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BUSINESS CARDS. COOK HOUSE, E. HITDSOIV. Propritor. Soc west comer of Hurón ana Fourth 8treeto Aeü Arbor. 456-507 r EORGE E. FROTHINGHAM, M. D., VX PtayHicinn nnii Nurfteon. Office, Hamílton Building, Rooms 1, 2, and 8, Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frtday, 10 to 12 a. M.; Wednesday aud Satuiday, 2 to i p. m. ALEX. W. HAMÍLTON Attorney at Lbw. W1U practice in both State and United States Courts. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor of the new brick block. comer of Hurón and Fonrth Streete, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 424-476 i1 EORGE W. RENWICK, TKACHER OF YÖ1CE CÜLTÏÏRE,SINGING, HARMONY & PIANO. Harmony successfully taught by mail. Addreas, P. O. box 2151, Ann Arbor, Mich. I. O. G. T. Washtcnaw Lodge, No. 719, meets every Mondaj evening at 7:80 in their temple, third door east of the Post Office, and third floor. Gkokgb Scott, C. T. 620-32 O. W. Sage, R. Sec. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN L SUEGEON. Office and residence over postofflce. flrst floor. 621-83. A. P. SMITH, AnnArbor, - Michigan. Public Farm Anctioneer. Sales made In any part of the County. Correspondenoe promptly answered. Box 224'. 633-46 0. C. JENKINS, D. D. 8., DEÏTTAL OFFICE OTER AÏDKKWN BOOK NTORK, 13 MAIN STREET. ANN ABBOB. 456-507 NIOHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE Seeond Floor Masonie Bloek, over Hn v lnifH Bank, Ihb Arbur, Mleb. leeth extracted without pain by the ase of eu or vitaliied air. 436-4W ZINA F. KINQ, Law and Collection Oflice. V, 3. COMMI83IONER, and Agent for pladn Insurance in reliable companles. All business entrusted to this office reoelTi prompt and carernl attention. Maner remltted UBmédlately on collection. Ho. 42 Main st reet , South, ,. nn Arbor, Hioh. 427-48 WM. IBIQ-G-S Coniractor i Bier, And all kinas of work ',a connection with the abo ve promptly executed Shop. ComerofChurchandOrleaniSta. Box 1248. 58X481 WILLIAM ABNOLD, SELLS 1847 RlGERS BROS.' SPOONS, FOEKS AND KNIVB8, At bottom prices, engravüw lncludeo1 foll lino of the justly oelebreted ROCKFORD WALTHAM and E3LQIN WATOHES. Open face, Key and winding a Iwaye on hand and regulated, ready for a man 6 pocket. If yon cannot readthig get ene of Johnston & Co .6 eye-glasses or spectaclee for sale by Wil. ARNOLD, 36 Matn St. Ann Arbor, Mich. WE ARE IN THE SWIM FOR THE Msl Material Tradc Of your County. Send for Catalogue. ALLEN Sc PARKHURST, 27 and 174 Suxnmit St., Toledo, O SPECIAL ÏTOTICE ! Haring purchased the Interest of D. J. Boa In the property known as the WM. KOBLE PLANING TWTTT.T. I tm now prepared to fill al] orders In U8BES, DÖDSS, BIND and HQULDING5 Of all dererlption, planing done to order on short notice. Fint clasa work guaranteed at the lowest prieel, J OH !V ABHSTOBTG , anccessor to BO8S A AKMM KO (J. Cpr. N. Fifth and Depot ste, opposlte M. C. E. R. depot 56011 S4lERArüS SODA BestintheWorH.


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Ann Arbor Register