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Landlady ( xamining a fuyitive boarder's trunk) - Why, Bridget, his trunk ie lul) ofbriok! II. nv could they have got there? "Sure, ma'am, he brought one home in his hat every night." Credit is due the Gennan vromen and physieians for first using red clover blosoms as a medicine. Best results are obtained when combined withother medicinal roots and herbs, as in Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic, which is the best knowc remedy for all blood diseases, stomach and liver troubles, pimples, costiveness, bad breath, piles, agüe and malaria diseaaes, indigestión, loss of appetite, low spirits, headache and all diseases of ihe kidneys. Price 50 cents, of Eberbach t Son. "Pa," said Johnny, looking up (rom hiê book, "what do'8 it mean lo pile Ossa on Belion?" "There, don't bother me now.' replied pa; "ask y nirmi, she understands all about millinery." Whnl Truc Merlt III do. The unprecedented sale of Boschee's Germán Syrup within a few years, hag astonished the worll. It is without doubt the safest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectiul cure of Coughs, Colds and the geverest Luns troubles. It acts on an entirely different principie from usual precriptions given by Physicians, aa it does oo' dry up a Cough and leave the disease still in the system, but on the contrary removes the cause ct the trouble, heak the parts effected and leaves them in s purely healthy condition. A bottle kept in the house for u-e when the diseases make their appearance will save doctor's bilis and a long spell of serioua illness. A trial will convince you of these facts. It is positively sold by all druggistsand genera! dealers in the land. Price, 75 ets., large bottles. A sheet of paper seventeen inches wide and more than seven miles long was recently made at Watertown, N. Y. It is thoueht possible to print an entire sentence of William M. Evarts on it if agate type is used. consttpation7 There is no medium throngh whid disease bo often attacks the systen as by Constipation, and there ia m other UI fl8sh is heir to.more apt ta be neglected, from the fect material incoDvenience may not be iminediately feit from Irregular action of the bowels. When there Is not regular action, the retention of decayed aiifi effete matter, with lts poisononi gases, soon poisons the whole system by being absorbed into it,' caosiBg piles, fistola, headache, impuro blood and many other serióos affectiom. BÜRDOCK BLOOD BITTERS wil] immediately relieve, and one bottle positively care or relieve any eau of Constipation. "Was troobled for a year witi torpid liver and indigestión, and alter tryíng; everything imaginable, osed BÜRDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. The (first bottle reyived me and the second Icoredme entirely."- J.S. WiliiamaoiL lEochester, N. T. WZMI. BIC3-C3-S Contractor I Mier, And all kinds of work in connection with the above promptly executed Shop. CornerofOhurch and Orleans StH. Box 1248. 582S! CAPTAIN THE HONORABLE ALISTAIR HAY, THIRD BATTALION BLACK WATCH Eoyal Highlander's (BBOOMS SON' OF THi: KAKL OF KIN'NOÜIX.) iTI.IN CASTLK, OTLAND. S TO THE LIKRK, (CMPANY: "I wu In a conditlon ( rest dcliillty, conqnenl opon . 'iji;pU rikI maiiiriii . Irrltation, when itake flect wassln ' :k.'-tion waa gukkly van"Other [inpnm tried Ml CHAS, LUDWÏG VQN SEEGS&, rafty; I n di i .ƒ ie ron .'(( Sjianinh Order "f Imilx lla; Kniyld ƒ iit (dl Vuitinn in Bed Kmjlc; Chetxüür of Ou ijtaUm oi II' in, ,i Ai ., a, , "f.lhllU. o. s COCA BEEF KIMC should not be confounded wlth the horde of tranhy cure all. It Is In no lense of the word a natent remedy. 1 ani thormiKhly imi vcrsant wlth 't mode of preparatlon and know it to be notonlj a legitímate pharmaceutlcal product, bat alm wort&T of the high commendatfone it lian reoelTed In all parto of theworld. It contains emenceof Beef, Coca, Qulnine, lron and Calisaya, which ara dlmolved In pure genulne Spanlsn Imperial Crown Sherry.' Invaluable to all who are Run Down, Nerron, DyBtieptic, Billous, Malarlous or afflicted wit weai lidneys. Beware ot Inillntliini. Bar XiitttT1! FiToritt Cometió Slyeiriii üed by Her Royal Hlchnesa the Prlnoaa of Wale and nobility. For the skin. Complexión. Eruptlon, Chapping, Koughne. $1.00. Of lÏÏTMtG O.'N i.imlnr Ny rap of Hmr. pnrlllit U guaranteed u the best SareapartU inthemarket N. T. Df pot 9 Hnrrajt, BWILSON WASHBOARDS. Tbeie Waahboards are made with a Bent-TVood rim. The Strong■t boards and bet walier in Um world. For ale by all dealer. Take co other. ' sAaivAvr M'F-g co..


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