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Her lYlajesty's CORSBT is the BEST, because lst, IT IS THE ONLY CORSET EVER made that will reduce the size and in crease the length of the waiat of Fleshy Ladies without injurious tight lacing. 2nd, IT IS THE BEST SPINAL SUPporter ever made, and it supporti equally as well the abdomen and al omer parts of the body. 3rd, IT IS PROOF AGAINST PERspiration and moiature. Will neither corrode nor soil the underwear, stretch or break at the waist. The bones never move or come out in wear. 4th, IT NEVER CHANGES ITS form. Always retaining its origina; shape ; it is invaluable to young ladies because it removes and prevenís stooping and round shoulders. 5th, A lady writes: "Though costing more than many others, they are the most economical, last doublé time, the steels never breaking. Ppinckss of Wales Co., N. Y., Mfes. We have all the styles and sizes of these valuable Corsets. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. New Parasols on exhibition this week. Special prices on Silk and Alpaca Umbrellas. Examine our new Spring DRESS GOODS. Great value at 50 and 75 ets. Read what we have to say about Dress Goods next week. Bach & Abel. om 25 CEST (1,)M. Advertlsements, sueh as To Rent, For Sale, or Wants, not exceeding three Unes, can be inserted uree weeks for 20 cents. TTirANTED- Girl at J. F. Schuh's W 42-4 TT7ANTED- Residence property in Anu Arbor VV In exohange for Lansine property, or other improved land. Inquire of H. J. Brown. 642-4 FORTUNE- The right party can make it by J assisting me to develop and procure patenta for several valuable inventions. Address A. O. M., Register office. . 641-3 WANT to Sell or Exchange city property for farm. Apply 43 Main-st. 641 43 FOR SALE- 2 new houses, 1 vacant lot in the sixth ward, nearthe campus. One-third down, balance at interest. S. D. Allen. 638-42 WANTED- A girl to do house-work. Inquire at 29 E. TJniversily Ave. 642-44 FOR SALE - Raspberry Plants, early Ohio, Gregg, Cuthberts. Apply lo Wm. Looker at Miner'e place, opposite S. O. Millers. 6424 FOR SALE- 30,000 Greggs, Black Raspberriei. 15 per 1000. J. H. Clough, W. Huron-st. 642-4 ATELSON IRISH can have the value of his iy policy In the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Comanypaid him in ea& calling on or writtog B. J. Conrad, Agent. 611-43 MILLINERY- Miss Willard has removed to 80 S. Main-st, and will open a new stock of Millinery goods, Thursday, March Sist. 640-42 WANTED- A situation as clerk in any line except dry-goods or boots ahd shoes. Have had eight year's experience. Good references. Inquire at this office. 640-2 FOÜND- A gold ring on S. Ypeilanti road. Owner can have it by calling at the Begister office and paying for trouble. 610-42 FOK SALE- At a sacrifice, twenty acre truit farm, with builcings complete, overlooking the city, 10 minutes walk from post office. Matthew's Real Estáte Agency. 640-2 WANTED- Lady Agente in each county to canvass for tbe Garfield Tea. The best selling medicine in the marktt. Address, Detroit Crystalline Co., 16 Park Place, Detroit, Mich. 63S-42 WANTED- Any gentleman desireing a good paying job, work to be in Washtenaw Co. For particulars, apply toLock Box 22, Hanover, Mich. 639-44 fi OOD brick house with lot, corner of Orleans VJCand Forest-ave. for sale at a sacrifice. Apply to Matthew's Real Estáte Agency, 639-44 T ANTED- Situation as Housekeeper, by a H middle aged woman, with reierence, in a small family. Address box 1191, Ann Arbor, Mich. 638 43 TORENT- A small neat cottage. An elderlv couple desired, to whom some work can be given in fruit time. Ann Arbor, March '87. J. D. Baldwin. 637tf F DR SALE- E.000 Snlder & Taylor's Proliflc Blackbeiry Plants, 10,000 Gregg Raspberry Ups, 400 Pear Seedings, and a few Peach trees of the very best variety. Ann Arbor, March '87. J. D. Baldwin. 637tf TT7ANTKD- A good girl for general houseT work. Apply at No. 25 E. Univeraity Ave. 637-9 REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued from Ï1.000 to (6,000 and contaiiin.g from one fifth ol an acre to twenty acres- ah in the city limits. Houses rented on easonable terms in central localities. Farms exohanged tor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SESSION3, 632tf Attorney and Real Estáte Aeent Office over Express Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. FOR SALE- Residence, 85 South Main-st, between Liberty and Williams Sts. House contains 8 good rooms, besides Bath-room, Pantry, etc, with Cellar under entir house. Barn has iarge box stall and other stalls. Lot has been set with Raspberries, Grapes ai d Peaches. Enquire on the premises. E. A. Phillips. "ÜOR SALE- My house, No. 27 Ann street.or will ? exchange for smaller house, or well located vacant lot. H. M. Taber. 623tf FOR SALE OR RENT.- About 4 Acres of Land near Fair Ground. all planted to Small Fruit Also a doublé team wagon and sleigh and 60 bushels of Burbank Potatoe for sale by J. P. Judson, 8tate-st. 641-3 FINE F ARM FOR 8ALE- Two miles trom Ann Arbor, conBisting of 160 acres in a high tate oí cultivation. Has been nsed as a dairy (arm for 13 years, consequently soil Is very rich. Bplendidly watered by creek and springs, Iarge two story frame house, Iarge basement barn, carrlage house, Iarge thed with hay loft. also grain barn ; good orchard. Terms one third cash, balance on long time to f uit purchaser. Address, R. Watermann, Ann Arbor, Mich. 824tf FARM FOR SALE- 160 Acres, 2i miles southwest of Ann Arbor. A first-cl ss farm well nndtr-drained and improved. Address, Israel Clark, Ann Arbor. 483-tf TT7EATHER STRIPS CHAMPION- Best in the TT world. Exelude rain, wind and duat. Leave orders at Eberbacn's Hardware store or No. 12 Lawrence-st No extra charges for repairs. M. J. rURNUM. Prop. F ASM FOR SALE- 160 ACRE.-, 2U MILES Boutliwest of Ann Arbor. A flrst-class (arm well under-drained and imuroved. Addrexs Israel Clark, Ann Arbor. K3-tf. T OANINQ - Money to loan on first clan real J-i estáte mortgages at current rates of interest. HatiBiactory arrangemeuts made with capitalista desiring such lnvestment. Every conveyance and trausaction in abstracts of UUes carefully exarnlned as to legal effect. Zina P. Klng, Ann Arbor, Mich. tf


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Ann Arbor Register