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Personal And Social

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Isaac Crawfonl is in Detroit. O. E. Jones, of Milán, was in town this week. Miss Jennie Herey is clerking at D. F. Sohairer'8. A. F. Freeman, of Manchester, was in the city Tuesday. Geo. E. Bliss, of Jaclrson, was home on a visit laat Friday. Chas. Ludlow and wife of Detroit, are visiting in the city. E. D. Norris was in Ypsilanti, Monday, trying an arson case. A. J. Sawyer and faraily visited relatives in Ohelsea over Sunday. E. A. Whitehead, of Northfield, was in town Tuesday, visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Robison are visiting their Bons in Detroit, today. E. G. Rider, of Ann Arbor, spent Sunday with Kansas City friends. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wheeler have returned from their trip to California. S. L. Foster, of LynD, Mass., is the new superintsndent of the T.-H. Electric Co. Jacob Beutier and family have moved to Ypsilanti, where Mr. B. has secured & 8ituation. Mrs. Abraham Pride, an old and respected colored lady of this city, was buiied Sunday. A. E. Barker, of Minneapolis, was the guegt oí his father in-law, A. W. Ames, Tuesday. B. Frank Bower, city editor of the Detroit Evening Journal, was in the city last Friday. Chas. Bush, of Jackson, división intendent of the M. C. R. R., was in the city Monday. Mra. Geo. Thompson, of Fifth-s-, spent a few days the past week in Detroit, visiting her daughter. James Coy, one of the city fathers af Masón, has been the guegt of Charles H. Worden the past week. Miss Jennie Molntyre has returned from Grand Rapids, where she has been visiting for the past three months. Mr. Taylor, of the firm of Hagar & Taylor, was called to Owosso last week, by the sudden illness of his mother. Rev. Dr. Steele exchanged pulpits, last Sunday, with Rey. D. M. Cooper, lit. '48, of Memorial Presbyterian church of Detroit. W. B. Chamberlain, formerly cityec'itor of The Register, now on the Minneapolis Tribune, is tbe proud father of a bouncing baby girl. Miss Maggie Donovan, who left here a month ago to visit ber brotber ín Kansas City, is now at Excelsior Springt Mo., with a party of friends. David Sc. Clair, of California, who will be remembered by our older citizens as a resident of Ann Arbor back before the 50's, was in the city a few days the past week renewing old acquaintances. Fred S. Hubbard, Judge Cooley's private secretary during his management of the Wabash, started for Washington, last Saturday, where he will be similarly engaged on the inter-state commerce commission. Pred W. Maynard, of Grand Rapids, a ormer Ann Arbor boy, was called here tast Friday to attend the serious illness of lis mother on División st. He favored The Register with a pleasant cali. Prof. McLouth and wife, well known to many of our readers, were in the city, Tuesday, the guests of A. M. Doty. They were on their way to Dakota where the jrofessor has accepted the presidency of he agricultural college of that territory. George Johnson left Monday morning br his home in Windsor, Ont., where he will recupérate for a wnile. "Barney," as he was famiharly called, leaves a host of warm friends in Ann Arbor who unite n wishing him suocess wherever he locates.


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Ann Arbor Register