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BUSINESS CARDS. CK KCDSOH, Proprietor. Sorth-west corner of Hurón and FomthStreets Aes Arbor. 456-507 ri EOKQE E. FROTKINGHAM, M. 1'., iT lhyxiciHn and Suriteoii. Office, Hamflton Building, Reomf 1. % a 8. Office Hours: Monday. fuesday, Thuredavaad Friday; 10 to 12 A. K.; Wednesday tuid Paturüay, 2 to 4 P. 'm. LEX. W. HAMILTON _ w ■wíl) tirartíce Ín both State and United States 8treete, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 424 -475 p EORGE W. KENWICK, TEACHER OF VülCE CDLTURE,Sm6lííG, HARMONY & PIANO. HamonysncfnllytamaAddre. ro. g. t. ■WMhtenaw Lodge, No. 719, meete every Monday evening at 7:H0 in their temple, third door east of the Poet Office, and third floor. Geoege Scott, C. T. 620-32 O. W. Sage, R. Sec. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office and residence over postoffice, firat floor 621-88A. F. SMITH, Ann Arbor, MteMgan. Public Farm Anetioneer. Sales made In any part of the County. Correspondence promptly answered. Box 2241. 6335 O.C.JENKINS,D.D.8., DEFTAL OFFICE OVEK ANDREWS BOOK NTOKK. 13 MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOK. 456-507 NICHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE Second Floor Maaonic BlocU, over HnvIng Bank, Aim Arbor, Blicta. Teeth eitracted without pain by the use of eas or vitalized air. 486-487 ZINA F. SINO, Law and Collection Office. 0. 8. COMMI88IONEK, and Agent for plaolii insurance in reliable companies. All business entmsted to this office reoelvet prompt and caretul attentlon. Money remitteJ immedlately on collection. No. 42 Main street, South, Ann Arbor, Mich, 427-478 WTIiTiTAM AENOLD, SELLS 1847 ROGERS BROS.' SPOONS, FORKS AND KNIVK8, At bottom prices, engrayinj includc.' foll line of the jnstly celebieteö ROCKFORD WALTHA-M and ELGIN -WATOHES. Opjnface, Key and Stern-winding alwayf onhaud and regiilated, ready for a mKif pocket. If yon cannotreadthi8 get one ofjohnston & Co .s eye-glasses or spectacles for sale by WM ARNOLD, 36 Main St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 424-475 ► WE ARE IN THE SWIM FOR THE trtist Material Trade Of your County. Send for Catalogue. ALLEN & PABKHTJRST, 27 and 174 Summit St., Toledo, O SP3CIAL NOTICeI Havlng purchased the Interest of D. J. Roes in the property known as the WM. NOBLE PLANING MILL I am now prepared to flll all orders In MES, D0QH.S. BIND iü MQÜLDINSS Of all deBcrlption, planing done to order on short notice. Fint clan work guaranteed at the lowest prlces. JOHN ABSf STOUT (,, juccessor to BOSK AK.IISTKOSM. Cor. N. Fifth and Depot sts, opposite M. C. E. B. depot 560-611 teCHK i ílsWH eipenence in the Ul Q preparation of more Ej jaJBs""ss"i fnan One Hundred Ljü ■ Thoiseri-1 apptioaltoOS lof [ilDW 10 kj ■ the United States and Foreign connhm H triet tbe pablishers of tbe Scientiflo ffMV Amerioan oontinue to act as soliciton ■ü I for patents. caeat, trade-marln, copj■■mI rigbia. ato., for the United States, and to obUIn pateott in Canada, England, Franc, Grma.nj and all other coantries Theireipenence is aneqaaled and their taoilities ara unsarDrawinn and speciflcations prepared and filed In the Patent OfBoe on short notice. Terms Tery reasonsble. No charge for eiamination of modela or drawings. Advice by mail free PatentiobtaioedthroaghMannpoarenotipS Inthe SCIKSTTIFIC ATtÜKRICAN.which has th largest clronlation and i the moat influential oewspaper of iu kind pubhshed m tbe woria. The advantages of auch a notice ererj ptnt aod#ntnd Thii rae nd Bplendidly illoitrated newpMr t pabliahed WERKLY t 3.0Üayear. ssd n admitted to be the best paper davoted to scido, mechantes, lDTentioD, enginoeriiig work, aod other dftptrtrnem oí industrial pro(res, paoliabed id aay country It containB the name of 11 patento and titleof every inveotion patentd ach Try it four months for on dollar 8old by all neimdealers. If roa have an invention to patent wnfce to Munn A Cu . tmbiiriher of Scientiöc imiriCM, Ml lïroadway. New York. iindiook about paUnU mailed fre. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPreecription of a physlcian wh has had a Ufe lonff experienee in treating female disoases. Is osed nionthly with perfect succeas hf over 10,000 ladi. s. Pleatant, safe, effectual. Ladies askyourdrut gist for Pennyroyal Wafers aijd take no substitute, or incloee postage f or goaled particulars. Soldby au druKKist. ♦' Jer box. AddreaS THEtüBEKA CHEMICAL C3., Dbtroit, Mica. Nold In Ann Arbor by EBEBBACfl _SOM. fcL.fc M ll""dnl "'"'■ feleotric cora I Sample trae totbo HU kil u'"rl'k-ri'ltsal.-s. Ttt!?i_i6ir?"'iiiiiníacllon ruara:.' SCOTT. 84 Bioed-a NFW VORK.


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