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I. w H. Clement, who purchaed Wilsey's mugij store, wishes the public to know that he sells pianos and organs, in spite of an impression to the contrary that some people have. ollco. To whom it may concern : That my wife, Caroline Krause, has left my bed and board without cause or provication, therefore I forbid all parties trusting her on my account as I wil! not pay any debte contracted by her. 635 February 24. Caleb Krausk. Miss Cordelia Green will organiïe a new class in painting this week. General in8truction8 are given comprising gtudy from life, and still life, in the use of pencil, charcoal, India ink, crayon, water and oil colors. Miss Green U a gradúate o' the claas of '86, of Ligham University, Le Roy, N. Y. Residence 8S E. Washington-st. G34 5 Oysters in can and bulk at Warner's, State-st. Helio ! Helio ! Helio ! 35 ! The enterprising Druggist, Mr. H. J. Browa has taken the agency of Baxter's Lucky Star Cigar. Hereafter the lovers ot a good smoke can be accommodated with a cigar for five cents that will prove, upon trial, superior to the ten cent cigars sold. The Lucky Star is pure Havana 611er and guaranteed unflavored. H. J. BROWN, Sole Ag't. Ask for the Lucky S'ar, Only five cents Beautiful Ohbinet Photos., only $2, at Starks. Just north of the postoffies. 634 G ■OTICE. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, to accommodate the public, wijí lieep the bank open every Saturday from 7 to 8 p. no., to receive savings deposits. Try Premium Table Sauce at Warner's, State st. Money to Loan Ou first class and first mortgage Real E'ate. . Apply to S. H. Doug'ass. S. H. Douolass, I. W. Hünt, Trustees. Ann Arbor, Dcc. 1886. 626 1 f: Florida oranges at Warner's, S'.ate street. a A full line of oaiwied goods a? Warner's. One of those new and elegant Standard sewing majhines would be a valuable present. Don't buy until you try a "Standard." Fine new stock at Wilsey's Parker's Sugar-cured Hams at Warners, State-st. Horses for Sale. Farm, Family and Draft Horses always on hand. Eighi hundred sold in six years. Every borse guaranteed as represented or monev refunded. We refer with pleasure to all purchasers. All correspondence promptly answered. Noyes & Wali.ací. Chelsea, Mich. Another lot of that nice 40 cent Japan tea at Warner's, try it. Tbr Ann Arbor Savtufcs llank Among the Savings Banks in our state there is no, e outsfde of Detroit that has taken a more solid and prominent position than the Ann Arbor Swings Bank. lts growth has been steady and of the kind that makes it one of the best hanks in the state. The list of depositors embraces our citizens occupying all different positions, but mainly among the farmers, mechanics and laborers, and these are the classes whom'they especially seek. Deposits are received from one dollar up and interest paid. Nothing as sensible offers itself to fond parents and friends as to deposit a small amount on New Year's time tor some child, who will be prouder with a bank account than with any other gilt. Saturday, the Bank will be open for saving deposits from 7 to 8 p. m. UNDERTAKING. Having purchased the Hearse and Undertaking outfit formerly belonging. to John Keek A Oo., I am ready to attend to all calis by night or day. Can always be found in the Keek store. tf W. G. DIETERLE. Probate Xotirc. STATE OF MICHIGAN, I B COfNTY OF WABHTENAW. Noticc Is hereby elven, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtcnaw, made on the twenty-fir-t day of February. A. Ii. 1887, six months from that date were allowed for ereditors to present ihelr claims ïigaiiist the estáte of Edward Olnéy, late of sald county, deceased, and that all oreditors of said decoaited are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examhiation and allowance on or be; forethe22nd day of August next, and that such claims will be heanl before said Courl, on Salurday the 21st day of May and o.i Honda; the 22nd day of August uext, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days Pated, Ann Artmr, February '21st, A. D. 1S87. W [LU AM 11. HAÍÍRIMAX. Judgp of Probate. GRAND OPERA HOUSE NK NIGHÏONI.Y. Wednesday, larch 2 Tbe l amous Comedians, lUtHSüOl In C. E. Kidder'.s lntcst and Funnit'st Musical Comedy, "ON THE STAGE" Giving the audience a peep behlnd tlie nes. O. '■: BIG LAUGH. Briffhi -inri üchi Song and Dance; our ovm Special Sceuerii and Novel Mu lm ml Efleils. P ositiveiy tbe Fnnniest of all Fuany Plays P RICES, 35, 50 and 75 ets Reaerved Seats no%T on Sale without extra Charge at Yale's Post office News Depot. ANNUAL SALE! Hamburg Embroideries, Edgings, Insertions, Torchon Laces, MusIíh Underwear, Corsets and Infanta' Wear, at D. F. Sril.tlRER'S We sliall go iiito no lengthy description here but will sitnply state that after two montlis of careful preparation, we feel abundantlv able to meet and eclipse all competition, from whatever quarter directed, and that our schedule of prices for this Sale has been adjuated after mach thought on the The Lowest Possible Limit in Prioes, 'Consistent with a Living Proflt for First-Class Goods. Our Assortment comprises the finest, largest and most comprehensive stock of carefully selected new Nainsook, Jaconet, India Linen, Embroideries in Edgings, Flounces, Insertions, A11overs, and Matched Sets ever shown in this city. The benefit of this timely purchase we shall gladly give our lady friends and customers. It is a conceded fact that we undersell all competitois in Embroideries, Muslin Underwear, and Corsets. Just the same in Silks and Diess Goods, at 5c, 8c, 10c, 12ic, 15c, 20c and 25c. Tliey are the Cheapest Erabroideries in America and we invite every lady to examine them. The Styles are elegant; every piece is new, and the prices are Low. Our Superb Disp ay of Muslin Ïïnder-Wear Ie the product of two of the most exacting manufacturera in New York and Brooklyn. LOT 1, Comprises Aprons, Corset Covers, Chemises, Drawers, Vests and Children's1 Dresses. Your Ohoice, 25c. LOT 2, Comprises Embroidery, Trimmed Drawers, Corset Covers. Chemises, Plain Skirts, and Night Dresses. Your Choice, 50c. [LOT 3, Comprises Torchon Lace and Embroidery Trimmed Corset Covers, Drawers, Chemises, Skirts and Night Gowns. Your Choice, 75c. LOT 4, Comprises Extra Fine and Heavily Trimmed Drawers, Chemises, Skirts, Corset Covers and Night Robes. Your Choice $1. We will let the above statement suffice and content ourselves by inviting the most fastidious and critical to compare values, and let such ocular ctídence decide what house in Ann Arbor merits the claim of peiling reliabl goods the cheapest. D. F.iSCHAIRER


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