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Advertising In Chinatown

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The great advertising medium of Chinatown graph pole in front of the ffo Ki'e store i Mott sti doors from Chatham square. The ma is about two feet ín diameter, and it isnlwaysirdled by a li nts wrlttes ín Chinese charact. rs on sheets of yellow, white, or fire cracker red paper. The girdle is three or four (eet broad, and thus tho availuble adTertli is from eighteen to twentyfour i . This does not suffiee for the neecis ol 'hinatown, and adotber telegraph pole n the other side of the Street out toward the corner of Park street gets part of the When the ('liinesc avail ttomaelvea of thls adver ium they are reminded of tho pi : i liis western people n doing alnKi Dg in a wi ically differ ; k- r time bonored Oriental metln la never any doubt as to the eiren! la advwtWng medium, for nobo! at it eirenlatcs. It stands there 1 year out, aml tlie ruaderi do thi ig, Thus tli liane for bi . It is possibl'j that, with their i western n; there la sou' I influence Is tlie mysterlous li -i is heard upon tho lofty wires. Tlii a "Postilo Bills" doe not a; iia pole. If it ii (licreitis covereil u;i bv many thick dead ads." On S-imlays, when the CblnaM from all parte of the city flock to Chinatvn to piek np the week't news concerning tlieir race, each visitor steps up tothe pole and consulta the announcements made tharaoa. They run targaly to for sales, to Iets, and want. When ■ ('hinaman has anj-thing for sale, trom a laundry to a pair of cliop sticks, he pastes i?i nnii'iuncement on the Mg tflegraph pole. C'omparatively few of tin-in are abl to write the notices themselves, but ther know wbere they can flnd icribes who wül do it for them in good shape for reasonabls pay. The notices are almost nvariably written with admirable neatness and withOot disjilay. No cuta are inserted. There ■eems to bc an underetanding that no man ahall occupy more of the comnion space than rsasonable settine forth of his


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