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The Detroit gram and produce quotations are: Wheat- No. 1 White, S2Vs2Xc; No. 2 Red, H'2;vs.: ; . Flour- Roller process, $4.(KXr,;4.25; patents, tt.75rdB.00. Kye-59K@-T9io; Corn- No. 2, 3í(9Jío. Oats- No. 8, áse. Butter- Creamery, 28 @30c. Cheeso, l+@UKc Eggs, 12X@l3o. The resideuce of Frank J. Moore, a prominent lumber-dealer of Lansing, was totally destroyed by flre the other night. Loss on building and furniture about Frank Whittaker, a miner at the Laka Superior Hematite, was killed by a fall of ground a few days ago. He leaves a wifa and three children in England. Whittaker was about thirty-flvo years of age. George Conklin, of Holly, Oakland County, was feeding hls cattle recently, when one of them suddonly threw up its head from feeding, striking one of his eyes and destroying it. Coulton Carpenter, an old resident of Mecosta County, dropped dead the other day while hauling wood on his farm seven miles northeast of Big Rapids. George Sanders, aged ninety-one years, died in Detroit the other evening. He laid the base stone of the largo telescope at the Michigan Universlty observatory, and was noted for his skill in stone work. The heaviest snow-storm of the season, accompaniad by a flerce northwest wind, raged all over the Upper Michigan paninsula for twelve hours the other day, From fifteen to eighteen inchea of snow feil on the level, and trains ia all direo tions were delayed. S. J. Hopper, ex-turnkey at the county jail In Bay City, was recent sued for $3,000 damages for allegel fal3e imprisoument by John Evans. E. C. Anthony and others, of Negaunee, recently sold to a Chicago syndicate 160 acres of the Home Iron Mining Corapany lands for $40,000. This property is located on Cascade range, just south. of Negaucee. A rich vein of hematite ore has been uncovered on the property. John McMulleii, an old resident of Chippewa township, Mecosta County, went to Evart recently to sell cattle. Boon afterward his body was found two miles from Chippewa lake, frozen to death. He was aged about seventy years. Alexander M. Stanton, the Detroit manager of George K. Sistare's Sons, New York bankers, who recently fled with from $30,000 to f69,000, was prominent in Detroit club Ufe and lived very ostentatiously. Ho was a lover of dogs and horses and grand dinners. His family ia of the best in Detroit. Robert L. Stanton, amülionaire of Detroit, is liable for tha defalcation of his brother. John Miller, a murderar, died ín Stata prisoa at Jackson tha other day. He had been there since 1874. The find of ore at Mt. Mesnard, Marijuette, has ben purchased by a sy adicate, and twenty men hare been put at work. It Is thouirht it wül prove worta millions to Haruetta. Mr. J. H. Critchett, of Ferry, Oceana County, went out to build a flr the other morning, and her husband following a few minutes later found her lying on the Hoor dead. Heart-dUease. Mrs. John H. Hamstra, of Orand Rapids, laaned back In her chalr the other day and yawned. Taeyawn dislocated her lower jaw and a physican was called to replaca Uenomlnee ia to have a twenty-thousand-dollar Baptist Church built thii season. The Bronson block at Jaokson, ocoupled br M. W. Woodsum, dsaler in boots and Boes, and by J. R. Roff, grocer, waj burned the other day. Woodgum's loss was 30,000; Roff'i loss was $3,000, and the loss on the building was $10,000. Harrey Withey, aged twelva years, soa of Hon. C. A. Wïthay, of Roed City, whll skating the other afternoon broke through tha ice and was Urowued. Tha body was recovered. William Jones, a young man at the Pittsburgh and Laka Angelina iron mine, naar Ishpeming, feil down a one hundred fooi haft the other day, breaklng both legs and sustaining fatal injuries. His father was killed tha same way two years ago. M. V. Montgomery, Commissloner of Patents, has been appolnted Associate Justice of the Suprema Court ot tha District of Columbla. He is a resident of Lansing, Hichael Kinlcsiak was reoently held in 1500 for uslng a knife in a üght wltn Albert Burcyzlc over the SU AlbertU3 Church quarrel in Detroit. The State Teachers' Instituto closed succe3sful meeting at Bay City the other nigbt, There was a largor attendance at this meeting of the instituto than at any prerious session. The Michigan Kxchange Hotel at Cheboygan was sold the other day to Captain Charles E. KirtlanJ, the weU-known lak wreoker, for $13,000. The captain wül supcryitenJ the management himself, and has abandoned tha wreckin business temporarily. Reporta to the State Board of Health by thlrty observers in different parts of th Btate, for the week andad on the 3d indicatod that puerperal faver, inSammation of the kidnays, influenia, scarlet fever, erysipslas, typho-malorial fever and mem branous croup increased, and intermitan! f e vee, Inflammation of tha bowels, diarrhea, rheumatitm and tonsilitis decreased in area of preralence. Diphtheria was reported at twelre places, scarlet ferer at twenty-five, typhoid fever at three, ana measles at thirteen places. Contracts were signad the other day for the building of threa larga propeller at West Bay City. DAbout forty Hollanders recently arrived in Kalamazoo, fresh from their nativa heath. They will assist Celeryville in gatting out the esculent. C. M. Swan has mada himself the neer peppermint growerof Brancti County, in Union township. Ha will have seveuteen acres this ssason. The proposition for increaaing the salarie of State oflicers was suocessful at tas recent electioa. A walking match for $300 bet ween Frank Hart, A Fall Rlver, Mass., and W. A, Hoasland, of Auburn, N. Y., for fif teen miles, Hart giving ons-half mila start, took place at Jackson a few evenings ag-o, Hart winning the race by four lapa. Tha time was 2:22:2a. A little over aoven railes was walked the first hour. Hart fainted at the end of tha race and was car ried to hls room. Isaac F. Flowers, at one timo the princa of Western gamblers, died In Detroit a few nights ago, aged sixty-two yars. Flowers was a colored man, but so light-complaxloned that few suspeoted his extraotlon. He began gambling when siz years old, and from 1819 to 1855 made a great reputation as a man of big stakes. Ha wooed and won a white woman for a wife, an heiress, spent (500,009 of her money, lef t her, and, af ter a year on tfca turf, settled down in Detroit as keeper of a restaurant. During his ttiirty-aight years' residenca in Detroit he won and lost over (2,000,000, and, like most men of his stamp, died poor. Dr. Weir, who was extradited from Canada on a charge of murder, was imprisoned at Tawas City a few days ajo.


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