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Michigan State News

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The Detroit gram and produce quotationsare: Wheat- No. 1 White, 82J@S2 'e ; No. 2 Ked, 83Jf@88ío. Flour- Roller process, M.00(r?4.25; patents, $4.75@5.00. Rye - 594'@i9Jio. Corn - No. 2, 0@41c. Oats- No. 2, 83a Butter- Crearaery, 26 @30c. Cheese, 14@U)ie. Eggs, 123'@13c. Winsor Schofield, a prominent lawyer of Bay City, former partner of Judge Sanford E. Green, died the other morning. He leaves a wWow aud three children. Tlie Soutliwestern Michigan Soldiers' and Sailors' Association is ready to roceive bids from tovrns for the holding of its annual reunión next August 16-19 inclusive. The first twine binder ever made is to be sold for old iron in Bronson. It was inventod by Mr. Randall, of Burlington. Four dry-kilns and their contents at Bousefleld & Co. 's wooden-ware factory at Bay City, was buraed the other aiternoon. Loss, f4,000. : Members of the Legislature aseria the ■wonderful vote (over 40,000) ior prohibition at the recent election to theelfects !of the women at the polls. Surprisiug stories were told of how they stood in line snatching ballots with "no" on them f rom the hands of passing voters, substituting "yes" ballots, and iollowing the ticket np to tlie box to see that the votr did ■a they wished. They were very success ,ful with men of intemperate habits. ! The Light Company's building and machinery at Muskegon were burned early the other morning. Loss, $10,000; fully insured. : The Legislative committee which had been investigating the grave-yard ïnIsurance companies of the State retnrned recently. Among the discoveries made jtwo were quite surprising. Senator Gorman of the committee found that three policies had been taken out on the life of ,his mother, and Stenographer Hayes of the committee found that such policies had been taken out upon the life of his mother'in-law. In both cases specnlative neighbors had patronized the Errave-vard pañíes. Judge Jenneson in the circuit court at Detroit tha other afternoon decided to break the wili of the late Francis Palms, the millionaire, who left, his estáte in detail, and decidei that the property mustgo to the heirs-at-law after paying the legacies. The suit against the instrument was brought by Miss Clotilde Palms, who has attained unwelcome prominente through the attentions of Senator Jones, of Florida. General Freight Agent A. Mackay, of the Michigan Central road, has removod his office f rom Chicago to the general office building of the company at Detroit. Michael Newell, residing near Flat Rock, Wayne County, aged seventy-three years, accidentally puncturedan arteiy in his leg the other day wit a pruning-knife and bied to death. Aldrich & Brayman's clothes-pin factory atCuster, Mason County, was burned the other night. Loss, 20,000; insurance, ,uw. me ractory, whioh wastbe largest of tbe kind in the world, had a capacity of 150,000 pins daily. Nine sneep, bitten by a rabid dog, died of hydrophobia near Rives Junction, Jackson County, a few days ago. William Mavis, agcd twentysii years, and bis mother were drowned the other mght in a dredge slx feet decp and twenty wide ent along the side of the road leading to Quannacassee, Bay Counta, near which place they lived on a farm. They were returning home, and it was thought the liorses took fright, and they were thrown from the wagon. A woman served as one of the clerks at the recent election in Big Rapids. In the Bay County circuit court recentiy James H. Baker was awarded t5,00a damages for injury to his son, who wasraaimcd ou the Kimt, & Pere Marquette railroad. The Matt Gibson mine, naar Champion. Marquette County, was rcccntly sold for 150,000 to a Negauuej syndicale, of which Captain George Mitchcll is at the head. John Crook, an Ingham County hcrmi who died a few days ago, was nearly 105 years old. , It cost a St. Ignace man twenly-six dollars to rush into the aiins of a strange woman and kiss her the othcr day, and he claimed it was all a mistakc, at that. Tho Twenty-sixth Michigan Volunteei Infiintry held its twenty-second annual reuniou at Muskegon a few days aco. The Governor has issued a proclamation fixing April 25 as Arbor Day, and it urges a more feneriil observance of the day and the purposes thereof. Repons to the State Board of Health by fifty-iour observers in different parts of the btate, for the week ended ou the 2d indicated that intermittent fever increased and puerperal fever, inflammation of the kidneys, influenza, scarlet fever erysip3las, typho-malarial fever and mem' branoiis croup, inflammalion of the brain tonsilitis, neuralgia, measles and influenza decreased in area of prevalence. iDena was reponed at nine places, scarlet iever at fifteen, typboid fever at three nd measlea at thirteen places. Hog cholera is reportad in the western part of Branch County. Tho post-offloe at Johnstown Barry mifie'ld11 beCn discontiDUed; to Dr. Nathan M. Thomas, the pioneer physician of Kalamazoo County, died recently at his home in Kalamazoo, a"ed three years. ' The heirs of Mr. Balen, killed on a street Crossing at Traverse City by a G R. & I Lï year' obtainei1 verdict' recently for ,(X ajfainst the road. I Albert Garver, while hunting recently three miles south of Morley, Mecosta Connty, accidentally shot himself fatally Gas was struck rccently at Marine City at a depth of 150 fect It was claimed tht it would be suffleient to supp!y fuel for makinj; salt H. D. Widger, in charge of the Knights of Labor store in Bie Rapids, dropped lead the other evening. mes H. Baker (colored) obtained a verd1Ct recently at Bay City aga,nst the F "Í 1:iulroi1 for 5,000 for the los of hi httle boys leg who was run ovr .ome time ago. f t ree' a" old and resPected citizen ol Ludington, dropped dead at hi resiaence the other night from tbe bursting of a bloed vessel in the brain. The schooner L. L. Lamb, loaded -witta hay at Port H„ wag AmL L nd the hay was all destroyed. A. M. Stanton, who skipped from D r"r"f With r. beloSDtö George K bistare's Soos, a branch of the pew York house, and besides was short abont 1.00J, returned a few d"s ago yeuP the cash and would not be proseBenjamin Marston, a miner, thrust hi bead out at the third iew.1 M he was being hoisted ,n a "skip" i„ the Lake Angelin! beheaded. His head feil iso feet and deserled the nune and a "boss" named uTthTher bIÍBed lod-aDdbnne The members of the Presbyterian Church t Lansmg have decided to build a church


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Ann Arbor Register