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"NEARLY CRAZED with pain" is the s;id cry of iuany a victira of rheumatism or neuralgia, and frequently other diseases, such as kidney and liver complaints, are directly traceable to rheumatism or neuralgia. These disMMB, for eome"unexplainable reason, are rapidly mcreasing, and in many instantes are the direct cause of niuch skkness whien so hides its real origin as to be mistaken lor other diseases. In curing rheumatism, neuralgia, sick headache, and In many fases of kidney and liver troubles, Athlophoros has wrought wonders. Those who have used it are best qualilied to speak of lts ment. Mrs C W. Brown, No. 143 Sixth St., Milwaukee, Wis., says: "My daughter was first taken with what seemed to be nothing but ordinary stiffneck. I trcaU-d her with the usual remedies in such cases, but the diseaae Beemed to spread very quickly over tlie whole body, giving her the most excroeiating pains, whieh geemed almost bevond endurance even for a short :ime, causing her to scream violentlv. 1 at once sent for a physician, and he pronounoed it a very bad form of infi.imniatory rheumatism ; he endeavored to give her relief frons this terrible agony but could not. Tho disease was steadily growing worse, she began to feel it around the heart, this being the vital part, and fearing the child would die before we could get her some relief, I said, doctor, I am notsatisfied, this child must have relief at once orshe will die, she cannot stand this torture much longer. I at once sent for a bottle of Athlophoros and to my utter surprise after giving her eight teaspoonfuls she had relief, and in two days' time she was up and around and did not suffer a pain. All I used was one bottle. It saved my child's life. " Every druggistshould keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Pilis, but where they cannot be bouirht of the druggist the Athlophoros Co.; 112 Wall St., New York, will send either (carriage paid) on receipt of regular price, which is $1.00 per bottle for Athlophoros and 50c. for Pilis. For liver and kidney diseases, dyspepsia, Indigestión, weakness, nervous debility, niseases of women, constlpatlon, headache, impur blood, Ac, Athlophoroe Pilis are unequaled. 7 TH H MECÍAIS' M OF VN ARBOR, MIIII(, Report of the condiUon of the Farmers" anc Mechauics' Bank at Ann Arbor, Michigan, ji Saturday, July Third (3) A. D, 1886, made In accordance with Sections 18, 19, and 67 of the Gener. Banking Laws as amended in 1871. RESOURCES. Loansand Discounts t 165,992 57 Overdrafts 549 32 Furnitureand Fixtures 3,497 ■ Due from Banks and Bankers 24,225 36 Legal Tender and Bank Notes 4,97í 00 Bonds, ü. S 4,400 00 Premiums on U. 8. Bonds 735 26 Bonds, Local 2,836 07 8pecie, 3,350 00 Frac. Currency, Nlckels and Pennies,... 67 15 $210,627 72 LIABILITIES. Capital paid in. - $ 50,000 00 Burplus Fund 3,485 88 Undivided Proflts 6 13 Due Depositara 155,365 ',1 Dividends 1,750 IX! $210,627 72 I do solemnly swear that the above statement 's trae, to the best of my knowledge and belief. WILLIAM A. TOLCHARD, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Slxth dy of July, 1886. O. L. MATTHEWS, Notary Pv.blic. 602-5 INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTON Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Parties desiring to buy or sell Real Estáte wili flndittotheiradvantage tocall on me. I repre ■ent the followlng flrst-claas Fire Insurance Com pnies, haring an aggregate capital of over $80, 000,000: Sun Fire, fondón Guardián Insfirance, Loudon BTortnern, ..... I.oii.Iod Flre Insurance Assoclatlon, I lu Mecbaulc's Mittnal Flre Ins. '., Jlllwanker Flre AsHOclatlon, - - Phlladelphia American Flre, - - Pnlladelphla Westchester Flre, - - New Yorh NewHnmpiihIreFire, - Manchester rand Raplds Flre, - Grand Rápida Underwrlters, Provldence K. 1 Traders. Chlcavo Rates Low. Losses liberally adjusted an Diomptly patd. I also iBsue Life and Investment Pollciee In the New Tork Mutual Life Insurance Company. Asets $55,000,000. Persons desiring Accident Insniance, can have yearly Pollcies written for them oi Traveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets issued ui Low Rates in the Accident Insurance Company of North America. Money to Loan at Currani Raten. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 12 u., and 2 to 5 Ml. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block TSS BSST 3ALE3MEN. Newsptper advertlsing Is now reoognlsed u threwd businem men au the best of all posslblc ssiesmen - one who never sleept and Is nevci weary- wbo goes after business early and laiwho can be In a thousand places at once, tnc ■peak to a mllltoi people each day.saylng to ect oor XS' beet thlne In the best manner. It is Generally conceded by physicians that the spring truss is the best known instrument for retaininft hernia, giving a uniform pressure and conforming to the various positions of the body. They are clean, comfortable and durable. Our Btock is large, embracing 'jilï the leading makes. We guarantee satisfaction. Browne A Ntaarpe Halr Clipper Na. 1 50 ; Postase ine. Browne Jt Sbarpe Horae Clipper No. a M.OO; Pontaire 25c. MANN BRO'8, Druoiists, Ann Arbor. ÍTüñsÉits U'liro you place a dollar wortli of Ne-iaer ailvertlsiuc s-t onr prices. The xaoi nt of any paper, or list ol p:ilHrs clieerfully furniühexl. fr'' upoD applü'utlon. C"Send for New Catalogue, J. C. HOUCH, Advertising Agent ■ HOUOH BLOCI. D--.-'-t. VtW .


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