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For Week Kniled Feb. 2'1. Robert Bonncr has refused an offer of $100,000 for Maud S. Fire destr.jyed the Rugg block at Haverhill, Mass., valued at tlOü.OOO. Church & Phalen, dry goods dealers at Troy, N. Y., failed Monday tor (260,000. There is a general protest in France agaiust M. Develle's proposed tax on corn. The Bowers chemioai works at Philadelphia vveredamaged by fire about $50,000 Saturday night. Malignant scarlet fever has made it necessary to close the schools in some parts of Rock County, Wis. The Merchants National Bank of Deadwood has closed lts doora The liubüities are about 42,ÜO0. By a fall of earth in a mine at Lavant, Oat, three men were killed and two ethers were seriously injured. The St Louis Counoil has passed an or dinance making eight hours a legal day's work for city laborers. The ice is gorged in Detroit river at Grosse Point, where property wortht3J,000 was swept away Monday. Alfred Brown, of Albion, Edwards County, Representative in the Illinois Legislature, died Monday night. Richard R. Owings, the well-known turfman, died at Louisville, Ky., Thursday, aged thirty-eight years. The Emery Opera-House, newly finished, at Titusville, Pa., was bumed 'Saturday. Loss, $2S,0U0; small insurance. To secure debts of 1300,000, an assignmeot has been made by Broek & Wiener, dothing manufacturera, of Buffala Prof. E. E. Barnard, of Vanderbilt University Observatory, at Nashville. discovered another cornet Wednesday night. The Union Pacific road recently hauled a train-load of Chinese silk f rom Ogden U Council Bluffs inside of forty-four hours. The National Association of Merchant Tailore of the United States of America was organized Thursday at Phila lo.phia. A deed of trust was flled in Baitiraore by the wholesale dry-goods firm of l'hillips Brothers & Co., bond in $400,01)0 being givon. P. C. Auclair, a merchant tailor at Ot tawa, Ont., has suspended payment on debts of $80.000 due to dry-goods mon ia Montreal. Green Butler and Monroe Hunt were drowned Baturday near Memphis, Tenn., whüe paddliug about the ovorflowod river on a raft. The Mardi-Gras festivitieshaveattracted 60,000 strangers to New Orleaus. The King of the carnival appeared Mouday as Saladin. The Canadian Pacific officials deny th published report that their road has for twenty-three days been blockaded west of Winnipeg. Judge Thomas M. Joseph, treasurer of th Grand Lodge of Odd-Fellows of Texas, has lost SS, 185 of the lodge's money in speculatiou. Burglars who entered nineteen stores at Portsmouth, N. H., on Tuesday night, oarried away only ütty dollars in money and two dollars in goods. The Military Committee of the House has agreed upon a bilí appropriating $5,000,000 for a manufactory of heavy ordnanoe, mortars and torpedoes. The accounts of Captain A. J. Howard, warden of the Southern Indiana peuitentiary, are short between $50,000 and $100,000. Howard has resigned. Harvey E. Light, propnetor of tne ,ureka Steam Heating Company, of Roohester, N. Y., has made au assignmeut. Liabilities, $60,000; assets, $45,000. The Cunard 9teamship Etruria, which arrived in New York Saturday froni Liverpool, averaged twenty-two statuio miles per hour ior the entire passage. John M. Glover, a Congressman from St. Louis, and Mss Augusta Patten were married in Washington, Monday eveniug, and ook their deiiarture lor California. The Mark l.auf, Bxprim, in its roview of the British grain trade, says that supplius continue so iargo that improvcuiut is impossiblf uuiüss In the event of wai1. General Grosvenor, president of tho National Uniou League, has called u meeting oí the National Council, to bu h'id at the Ebbitt House, Washington, Man-h 1. A partial suinmary of the amouuts contained in bilis asking for appropnations in the Illinois Legislatura shows a total asked for of $2,867,231, with moro to follow. Lishtning flred the cotton docks at Tompkinsville, Staten Island. Two employés were killed by falling walls, and theestimated loss by the flames is t9O0,O0O. The Minnesota Thrasher Company, recently formed in Boston, with a i-upital of $5,000,000, it said to be really a reorganization of Senator Sabin's car factory at Stillwater. The Pinkertons have commenced a suit ior libel against the mayor of Jersey City, claiming 125,000 damagos on account oí a letter he recently published reflecting on them. Sister Genevieve, who recently left the convent at Newark, O., is living with a former nun at Chiüicothe, and has applied to the Pope for permission to rotract hor vows. Marvin J. Burrows, a Chicago post-offlee clerk, wrote Postmaster Judd, offring him fifty dollars to advance him on the salary list, and was discharged for his impertinente. The fresiuent nasjvetoeu vnv pensiuu biüsof Richard O'Neul, late Colouel of the Twenty-sixth Indiana Voluntecrs, and John Reed, whose son, John Reed, died in the service. Five thousand ladies stood in line outside the White House Saturday and waited their opportunity to shake hands with Mrs. Cleveland, her reception being the laat of the season. Vice-Consul George H. Murphy will au ceed Mr. George C. Tanner as United States Consul at Chemnitz, the latter's resignation having been accepted by the President. The America House at Sun Prairie, Wis., was burned early Monday morning, the guests escaping in their mght-clothes. Postmaster-General Vilas ha a mortgage for $2,000 on the property. A resident of Chicago has appealed to the Treasury Department for the redempttou of a United 8tates $1,000 bomi which he swallowed to prevent its falling, as he believed, into the hands of burghir ,. In the Illinois House Mr. Fuller has introduced a rcsolution instructiug the penitentiary commissioners to proceed with contracta íor labor, and declaring the conBtitutional amendment not legally adopted. President Cleveland has nominatod Samuel N. Aldrich for sub-tresurer at Boston, William W. Armstrong to be postmastcr at Cleveland, and Arthur K. Delaney, of Wisconsin, to be Colltor of Custom for Alaska. John GriUenhauer, a New York pamter, ■hot three tioies at his wife Monday, inflicting a scalp wound, and then killed himself by leaping from a fifth-story window. He charged his wife with infldelity, and she charges him with drunkenness and cruelty. The couple had had fifteen ohUdreo, oí wbom eleven we now


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