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Read what Samnel G. Stiness, Supt. of Pawtucket Gas Co., Pawtuoket, R. I., under date of Deo. 18, 1884, says: - "I have used Dr. Seth Arnold's Cough Killer for 8everal years and consider it the best as a positivo cure for a cold and possesging all the merits claimed for it." For sale at all druggists. Prioe 25c, 50c. and $1.00 __2 TTheii Baby iu sick, w gmve her Cutort, When he was a Child, ehe cried for Castori, When ah beoame Miss, sh clung to Castoria, V]mo iho had Children, he gare them Castori, The eoildiers of the French armv are to be f urnished witti pocket handkerchiefg on which will be stamped military rules, regulation and useful information generally. It will be interestine to ee the army take out ita handkerchiefa just before an engagement to find out the best way to attack the enemy. SHINGLES! The beat Rooflng in theworld la Walter's PatentShingles Made of Iron, Tin or Steel. Cheaper More Durable and Ornamental Than Slate Warranted to glve satisfaction. For partioulara and prioea address GSORGS SCOTT, Architect. Sole Agent forWash tennw County. THE WHITE IS K1NG The White Sewing Machine Was awarded the ouly Ftrst Premium and Diploma given any Sewing Machine at Michigan State Fair, Jackson, '86. ana took more Premiums In 85 than any other Sewlng Machine In the World. Simple, 8ilent, Sure, Perfect, Powerfal, Popular. The Best Machine, The Best WoodWork, The Greatest Range of Work. The"WMte" Machine emboóles more MECHANICAL IMPEOVEMKNTS Than any other Sewlng Machine in the World The Automatic Bobbln Winder, Vibrator and Stítch Regulator, In fact every lmprovement known. W Warrant Every Machine for 5 year Becanse we know it will last Try it, and vou will be pleased. Bny it, and yon will be satisoed. White.Sewinq Machine Co. L. OTOOLE, Hanater. Office. Huron-st, one door west of Maln-at, Ann Arbor, Mich. 622-57 8L víltles come direct WJb TroiH U.S.lioTcrnment dSlív5?Th climate is unsurpamed. JffcJBJIJVind Ohurch and School facüities JViJfc'B'Jud The soil is ery fertile, and will ftki'produce larga erop. Oom, Wheat, Rye. Ot. Miflet, CloTer, Tünothy . Psm, Beans, Potatoes, etc.. nov?tiere thrive better. i,oooMo R1VER BOnOW AND UPLANDS Yot le on Credit and for Oash, and Low RatM, b THE LITTLE ROCK á FORT SWITH RAILWMCO. Tte GREAT AEKANSAS VALLET embraces the Finost Agricultura? Lands of the West. The terms on which thesfJ landn are old to O, Actual Settler, are of the moet liberal nature Arkansas 18 eopecially well adopted to Stoofcj Raiaing, and aa Fruit Ooantr; theVallei' u amhen eicslled. IÏ"Coim and fyrig %.P far yourflelves. For further ParticxáJfc lara.Pamphlet and Map addresfkj THOMAS M.GIBSONaJ55 Land Commifisiooer, LB5nft " k LITT1E KOtKj, WR A fSmSj, WIL.SON iWASHBOARDS. i : 'SSJËgThgto Waihboardi are made with SI a Bent-VTod rim. Tbe6trongWi est boards and best wasnera in th4 m wurld. For ale by all dealers. u ILLo'.'ú w Tke no other. ' 9 .d I SAGISAW M'F' CO., affit QOLD KESAL, PARIS, 18vo. .firealfastGocoa. bPWSW Warnnted abtoluttly pura JBSkMT Cooom, f rom whkh tbe excesa rf VlBA OU hu been removed. It has (ArM jf f 1 fl% tlm 'trtngtk of Coco mixed VI 11 Ut! with Strch, Arrowroot orSogal, tJB and ia therefore lar mora eeonomtIII I N cali ooMng hu tha om cent a I Dll cup. It ia deUetou, nourtehing, fi atrengthentng, eaally dlgarted, and I ff 1 1.Vadmfrably adaptad for Invalida ac m llfU well as for pereon in health. 3ÊÊm00f gjj j Qroeer eTerywhera. f. BAKER & CO., Mester, Hass. SBERBACH &. SON, SRUGfflSTS AND PHAEMACIHÍ No. 12 South Main Street, Keep on hand a large and weU wlected stonk f DRUGS, MEDICINEN CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFFS, A.3TISTS' ASTD WAX FLOWKE MAT! RIALS, TOILET ARTICLES, TRUSSBS, ft& PURfi WI1IE8 AND LIQUOB8 SpeclfJ attenüon pald to the fomiahing of Fh sloi&ns, enemiste. Schools, etc., wlth PhUoaophlMl and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemlan Chemlotl GlMBware, Poroelafn Ware, Pare Eeagent, eta. Phyïiet&ns Praecrlptloiu carefaüy prepued i all houn, 427-CH LÜMBES LI7MBERI LÜMBER! If you contémplate building oall at FERDON M YARD! Corner'Fourth and Depot Sta., and set our figures for all kinds of LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumber and sruarantee VBRY LOW PRIOES! g-fii ve as m eall nnd we will makt lt i yonr interest, m onr larire and well ■rraded stock rnlly soatatns oor ■■■■r JAMES TOI.BKKT, Prp. T. J. KÏEEH. Snpt. Kl-Ot BIHSIY & SIABOLT UTOS. 6 -A-2STD 8 Waablnertoní Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Have alwaye on hand a complete Stook of tj thinglntae GROCERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugars All prime Ajtticlee boaght for Catu and can eü atlow figure. Oor frequent large lnvoloei el Teaa Is a ure sign that we give barg&lna In QUALITY AND PRIOH. Weroastour own coffees every week, alwan freah and good. Our bakery turus out the yery best of Bread, Cakes and crackers. Cali and Nam 48M0I iniiEiiTicroc IDimilSERS Befoi-e you placo a dollar" Hl wortli of -Ve-vsp-aper advertís ing, set prices. The exao% cost of aiiy paper, or list ot Sjii papers cheei'fully furxiishedp AJh free u}on appUcation. t Send fot New Cataloffua. ■ J' C' HOUCH, B Advertisiag AgenL ■ ■ nonaH blool d- ♦. an, TANSY CAPSULËC THE LATBSÏ DISÍJOVEKY. W Dr. Laparlo's Olebrated Preparation. Safe Md Aiways Kellable. IndíBpenoable to LADMKS. Send 4 cents for Bealed Circular. CALUMET CHEMICAL CO.. Chicago, -


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