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BACH & ABEL Our reduction sale has been entirely satisfactory. How could it well be Otherwise? The goods are here, the prices down and a graat many of you know it. As it is so early to make big statements, to trifle with the truth a little, we are not surprised that a few doubt That they see in the papers, although we try to teil the exact truth. You are doing precisely what we want you to do, bring our price list clipped from the papers and ask to see the goods. If we can't show you what we'veadvertised, you ought not to stay a minute. ASTRACHAN WRAPS That were sellingthe firstof theseason No. 9,268 at $32,00, now going at $23 50 No. 2,601 at $23,00, now going at $16 00 No. 22,077 at $28,00, now going at $20 00 No. 1,111 at $20 00, now going at $14 00 No. 770 at $25,00, now going at $18 00 No. 730 at $14,00, now going at $ 9 00 No. 934 at $12,00, now going at $ 8 50 No. 422 at $11,00, now going at $ 7 50 CLOTH WRAPS. No. 352 that were $16 are now $12. No. 8,289 tbat were $20, are now $15. No. 16 055 that were $16 are now $12. No. 2,595 that were $18 are now $13. PLUSH WRAPS That brought at the opening of the season No. 426-$30, selling for $21. No. 688- $35, selling for $25. No. 553- $25, eelling for $18. FRIEZE WRAPS. No. 4,855 formerly at $33, now selling at 824. No. 625 formerly at $20, now selling at $14. No. 428 formerly at $30, now selling at $22. No. 490 formerly at $22, uow selling at $16. No. 618 formerly at $32, now selling at $23. No. 1,128 formerly at $18, now selling at 18. SIIX RCULARS. No. 73 that were $12, now $7. No. 453 that were $20, are now $14. No. 456 that were $23, are now $16. No. 452 that were 815, are now $11,50. HaT"We have in stock lORussian Circulars, that were selling the first of the eeason at $10, $12, $15, and $18, now going at tf, (yur choice). Bach & Abel. om 83 CENT COLVXH. AdvertiBements, such as To Rent, For Sale, or WicU, not ezoeedlng three Unce, can be lnserted hree weeks for 85 cents. FARM FOR BALE- 160 Acre, 2U miles southwest of Ann Arbor. A flrst-clss farm well nndtr-dralncd and lmproved. Address, Israel Clark, Ann Arbor. 483-tf WEATHER STRIPS, CHAMPION- Best in the world. Exelude rain, wlnd and dust. Leave orders at Eberbacn's Hardware store or No. 12 Lawrence-st. No extra charges for repairs. M. J. FURNUM, Prop. LOST- A Rumia Leather Pocket-Book, (JOBtalning small amount of money, between No. 23 E. Untvereitv Ave. and sixth ward school. Finder wlll picase leave at this office or telephone office and oblieowner. 631-33 LOST- On Friday. January Olst. a Fcotch Terrier, neaily white, namecl Katy. Finder will be rewardodby leasing at 40 8. FIfthst. 631 33 1?OR SALE- My house. No. 27 Ann strect.or will " exchange for maller house, or well loealed ,arant lot. H. M. Tkber, 6Slt FARM FOR SALE- 187 acres, fecd Buildings, large orchard, N aires of wheat on ground. Müe Noitli of Saliiu'. Kinnitre on nrrnñlimí Mrs. L. I). Wheeler 631 36 LOST- On Januarv 22, betwean Vnlvcnlty aiid l'ost Office, a C'henllle Robe; black on one ide and moitled on the other. Size, about 8Ví by4. Leave at Randall's Art Store. 631-33 FINE farm in Salem, belonging to the Smlth hetrs; also 40 acres in GratiotJ Co., for sale Cheap. O. L. Maithew, Real EsUte Agency. 630-2 FOR RENT- A plessant suit of furnlshed, neated rooms. Inqtiire t thl office. 630 2 FOUNU- Black Kuil Milten. Rbgister office. I08T- Betwcen Aun Arbor and Ypsilanti, -i New Ycar'B eve., a seal boa. Kinder will be rewarded by leavlng nt W, W. Douglaa' store, Ann Arbor. 629-31 WANTEU- A good girl to do work in a family of three. Inquire at No. 9 Bowery-at. 629-81 WANTED- Ladics desirlng Undergarmcnta, Mght dreasea, Skirt, Infanta' wardrobes or auy Wbitc goods made up, can get it done promptly and reasonably at 27 East Catherine St 6W-31 FARM FOR SALE- 197 acre, said land ia la aituatcd in the Townshlp of Webster, four rolles noith nf Dolhl Mills. ltO acres un aectinn 28, and 37 acres on acctlon 10. Said Farm Ís flrst dass In every respect. For lurther Information ddress the undereigned at Dex'er, or Inqnireon the premlses. A. A. and R. O. Buckelew. 628-83 NOTICE- In order to close an estáte, I wish to aell what ík kuowu as the Whitlark Farm, consistiría of 101 aeren, five miles north east of Ann Arbor. Farm in good condition. Time will be eiven on a portion of the purchase price paid, lf deslrt'd. Dated, Ann Arbor, Jan. lBt, 187. E. Treadwell, Admtnlstrator. 628 33 FAKM KOK HALS- 160 ACREt', 2U MILES outhweat of Ann Arbor. A flrat-claaa farm well ander-dralned and lmproved. Addreaa Israel (Hark, Ann Arbor 488-tf. FOR RENT- The Waldron house, No. 13 Elisabeth sL In excellent repair and very couTeoient. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessions over Epresa office. 619tf TD EXCHAXGE- A good 80 acre farm in western Michigan, 60 iom huproved and buildings. Will ezi-hange for city property. Inqulre of J. Q, A. Sessionn, over expres office. 622tf. ÍfiINF. FARM FOR SALE-Two milea from Ann Arbor, conslsting of lflO acres in a high Mate ol ctiltivation. Ha beei used aa a dairy farm for 13 years, consequently 6oil is very rica. 6plendidly watere'l by creek and springs, large iwo story fnuiie líense, large basement barn, carriage house, larse Ihw w.ih hay loft, also grain barn; good orehanl. Terms one third cash, balance on long time to í-utt purchaser. Addreaa, R. Watermann, Ann Arbor, Mich. 6'24tf O PECIAL 8ALE- One 7 octave square piano $85.00. One 6 $40.00. One 6 " organ (fine) Mi-OO. One Whitney organ (new) S00.00. One Taylor ï Farley organ töO.OO. One Kcnuine Singer íjcwing Machine 120.00. One new Rouaehöld Sewing Machine f2.i.0O. These goods are iUKOOd order, sume a ginnl af new. They imi-t be sold Sec tliem at WILBJSY'S NEW MOSIC STORE, 26 South Fourth Street 20tf. IOANING- Money to loan on fint claia real j eatate mortaKec at cnrrent ratea of Interest. Satlafactury arrangtiuetits made wlth capitalista dealrlng kuc-Ii iuvestment. Kvcry oonveyanra and traiiKM'tlon in abHtracU oftltles carefuïly ex. amlncd at to knul effect. :Zina P. Klng, Ann Arbor. Mlch tf UNDERTAKING. Having purchased the Hearte and rmlertakiiiK outfit forinerly belonging to John Keek &Co., I nm ready to attend to all calis by night or day. Can always be found in the Keek store. tf W. ;. DIKTERLE.


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Ann Arbor Register