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jPTlie Vatican will tboroughly investígate !the Irish quesüon. A railway to the Mammoth cíivc in Ken'ucky has been completed. Five men were killed on llonday at the new aqueduct works in New York. The Reapportionment bül was passcd "by the Wisconsin Lagislature on Friday. Steamboat navigation on the Mississippi river is now open f rom Winona, Minn., to St Louis. An earthquake sufflcienUy severe to creato a panio occurred Bunday at Burlington, Vt A fire Tnursday night at Addison, N. T., destroyed several business buildings. Loss, 150,000. Twenty persons wera seriously injured on Thursday by a fire in a New York City tenement-house. Charles P. Parker, who stole $7,400 irom Paymaster D. N. Bash, in Arízona, has bsencaptured. The drug store oí Hagcman & Co., No. 203 Broadway, New York, was on monday damaged 175,000 by fire. %nor Corral, the Bolivian Minister at Washington, has been recalled by his Government at his own request Colonel King-Harman, a Conservativo member of Parliament, has been appointed Under Secretary ior Ireland. George C. Clarke, a prominent Citizen of Chicago íor nearly thirty years, expired Wednesday at Thomasville, Ga. The barkentine Susan was wrecked by collision with an iceberg olf Cape Boyle, N. F. , and five of the crew perished. A fire on Friday at Custer, Mich., destroyed a factory which turned out 15,000 clothes-pins daily. It was valued at {20,000. A ?as well bored recently at Jonesboro, Ind., has attained a pressure ot . J0 pounds, and surpasses the ereat well at Marión, Ind. Five thousand mda engaged in the build i ing trade in Brooklyn, N. Y., struck on Thursday for higher wages and shorter hours. The failure of Henry Bower & Co., manufacturing chemists at Philadelphia, is announced. Their liabilities are placed at J500.000. At Westfleld Corners, 111., John Hogan was knocked down and then seized by the neck anJ shaken to death by a savage stallion. The Atchison, Topeka & Santé Fe Railway Company will build up an indastrial town on the Pullman model near Kansas City, Mo. A kerosene lamp exploded in a Bridgpport (Conn.) boarding-house on Thursday. and twenty-throe inmates lost all their property. In an eighty-flve yards race for $500 a side Thursday at Beloit, Wis., Charles Fisber, of Chicago, deleatej Charles Cook, ef Neenah. Kirkpatrick, Kinsey & Co., tanners and Wholesale dealers in leatber at Philadelphia and at Milton, Pa., failed on Monday for $200,000. Mrs. Dr. Nailer, of Atlanta, Mo., acei dentally set her clothes afire wbile makiog tea at Maoon, Ma, Thursday, and was burned to death. Beveral destruetive prairie lires have occurred in Dakota in the last few days. Some Uves have been lost and much property destroyed. 8. W. Morrison, of Chicago, a survivor of the Jeannette expedition, was killed by the accidental discharge ef a gun near Valeria, Ia., Thursday. The third ball game at St Louis Satarday for the world's championship resnlted in the defeat of the Chicago nine. the score being nine to even. 1 The building on Milk street, Boston, eccupied by Wright & Potter, State printers, was damaged on Wednesday by fire ta the amount of $200,000. The house of John Zippa, a miner at Connellsville, Pa., was wrecked Friday by an explosión of powder, and his wife and child were painlully burned. Dorothy Paine, the three-months-old daughter of Secretary and Mrs. Whitney, was christenei in St John's Episcopal Church, Washington, on Monday. The Cherokee Female Beminary, sltuated one mile f rom Talequah, Ind. T., was burned Sunday. Loss about $250,000. The seminary had accommodations for 200 pupils. A riot on Monday in which rival Swede, Pole and Hungarian colonies in Denver participated resulted in the fatal shooting of one man and the serious wounding of several others. j Charles H. Palmer, ex-regentof the Mich igan State University, died on Baturday at Pontiac, Mich. He had just recovered judgment for $450,000 against his late partners in inining intereste. David E. Mitchell, a stock-dealer, well known in Central Illinois, has fled with $5,000 or so, obtained in the viciaity of Bloomington by false pretensos, i The President stated on Friday that if possible he would attend the annual moet)ng and banquet of the Live 'Stock Assoeiation at Chicago in November nexk The Illinois Senate Friday con firmad the oominations of General John 1 Rinaker, Benjamin F. Marsh and Jason Rogers as RailrDad and Warehouso Oommissioners, During the last three months there were 6,007 failures, with liabilities of $32,161,000, as compared with 3,203 failnres and $29,681,000 liabilities for the same period in 1888. At Bt John, Calusa County, CaL, ■ Chisaman shot and killed his employer, Mrs. Joseph Billion, Thursday, and wounded two other persons. He will be lynched. The Canadian fishery cruiser Vigilant chased and fircd at an American schooner, which, however, outsailed the cruiser and escaped. The affair occurred off Beaver Harbor, N. B. Milwaukee was startled Baturday morning by the explosión oí the boilers in the shipyard of Wolf & Davidson, at the foot of Washington street The damage ís estimated at $10,000. The Canadian fisheries formed the chief topic at the Cabinet meeting Thursday at Washington. It is nnderstood that England sustains the Canadian position, and is not disposed to make concessions. A gfreat land-slide, the result of the recent earthquake shocks, occurred Thurs day at Monte Cario, the railway and car'riage roads being blocked. Trains from Cannes and Mentone, well laden with tour. ists, narrowly escaped destruction. _- ■


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