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CoiiNiiiiiption C'nred. Ad old phyician, retired from practice, having had placed ín his hands by an Kast India misfcionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure ol Consumption ' Bronchitis, Catarrah , Asthmó.1 , Throat and Lung Affectious, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complalnts, after having tested lts wonderful powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suftering fellows. Actuated by this moilve and a desire to relieve human suftering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe in Germán, Frenen or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Send by mail by addressing with stámp, naming paper. W. A Noyes, 149 Powtr's Block. Rochtster New Orleans Picayune : Tnere are peopie wtio thtnk so rnueh o: theinselves ihat üther are shui out and think uothicg of them. We should economize at all timea, but more ecpeeially when times are close. Observe the parchases ot your thrifty neighbors. More substantial benefita can be obtained Irorn a tifty cent bottle of Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure than a dollar bottle of any other cough remedy. It is a prompt, safe and pleasant cure tor all throat and lung tmubles. Sold and endorsed by Eberbach & Co. Boston Post: Fish are generally found in seboo s, and, like all stholars they ars incliued to "play hookey." Kever Abandon Oíd Friends. If you had a friend who bas been constant to you and stuck to you through good and bad fortune, would vou soon forget him ? No, you would not Well, Pomeroy's Petroline Piaster, your old friend has served you niany years. Rely on the old remedy, it will never fail you. It is your faithful, constant, steady friend, trted and truc, always uniform, never misleading by false pretences. It goes right alone, more flrmly settled every year, as the Great Family Remedy of the country. When you ask for it, always see and be sure you get Pomeroy's Petroline Piasters in envelopes. Sold by H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. for Ann Arbor. Sboe aad Leather Reporter : When four women are walking abreast on the side walk they will break ranks for nothing except a man with a paint pot Bnekleu's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblains, Corng, and all Skin BruptioQs, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It i,s guaranteed to give perfect satistaction, v; money ref unded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Wtaat a Flty that so many otnerwise attractive, polite, and particular people afflict their friends by the foul and dieagreeable Oder of their breath, it is mainly cau'ed by disordered digestión, and can be correcte i by removíng the cause, by using that pure medicine, Bulpher Bitters.- Health Magazine. A Washington, G-a., man recently fired into a covey of 12 partridges that were huddleii up in a bunch on the ground and killed 11 ot them, and as tbe twelíth bird rose he killed Ihat also. V%%VVVV1fe are 80rrowfuiiy let alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestión and Const i catión; sola on a positiva guáranteO at 25 and 60 cents, by John Moork, Druggist. A girl has just been arrested in New York for stealing the watch and jewelry of a friend, and the fact was developed that she had pswned thern, to get money to bury her mother. HALE'S HONEY is the best Cough Cure, 25, 80c., L GLENN'S SULPHÜR SOAP heab and beautifies, 25c GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kills Corra & Bunions, 25c HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- Black & Biwn, 60c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in I Minute, 25c DEAN'S RHEOMATIC PILLS are a sure cure, 50c Gen. Boulanger has, at bis request, been furnished by M. Ambroiae Thomas with the musical score of 16 national anthems of foreign countries, and has directed all the military bands to practice them. Dr. Gross, physijian at 8t. Vincent's Hospital, Baltimore, Md., considers Red Star Cough Cure peifectly harmless, being purely vegetable and entirely free from opiates, poisons, and other narcotics. Other professionals also endorse it as prompt, saté and sure. Price, twenty-five cents a bottle. Boston is the home of the f oremost novellst of the country, of the greatest poets, of the crookedest streets, of the champion plugger, of the fastest y acht, of the greatest Niágara crank, and is oaly eleven miles from Lynn! Happy, happy Bostonl St. Jacobs OU deadens pain and makes the lame walk. Major Arnold, of the Occidental Hotel, San Francisco, Cal., was completely cured of rheumatiem by its use. Burlington Fre PreBf: The Ottoman empire doesn't compare with the democracy of the sofa. When irritation ot the throat oauses a tidkling cough, use Red Star Cough Cure which will effect immediate and permanent relief. Oae of Brooklyn's Board of Health officera ree mmends it ag purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. Price, 25 cents. Puck: In tne drama oi life the clerk playa a counter part. The best on earth can truely be gaid of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which is a sure, burng, wounds and all other sores. Wili positively cure pilen, tetter and all skin eruptions. Try thig wonder healer. Satigtaction guaranteed or money refunded. Only 25 oents. Puck: The best thmg on record is the deed oí a corner lot. Consnmptlou can be carecí. Not by any secret remedy, but by proper, heakhful exercise and the judicious use of Scott's Emulsión of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophopphites, containing the healmg and strength-giving virtues of these two valuable specides in their fullest form Trescribed universally by Physiciang. Take no other. Washington Hatchet: A cool thousand- 1,000 pounds of ice. Life: Tight lacing, like other evils has lts compensation, It prevents wastefulness. -I ■ . " Here, boys, stop that fightinp." "We ain't fighting, mi.-tei; we're playing po]. tics." " What do you mean, then, by scratching each otner and pulüng hair and kicking each other's shins?" "Oh, you see him an' me is on one side en' we're lettin' the other boys see how much harmony there is in the party." S&orrs' ofpürecWlïyeroil And Hypophosphiies of Lime & Sods Aimost asPalatab'.oas Milk. The only prcparation of COD LITER OIÏi that can be taken readily and tolerated for a loug tin bj delicate storuarhs. AND AS A RKMEDT FOTt fOXSÜMPTIOH, SCROFULOtS AKFUCTKI.NS. AXAEMIA, CEW. BKAL BEEILITY, COVCHX AS! TURO AT IE t'ECTIO.VS, nd ll v"ii:f.' ñiKOííBEBS OP CHILDREJf it Is morrel loi"s"iïilT_a nsnlu. Presc:'ibd and enrtorsed EJ t;e bes Piiyeician ta the coun tries of the world. FOR SALE EY ALL DRUGGISTS. Probate Notiee. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) COÜNTY OF WASHTENAW. } ssAt a Bession of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probats Office In the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday the fifteenth day of March, in the year oue thousand eight hundred and eighty-seveu. Present, WILLIAM D. HARR1MAN, Judge of In the matter of the Estáte of Samuel P Foster deceased. On reading and tiling the petition duly verifled, of Wllliam C. Fos er praying that á certaiu instrument now on flle in this eourt puipo rting to be the last will and testament of salddeceased, may be admitted to probate, and that Georgo C. Page, jr. may be appoiuted executor thereof. Thereuponit is Ordered, that Monday.the 18th day of April next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of eaid petition and that the devisees, legatees, and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persona interesten in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Oourt, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and sb,ow cause if any there be, why the prayer of the petitionet should'not be granted : And is ia further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of aid petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a. copy of this order to be published in tha AnnArbor REGBTER.a newspaperprintedand circulated in said county, three successive weeks prerious tcrsaid day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, _ 'Atrae copy.; Judge of Probate Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. 639-643 Mortgajce Ssle. EvEFAULT Having been made in the con' ditions of a certain mortgage made by Elias C. Roberts and Amella Roberts his wife of Salem Washtenaw County, Michigan, to Luke Dake of the same place dated December 29th. A. D. 1876 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, for the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, on the twelfth day of January, A. D. 1877, in Liber 51 of Mortgages, on page 65 on which mortgage there is claimed to be du at the date of this notif e the sum of four hundred and thlrty-four dollars and flfteen cents. ad an attorney's fee oí fifteen dollars provided for In said mortgage, and nosuit or preceedlngs eithe' at law or in equity having been institated to recover the moneys secured by said mortsage or any part thereof. Now, Therefore, By virtue of the power of sale ccntained in said mortgage, and the statute in suen case mide and proyided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed on Saturday the Ï8th day of May, A. D. 1887, at 10 o'clook m the forenoon. by a sale at Public the highest bidder, at the Eaat fcont Door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor (that being the place wliere the Clrcait Court for Washtenaw County is holden), of the premises described in said mortgage, or so mucb thereof as may be necestary to pay the amoum due on said mortgage with the interest, and all legal costa, together with an attorney's fee of fifteen dollars convenanted for therein, the premises being described in said mortgage as all that certain lot, piece and parcel of land sitúate in the township of Salem, in the County of Waantenaw and State of Michigan, and knovrn and described as follows : Commencing at the North East comer of the West Hal of the North East Quarter of Sectlon Eleven, town one, South, Range Seven East ron ning South from said corner, forty-six rods, to the fence running West ; thence West to edge of ditch and Water Course ; thence running North following Ditch and Water Course to the centei of Highway ; thence East to the place of beginning, and being the tract of land, willed by James Eoilis to Stephen Hollis. LUKE DAKE, Mortgagee. E. D. KINNE, Attomey for Mortgagee Dated Feb. 25, 1887. 637-48 I ARinO8"SENDFOR fililí Publications.withMapg rtll Jll describing Minnesota kif 111 LS J North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon, the Free Government I.ands and Low Price Railroad Lands in the Northern Pael.ic Country. THE BEST AGRICULTURAL GRAZING and TIMBER LANDS now open to settlers malled free. Address CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Land Com., N. P. R. R., St. Paul, Mine A NEW BRAl i m cm Sal-luscatelle. The (-rystallized salta as extracted from grapes and fruit; a moat wonderful product from Nature's laboratory ; the greatest sovereign preñar tlon eyer placed before tbe American publla Pal-Mnscatelle is Nature' own itirappiles to the weary system the want of soand, ripe erapes and fruit; it keep the blood pure añd tíe brain clear; is a natural blessing to the fagcedout and weary, an imperatlve companion to businew men, ladie and children. Have it la your homes, travels, summer resorts and sea-slde cottages. ick -Headache and Oypepía GUe Preparad by the SAL-MUSCATELLE CO., P. O. Box 3488, New Torh City. BOH S-A.IE B"2" EJ.BROWN Druggist, ANN ARBOB, . MIOH. Farraná.filliaiicoTwiiolesaleAsís. DBTEOIT.


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Ann Arbor Register