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Capt. E. P. Allea expects to visit Washington within a few days. The young ladies' cooking club met with Miss Lucile Wathing Tuesday. Donkey eocials are vieing with lamb parties to win the lavor of pleasure seekers. The Pease ladies' quartet'.e will assist in the entertainment given by Mrs. Laura Dainty next Monday evening. Will Kishlar, late with Taylor & Wolfenden, of Detroit, ha8 returned to his old home and is clerking for H. P. Glover. Bd. Mofford, the pugilistic Ethiopian, who was recently mentioned as having pommeled Mike O'Neil, is languishing in lonia jail. George C. Smythe, senior editor of the Ypsilantian, has written and is publishing a book of "Glimpoes" of various people and things. Mrs. Addison Fletcher, who recently returned from southern Kansas, reporta that her invalid husband whom she left there, is greatly improving in health. A. W. Hamner, who was arrested last week, for obtaining signatures to Bohemian oat notes through fraud, has had his examination and held for trial in $1000. Another prohibition meeting was held at the Opera house Monday evening. The subject of the proposed amendment is receiving a good deal of attention in this city. A young men's prohibition club, with P. F. Powers as president, has been started, and will labor faithíully to secure the adoption of the prohibition amendment. The Catholic mutual benefit society celebrated its first anniversary in a banquet at Good Templnrs' hall, Thursday evening. A number c f priests from Detroit and Ann Arbor were present. A grand war song concert was given at the Baptist church last evening, under the management of Geo. Hodge. It was a pleasant affair ai:d netted a handsomesum towards the purchase of a new church organ. The Star concert company, of Boston, gave a fine entertainment at the opera house Saturday evening. Miss Nellie Brown, the gifLed elocutionist, a member of the company, particularly captivated the audienoe with her queenly presence and delightful readings. Washington' birthday was duly observed by Company H and the cornet band in a grand parade; while at the norma, the tnos'patriotic exercisee were enjoyed to the utmost by a large number of students and visitors. Fine tnusic, excellent addresses, recitationg nd essays made the occasion very enjoyable. The Ypsilanti dresg stay factory, which has not yet reaohed its first birthday anniversary, has assumed sueh gigantic proportions during the few months of its existence,' that more room, more help, an engine and many other conveniencies for labor have been added, and work is being pushed as rapidly as possible in order to fill back orders and be ready for new ones. 11 rs. Ann Bassett has been circulating atnong the business men and wide-awake ladies, a petition for the granting of municipal sufferage to women. Nearly every man signed without hesitation but many of the ladies were either so afraid of their husbands displeasure or that they would certainly be dragged to the polls or run for sheriff-ship if the bill passed, that they refu8ed to give their precious pames to the document. It it announced that the sanitarium is going to loae the valuable management of Dr. Hale, who will probably accept a fine poeition in the saciUrium at Alma, Mich. It is laid that the doctor, who has built up a wonderful patronage here, requeited more accommodation for guests, as the house is too full for comfort now,and new, applications coming in evary day. The request was denied, henee the doctor's reeignation. Our citizeng regret that such a change should tak place, a the saniurium under Dr. Iiall's managarnent has been one of the most thriving inttitutions of its kind in the state.


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