralgia are diseases of tbe blood, and can only be reached by a remedy whieh will drive from the blood the dangerous acids. Such a remedy is Athlophoros. It lias been thoroughly tested and is a safe, sure cure. Mrs. R. F. Bowers, 902 State St., Racine, Wis., says: "I have been troubled with rheumatism for the last three years, not suffering as ranch pain as some do with the same complaint, roy difficulty being stiffhess of the joints, it was mostly in my knee joints, so that it was with mueh difficulty that I could bend them, especia lly in going up and down staire. During the time I have been troubled in this way I liave tried many different medicines without any good effects. Athlophoros coming to my notice, and being anxious to get some relief, I thought I would try it. After using it for a short time I was able to bend my knees easily, and could go up and down etairs without suffering any inconvenience. Janesville, Wisconsin. I was seriously afflicted with rheumatism in my hips and lower limbs, so that it was with great trouble and intense pain that I could move around. I have now used one bottle of your Athlophoros with the most satisfactory results. E. L. Dimock, Insurance Agent, Eaat Milwaukee St. Every druggistshould keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Pilis, but where they cannot be bought of the druggist the Athlophoros Oo.," 112 Wall St., New York, will send either (carriage paid) on receipt of regular price, which is $1.00 per bottle for Athlophoros and 50c. for Pilis. For liver and kidney diseases, dyspepsia, indigestión, weakness, nervous debillty, diseases of women, constipation, headache, impuro blood, &c., Athlophoros Pilis are unequaled. i Tïïït FARMERS'and mm IUI OF AXX ARBOR, H'HKiAV Report of the condltion of the Farmers' and Mechantes' Bank at Ann Arbor, Michigan, ot Saturday, July Third (3) A. D, 1886, made in accorcanoe with Sections 18, 19, and 67 of the Gener. Banking Laws as amended in 1871. RESOURCES. Loansand Discount I 165,992 87 Overdrafts 549 32 Fumitureand Fixtures 3,497 X Due from Banks and Bankers 24,225 36 Leeal Tender and Bank Notes 4,97í 00 Bonds, U. 8 4,400 OC Premiums on U. S. Bonds 735 26 bonds, Local 2,836 07 Specie 3,350 00 Frac. Currency, Nickels and Pennies,... 67 15 $210,627 72 LIABILITIE3. Capital paid in 50,000 00 SurplusYÜnd S.485 8S Undivtded Profite. 6 13 Due Depositors 155 355 'l Dividend!. 1.750 00 $2)0,627 72 I do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. WILLIAM A. TOLCHARD, Cashier. Subecribed and sworn to before me this Sixth day of July, 1886. O. L. MATTHEWS, Notary Public. 602-5 INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. P&rtlcs desiring to buy or sel'. Real Estáte wlll flnd it to their advantage to cali on me. I repre ■ent the following flrst-class Fire Insurance Com p&nles, havlng an aggregate capital of over $30, 090,000: Sun Flre, - , ■ I.oiuIod dnardinn Insurance, ■ London Northern, Lonilon Fire IiiNnrnnce AsOclatlon, LoihIob Mechante' nuliial Flre Ins. ■.. MilHnnker Flre Aasoclatlou, - Pbiladelphla American Flre, ■ ■ Pniladelphia WesIcheNter Fire, - - New York New HampNhlre Fire, Mancbetiter tiraiul BapiclN Fire, Grand Rápida rnderwriterx, Provldence R. 1 Traders. -.--- rhlcimr" Rates Low. Lossea llberally adjusted wd oromplly paid. I also issne Life and Investment Policles in the New York Mutual Life Insurance Company. A ■ets $55,000,000. Persons desiring Accident Innm anee, can have ye&rly Poilcles writteu for them or Traveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets issued at Low Rates in the Accident Insurance Comp&ny of North America. Money to Loan at Current Rates. Office houre from 8 a. m. to 12 h., and 2 to 5 F.M. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block THE BEST SAL'SSME. Newspaper advertislng is now reoognlied bj hrewd business men as the best of all powlbli ■alesmen - one who never sleeps and la ne# weary- who goes after business early and latewho can be in a thousand places at once, n 'ipetk to a mullo" people each day.saylng toeacl on 'J11 best thing in the best manner. It is Generally conceded by physicians that the spring truss is the best kriown instrument for retaining hernia, giving a uniform pressure and conforming to the variouB positions of the body. They are clean, comfortable and durable. Our stock is large, embracing all the leading makes. We guarantee satisfacuon. - Browne Nhnrpe Halr Clipper So. 1 O ; Pontaje 15e. . fwne A Nharpe Hom Clipper No. 9 M.OO Poataxe JSe. MANN BRO'8, Druffiista, Ann Arbor. IDVERTISERS Before you place a dollaft worth of NewHpaper advertling, get our prire. The riaot cort of any paper, or lint ot p;ifrn cheerfully lunüithed, H fi-e upon application. tSend for New Catalocn J. C. HOUCH, Advertiütog Agent


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Ann Arbor Register