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TO THE LADIES ! lf yon are afflicted with rheumatlsm. neuralgia, ncTvous exhau-tion, dyspepsla. or with diseases of the liver, kidueys, headacheor eold feet, strollen or week aukles, or swoilen feet, auAb florninal Belt and a pair of Magnetic Foot Batteries Iiave no superior in the releif and cure of all these complaints. ïhey earry a powcrful uiaguctic force to the seat of the desease. For lame back, weokmss of the spine, falling of the wouib, leucorrhoea. ciironic inflammation and ulceration of the womb, incidental hemorrhage of flooding, painful. suppressed and irregular inenstiuation, barrenneis, and ehauge of lile, thisis the Best Ajipliam-e and Curaüve Agent Knowu. Price of Supporter with Magnetic Foot Batteries. S10. gent by express C. O. V., and examination allowed, or by mail on receipt of prive, and if not fouud Batisfactory even after m'x mouths trial they can be returned and money rcfunded. In ordering, send measure of waist and size of shoe. They are worn over the underclothiug. They hold their pouvr forever. Send for the " New Department in Medical Trcatment Without Medicine," with thousands orteFtimonials. Send tor circulare. Write us full particulars as regards your difflculties- orders direct. TUT. MAflSETIC APPL'AJfCE !O.. 134 Dearborn s„ ChU-ago, 111. Cl v eland Sun: A shop lifu r- a i earthq'.idke. New Haven News: Ityou want toste a 'A-ildoat, simply hold up the domestic article ry the tail. Lite: A min who tukes hte fa-1 - a subsoriber: S Vjhe Bestand Purest Medicineg llV. EVER MADE. II L-XW.Itwi" drive the Humor f rom your III 1 1 4j. Cfjti']n, aud make your skin III l4. CfJclean and emooth. ThoBe J e "rJWrimpleg and BlotchesUl ra % ■ .oWwhich mar your beautypj U . e "?. ''i.sre canseii l)y impureEa Ifl c -f-r A%.biooá' and can bofl H V% ' yu arel I Hl h, % , oj ï .% , bloodpu-U m The Dose 18%,,-Vt %t f, SS mall-onlyateaf51%.. oj%j.K III spoonful. ItistheVf % % %■ II ■II best and cheapegtk U ? .w p ■Bil III medicine. Try it, andV ♦$ A I II you will bc eatisfled. ij. a.NJC ■II !9 iet it oí your Druggist. %.t, H If yon are snffering from Kid! t IT ney Disease, and wish to live tok III oíd age, ase SULPHUR BITTEKS They never iaü to care. k Ij Send 8 8-cent stampa to A. P. Orrlway ft Co. Boston, Maes., for best medical work publishedi ONE DOLLAR PATS FÖR Frorn next issue after receipt of subscription to January, 1 888, for new subscribers only. Now is the Time lo Subscribe for Tfce Olflesl, Lariest. Cheapest. Best and Most Newsy Eeiiiiois Family Newspaper PiBlisïed ia MicMgan. A lart-o Kicht-page Religlous. weekly newspaper. in AU. RESPECTO FIKST-CIASS. One with which the VOUNGEK as wcll as the OLDEK members of the fam,1' nre delfghted. Each number contains fifty-sit hiluiui wWI-mied wllh the best nrlginul and caretully p :-:v reading, in whlch anieles to Interest amuse .ustruct aml benefit every reader wlth. f XDAX-aCHOOl, anti TKMFWCBAXCK lMress, CHRISTIAJTIËrIld, Detroit MUL Aak yoar retailer for the James Means ' 83 Shoe. ( amiou ! Some dealers recommenrt inferior gooda In order to make a larper profit. This is the orislnal $3 Shoe. D-are of imitationB whlch acknowlodge their own iiiferiority by attempting to bniW upon the reputation of the original. None tiennine nnleiw bearing this Stamp, JAMES MEANS' J: r Gestlemen, L O O U C W -B Made in Button, Congres and M li cellej in Dttrability, Comfort St . "r Apiiearance. A postal earrt a- ' k sc-ut touswill brlngyouinJK VitC 1k '"'Mlionhowto get this MfssJ. Meaas & Co Our telebrated f aotorv produces a larger quant Ity of Shots of this ttrade than any other factory in thé world. Thousandw who wear them win teil you the JANEX MEANV %'i MiOK for Bots is unapproacbed in Iurabüity. FuU line of the bove fhoes for s&!e fn Ann Arbor by L. Gruner. REPORT OP TH; UüNDITION OF THE Ana Arbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., ON MONDAY, Jan. 3d, A. D., 1887. KADE ïn Acconlno wlth .Srclfon 18,19 u,J 67 of the Oenernl Haiiliint I.auN as Ainended In 1871. KESOÜP.CES. Loans and Discounts g 072 771 59 Bouds and Mortgages '. , 175237 91 U. S. 4 per cent. Registered Bouds.. 11,400 00 Overdrafts 441 22 Furniture and Fixtures. ..'.'."".'.'.'.'.'.'." 1 930 85 Due from National and State Banks.... 87 098 01 Cash on hand 35,983 74 LIABILITIES. '584'86382 Profitand Loss ïis to January Dividend 2 'So 00 Due Depositors t 581,863 32 I do solemnly swear that the above statement is trae, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HI8COCK, Cashler. Subscribed and sworn to before me.thto4th day of January, 1837. } L. GRÜNKR, Notary Public. OA&eto I TAI LOR I 10 WOODWARDAVE. Cor. Congreas-St , DETROIT. Braucta of hiendo. Fashionalls Tailoring MODERATE PRIOES. " mi Styles flow [jeady All the Novelties. LATEST :-: DESIGNS ! Scotch Suitinge, Fancy Worstede, Corkscrew Diagonale, Meltona and Kerseys, London Trouserings. Fit and Satisfactioa Guar anteed. Pañis lo Order froni . - $ 5 OO Suli "... 20 00 Spring Overcoats, - IS OO An early inspectlon of our stock is lnWted The largest and flnert assortment of Woolns in the city. Donot walt bat place yonr orden naw Samples and rales íor Self-measurement sent on applicaBon. I I 0 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT. Raymond Baby Jumper „,pO CC g;i I Hit 2. ?- s . Orq Jo h f. O ; - THIS PAK2B K"eunoíí1Ñ2St


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Ann Arbor Register