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is warranted, is because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will positively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Bemember, we guarantee it. John Moore, Druggist. An Abingdon Square girl recently married leglees man. She says when she asks for a new bonnet he can't kick. Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Fèver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, CbillblainfCorns, and all Skin Braptioos, anti positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfuct satistuction, or aioney refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son. A little boy said he would rather have the earache tban the toothache, b cause h ! wasn't compelled to have his ear pulled out. I The Greatest Blood Purifierf KNOWN. # I Tilia Great Germán Medicine Ís the#, II cheapeet and best. 128 doses of SVL,-M II PHURBITTEllSfor1.00,le88than# j II one cent a dose. It will cure theM fe m worst cases of skin disease, tromM gn Ida common pimple on the ÍAcfW SP Jj IHto thnt awful dfsease Scrofula. f IIISULPmiB BITTERS is thef III III best medicino to use in &M III casca of suco stubborn andyour Kid III Ijldccp scated dlscases. Dofneys are out III UI not ever take Moíorder. Use III BLUE PILLS JgvñR Ulormerciiry.theyaredead"11 "''?,?,: "I I lly. Place your trust ín M? prí..' ," ?," 1 1 II SULI'IIUR BITTERS,#m,f L,what aílB II lltbe purest and best#yuuse IJmedicine ever made. k, %ftm i] jSIsyonrTonfneOoated# ■ SS Ö wíth a yellowstlckyDon't wait untll yon W ffl 8Ulstnnce? Isyour#are unable to walk, or III Illbrcath foul and#are flat on your back, III I lofl'ensive? Your#but get sonie at once, lt III lllstomaRh Is out#will cure you. Sulpliurll III of order. U6e#Bitters is III UISUMMIUlt #Thp Tnvnlifl'a Priond ÏÏI I"3 immeiliatelvTbe young, the aged and L Ib your Ur-#tering are soon macie well by II lne thick,#it3 use. Itemcmbur what you I II rony, clo-jread here, it may save your 1 1 udy, orüfe, it has eaved hundreds. 111 g. #Don't wait until to-morrow, f Try a Bottle To-day! E3 M Are you low-splrited and weak, II S Mor BiiCfeilne from the OZceuei ofll S.#youth? If so, SULPHUE BlTTKESl II 'Wwill cure you. Send 3 2-cent etamps to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boaton,Mas8., for best medical work publisbeü? ñdWRcñb SOOA Best in the WorIJ. JMk AEENTS WANTED k FOR THE F t&% AÜTHORIZED UFE of LOGAN KaHÉwiRS, LOCAN. TtolB Bfography has bcen more that two yeare Ín preparation. (icn. Loann htmself funiluheíl the tinta tu Un1 atith'T. Oeo Prunela Dawiiun, his Intímate frlend and aMKXdfttA; ami hcfore his death he reati al) but the olOsiDg otuptera of the work and f hts It his unqtialitiod endorsement. lira. Loiin states this in the Introducción. A miuion adinlrvm oí the i!':i.1 Chie t tai n want thl thrllllnff atory of hln greut career In peact aud war. Splendidly tlHistrntiMi with portraits ani battle Boene. Send quick 11 for out fu nd itet etioice of territory. Addrcsp C. 11. BEAdl CO-. Chlcuvo, 111. CHANCE ïïi. MONEY ! Agente wanted to sel] our une line of SubM-ription Books. We will give you a Iwgei commission than other houses (five. We hundir Pino üluetrated Books, HüiIcr, Albums, Atlasos, &c, and sell on both the lnstallment and cash plan. Write for circulare and our very Uheral terms to salesmen and saleswomen. JAS. H. COCSHALL & SON, "Ml" ln su, Muskegon, Mich. Ll N I V Jr beanülul Electric Útil II .lCoraetS. Samplflree to thow be Mfcll ■ W oondng; afnoU. No risk, quick sale Territoir glTCD.MUsfactíoo RiiarMitMd. Addresi DR.SOOTT.842 Broadway St..N V REPORT OF THJfi UüNDITION OFTHK Ann È rbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR&MICH., ON MONDAY, Jan. 3d, A. D., 1887. MADE 1 ii A ■■ -(auce with Seetions 18,19 and 67 o! liie Oeneral Buiikliiir l.u M Ani.mll in IS7I. RESOURCES. Loansaii' 'itseounts S 272,771 59 Bonds and Mortgages 175,237 91 ü. 8. 4 per cent. Registered BondB_ 11,400 00 Overdrafts 441 22 Furniture and Fixtures 1,930 85 Due from National aud State Banks.... 87,098 01 Cash on band 35,983 74 f 584,863 32 LIABILITIES. Capita' Stock 8 60,000 00 Surplus Fu.,d 50.000 00 Profil and !.s 15,388 72 January Ovidend 2,680 00 DueDepo-Hors 466,794 60 (581,863 32 1 do soleranly swear that the above statement Is trae, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HI8COCK, Cashler. Subscribed and sworn to before me, thte 4th day of January, 1887. L. GRUNER, Notary Public. L. á vitleg como direct Vt VJ from C.S.ClOTPrnmcnt AJMat he climate is unaurpassed, A#kvKVánd ühnrch and School facihtiea Vk%Jgood. The soil is yerj fertile. and rcül (Vproduce lange erop. Oom. Wheat, y&'Rye, Oate, MiBet, Clover, Timothj, Peas, j Bea au, Potatoes, eto., nowhere thñre bttor. J.OÖpVoOOMEs RIVER POnOM AND UPLANDS Var Mie on Oredit and for Caeh, and Low R&tM. hy THE LITTLE ROCK & FORT SMITH RAILWHT CO. The GREAT AEKANSAS VALLET embraces tb Flnest Agricultura! Unds of the West. The tertns on which thete lands are sold to thfl ActaaJ Bettler, are of tha m(t lil oral natureX" Arkansae w esperd-Jly wll adaptad ti Stockj% Raising, and ae a Fruit Ctmutry tbeValloXk% 1B nowhere excelled. ïlComo and seHJ for ynurflelve. For further Pttrtic";rjlfc Jare,Pajnph)"+ and M-ip.addresiLBÏp ïriOMAS M.GIBSONjjaS Land CommisBioner.wBKP V LITTl.E KtJ'Kt'TOjJI A. ABKAN8A8. T & V k TANSYGAPSULEC i THE LATEST DISCOVEKY. " Dr. Laparls's Oelebrated Preparation, Safe and ilwaye Keliable. Indispensable to L AVI BS. Send 4 cents for aealed Circular. CALUMET CKESÜICAL GO., Chicago, iïtz ÈGOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 18 BAKERS JrsaWasl Gocoa. W Warranted absolutely pure Cocoa, from which the excess at Olí has been removed. It has three timet the strength of Cocoa mixer wlth Starch, Arrowroot orSngar and is theref ore far more eoonomi cal, costing kat than ont cent o cup. It is dellctous, nourishmg. etrengthenlng, easily digested, ano admirably adapted for invallds a well as for persons in health. Sold bjr Crocers ererywhere. f. BAKER & CO., Dorcteter, Mass. Sawing Made Easy. EOHABCH LIOHTNIIIO SAWINO MACHUiB fí A BENT ON Por lomrln? campa, wood-yards. farmers getüng ont SHSof-fei1". also brtUiaritly Uluminated poeftr In b coloró. AU & Aansta Wanted. mt vuaey o jufcu KOKAECH MF3. CO.. 0A2PSÍ7TEE7ILL2, 1LL. 'tiil 35 etü. for oor oanoe box of Waste Embroidtv Silk,woaldoost$] lDskeAm. Wholkalr I'rm U.HT8 sent only when ■ppttratk toacoompanied by tiutftsi'SH card. The Best Potato üigger THE "MONARCH" t3 r%ntw to (liir 5OO 1us1u1h ier day. Special Term cryj 3ta3ïil.;Bfc__ toffoodaents. 0IT10E AND FACTOKT, MONARCH MFO. CO., Carpentersville, III xruo rii.rL.Xi, p. ito-omt ■-;.. Newtp.,. t AdvertifllnK Bureau ( KJSpruce St. ■, whfrp ad vertlslna eontiwiti laaj M nuda tor UIM BÍH.W VOXltiZ i2!MICHIGAN Time Table.- Taking effect Nov. 14, 1886. QOING KAST.- STANDABD TIME. Vnlinn, M'l i-D'y tN-Y tAtl.jfNgt 6EA A. H. A. H. P. M. P. M. P. M. Chicago 6 50 9 00 3 10 8 15 9 10 P. B. Michigan City... 9 15 11 11 4 53 10 18 11 23 p. M. A. M. Buchanan 10 20 12 03 1 12 37 Niles 10 38 12 15 5 49 11 18 12 56 Decatur 11 27 12 58 1 42 P. M. A. H. A. X. Kalamazoo 12 17 1 50 6 58 12 83 2 35 6 45 Batte Creek 1121227 733 130 320 7 81 Marshall..Arrive 1 40! 2 50 „ _ " Leave 2 00 3 10 7 64 1 58 3 43 7 57 Albion l 25 3 32 2 23 4 05 8 20 Jackson 8 10 4 18 8 47 3 10 4 45 9 15 GrassLake 8 38! 5 13 9 84 Chelsea 3 59 5 35 9 58 Dexter 4 12 „ 5 5010 07 ANN ARBOR.... 433 530 945 435 608 1 26 Ypsilanti „.. 4 50 5 45 9 56 4 52 6 24 10 40 Wavne JuncÜon 5 15 6 05 „ 5 15 6 47 11 03 West Detroit 560 635 10 35 550 7 20 11 45 Detroit Arrlve 600 645 10 45 600 7801145 GOING WEST. A. M A. K. P. M t. U. T. K. r. M. Detroit Leave 700 9 10 180 400 800 9 16 West Detroit 7 10 920 140 4 10 8 10 8 26 Wayne JuncÜon 740 953 2 03 4 45 8 37 955 YpeilanÜ 8 01 10 12 2 20 5 12 8 58 10 10 ANN ARBOK.... 8 16 10 25 2 32 5 30 9 12 10 (8 Dexter 8 35 „ _ 6 60 8 32 Chelsea 8 48 6 05 9 52 „ GrassLake 9 10 6 27 10 15 a. M. Jackson 9 35 11 82 3 32 7 10 10 52 12 OS Albion 10 15 12 10 4 OS 7 53 11 27 12 42 P. M. _ MarehaIl..Arrive 12 30 11 47 1 04 ' Leave 10 38 12 oO 4 22 8 20 a. m. Battle Creek 11 03 1 12 4 40 8 52 12 12 1 85 Kalamaioo... 11 52 150 5 15 945 120 235 P. M. P. M. Decatur 12 40 2 13 Niles 1 40 3 22 6 27 3 03 4 18 Buchanan 1 58 3 34 8 IS ...... Michigan City... 2 58 4 35 7 32 4 82 5 40 Chicago 5 15 6 40 930 700805 P. M. P. M. P. M. A. I. A. M. Canada División. GOING BAST. - DETROIT TO BUFTALO. ({(„mxi Pac. N. Y. M'l & Atl IbAnY ktatums. NY ex L Ex AC,da Ex j Ex_ P. M P. M. A. X A. M.!p. M. Detroit Lv.l f 15 10 55 f5 00 6 10!12 05 St Thomas, Ar. 11 05 2 07 10 10 9 40 S 26 Leave 11 10 2 12 1 00 9 50 8 80 Wellard 153 4 42 5 12 12 44 6 06 Fallr View Runs 1 14 Niágara Falls 2 22 5 08 via Ft 1 23 6 36 Susp. Bridge 2 85 5 20 Kr. D. 1 40 6 50 Buffalo Ar. 8 35 6 15 6 25 2 45 7 50 A. M. A. M. P. U. P. M.'P. H. Canada División. GOING WEST.- BUFRALO TO DETROIT. Statiim - Fas' MT & Amer Pao. btMumeEx. V.Ex Ace. Ex. Ex. PM. A. H A. M. A. M. A. M. Buffalo Leave 11 30 5 45 +6 05 J9 00 11 85 Susp. Bridre...Ar; 12 80 6 43 Runs via 12 88 Niágara Falls 12 45 6 5:' Ft. Erie 12 56 Falta View 7 04 División. 1 05 Weiland 110 7 2fi 7 10 10 05 188 St Thomas Ar. 4 10 9 55 11 15 110 4 85 Lv. 4 15 10 00 8 00 1 15 4 46 Detroit.... Arrive 8 03 105 845 520 845 A. m. P. M P. M. P. M. P. M. Sunday excepted. fDaily O. W. RUGÓLES. H. W. UYES, G. P & T. A., Chicago. L cal Agt, Ann Arbor Toledo, Aiin Artor & Nortli MicMgan R'j. Time Table going lnto effect Sunday, Nov. 28, '84. Going North. 1 Going South. STATIONS. lL_ Pass. lk_ Standard Time, j p p. m.'p. m. a. m'lveJ [Ark a. m. p. m. p. m. 3 151 6 10 5 15 .Toledo 9 20 I 30,11 80 4 00; 7 42 6 05;Munroe Junct'n 8 13 11 12 10 33 4 1018 02 6 151 Dundee 3 8-212 8210 23 4 311 8 44 6 HS M:lan ' S 06 12 1310 00 4 52 9 40 7 IX), PittsBeld .. 7 S7 11 43, 9 40 5 10 10 03 7 13 ..A1111 Arltor. . 7 L'ü 11 30 9 30 5 3010 30 7 80 ! Leland's : 6 1Í11 12 9 10 5 45 p. m. 7 48 Whitmore LakeiA. M 10 58' 8 58 5 58j 7 55' Hamburg 10 521 8 52 6 28! I 8 30 Howell 1 10 20! 8 15 J 20 9 30! Durand 9 30! 7 20 7 45 9 52! Corunna. 9 081 6 38 7 55 10 00 ....Owobso - .. 9 00 6 32 9 15 11 23 Itliaca 7 46 5 15 9 33; 11 45i St Loui. 7 27; 4 57 9 411 11 ó3 Alma 7 20 4 50 10 30 12 41. ..ML l' 6 30 4 00 I'. M. P M.l a. M P. H. A 11 passenger trains run daily except Sunday. Lont. ctionsat Toledo wlui m aroads diverglng. At MamiRttAn Junction with Wbteling LakeErle '.. R. At Alexis Juneí.:.D wie M. H. R.. h. 8. rt'y acc f t f, M ; ,■ Monroe Juuctlon ua L 8. S. M. B Ry. At Dundee with L. 8 A M S.. and M. & O. Ry. At Milau with W., flt L. 4 P. Sy. At Pitteflelrt with ).. s. & M. 8. R'y. At Ann Arbor with MU-higan 'entral R. R., and at .-w 1 Lyon with Detroit, l.nusing and Korthera R. .,nd G. T. Rj. H. W. .SHLEY, W. H.BK3JNKTT Snwrinn Drtr , i-cj-, -cenupr AíenU Menthol Inhaler, ArFORDS QÜICK RELIEF Oï NEURALGIA, HEADACHE, HAY FEVEH; CATARRH, ASTHMA, And by oontinui "I OM sffeotl a cun. & Satipfactiou Ouaranteed or money Bfr funded. Six months treatment tor 50 cents. If your druggist not the lnhaler in stook send 53 cent in 8tamp to the proprictor and the lnhaler will be forwarded by mail, postag paid, and i f, at the expiration of five daya f rom ftsreceipt you are not satisrted with lts effpet you may return it, and if received in good coo aition your money will be refunded. Circular and testimoniáis malled free on ap plicatinn to the proprietor. H. D. CUSHMAN, TlIRKE HlVERS, MlCB. For Hale by Irnif (sis in Ann Arbor.


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