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Her Majesty's CORSBT is the BEST, because lst, IT IS THE ONLY CORSET EVER made that will reduce the size and increase the length of the waist of Fleshy Ladies without injurious tight lacing. 2nd, IT IS THE BEST SPINAL SUPporter ever made, and it supports equally as well the abdomen and all other parts of the body. 3rd, IT IS PROOF AGAINST PERspiration and moieture. Will neither corrode nor soil the underwear, stretch or break at the waist. The bonea never move or come out in wear. 4th, IT NEVER CHANGES ITS form. Always retaining its original shape ; it is invaluable to young ladies, becauseit removes and prevenís stooping and round shoulders. 5th, A lady writes : " Though costing more than many others, they are tbe most economical, last doublé time, the steels never breaking. Ppikckss of Wales Co., N. Y., Mfrs. We have all the styles and sizes of these valuable Corsets. Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. New Parasols on exhibition this week. Special prices on Silk and Alpaca Umbrellas. Examine our new Spring DRESS GOODS. Great value at 50 and 75 cta. Read what we have to say about Dress Goods next week. Bach & Abel. OCR SS CENT (OI.IM. AdYertisemente, sucli as To Rent, For 8Me, or W&nts, not exceedlng three Unes, can be inserted hree weeks for 25 cents. AND FÖR RENT.- I will sub-let 8 acre on shares ; Land within 15 minutes walk of Court House. 643 Dr. Krakt. , FOR SALE.- A 1S9 acre farm on gravel road, 4%milesS. of Ann Arbor. Inquireof Henry Krause, Lodi, or box 137, Ann Arbor. 643 55 WE WANT AN AGENT.- In every gas conBuming town to sell on commission an article of universal consumption. To the right party with small capital entire control of territory. HeRBINE & RüSSELL. Indianapolis, Ind. í.6 E. Market St. 631-46 'pHEBOTT FARM, 200 ACRES-Town of LynJL don, for sale at sacriflce or to trade for city property. Matthews Real Estáte Agency. 643-5 FOR SALE OR RENT- Modern dweiling on Thayer st near Univereity. W. R. Prise. 643-5 FOR SALE- Cuthbert Raspberry Plants in large or small lots, leave orden at Cousins & Hali's, Greenhouse, South Unlversity-eve. 648-5 LOST- A lady's silver watch and gold chain ome place between Statest and Hangsterfer's hall. Finder wül be suitably rewarded Dy leaving at this office or at the stewarti office in the Univereity. 643-5 WANTED- Girl at J. F. Schuh's 42-4 WANTED- Residence property in Ann Arbor in ezchange for Lansing property, or other improved land. Inquire of H. J. Brown. 642-4 A FORTUNÉ- The right party can make It by -Tl assisting me to develop and procure patenta for seTeralvaluable inventions. Address A. O. M., Regittsr office. 641-3 WANT to Sell or Exchange city property for farm. Apply 48 Main-st 611 43 7OR SALE-2 new houses, 1 vacant lot in the r sixth ward, nearthe csmpus. One-third down, balance at interest. S. D. Allen. 6i3-5 WANTED- A girl to do house-work. Inquire at 29 E. Universily Ave. 642-44 FOR SALE - Raepberry Planta, early Ohio, Gregg, Cuthberts. Apply to Wm. Looker at Mitier's place, oppusite S. G. Millers. 642-4 OR SALE-30,000 Greggs, Black Raspberriec. 85 per 1000. J. H. Clough, W. Huron-st. 642-4 NELSON IRISH can have the value of hi poliey in the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Comany paid him in cash, by calling on or writing B. J. Conrad, Agent. 641-43 TT7ANTED- Any gentleman desireing a good TT paying job, work to be in Washtenaw Co For particulare, apply toLock Box 22, Hanover, Mich. 639-44 fOOT) brick house with lot, corner of Orleans VJand Forest-ave. for sale at a sacrifice. Apply to Matthkw's Real Estáte Agency, 639-44 TV ANTED-Situation as Housekeeper, by a T middle aged woman, with reference, in a fmall family. Address box 1191, Ann Arbor Mich. 638 43 'po RENT- A small neat cottage. An elderly X couple desired, to whom some work can be eiven in truit time. Ann Arbor, Maren '87 J D Baldwin. 637tf FOR SALE-5000 Snider & Taylor's Proliflc Blackberry Planta, 10,000 Gregg Raspberry Ups, 40u Pear Seedings, and a few Peach trees of the very best variety. Ann Arbor, March '87. J. D.Btldwln. 637tf WANTED- A good girl for general housework Apply at No. 25 E. ünivereity Ave. EAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.-Houses and lots valued from $1.000 to J6.000 and containiig from one flfth of an acre to twenty acres- ali in the city limits. Houses rented on reasonable terms in central localities. Farms exchanged tor city property. Enquire of J. Q. A. SESSION3, 632" Attorney and Real Estaie Aeent Office over ExpTess Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. fOR SALE- My house, No. 27 Ann street.or will -- exchange for smaller house, or well located vacant .lot. H. M. Taber. 623tf FOR SALE OR RENT.-About 4 Acres of Land near Fair Grouud. all planted to Small Fruit Also a doublé team wagon and slelgh and 50 bushels of Burbank Potatoes for sale by J. P Judson, Statest 641-3 FINE F ARM FOR SALE- Two miles from Ann Arbor, consistlng of 160 acres in a high tate ot cultivation. Has been used as a dairy farm for 13 years, consequently soil Is very rich Bplendidly watered by creek and springs lareé two story frame house, large basement barn, earrlage house, large thed with hay loft, also grain barn; good orchard. Terms one third cash, balance on long time to fuit purchaser. Address R Watennann, Ann Arbor, Mich. 624tf T?ARM FOR SALE- 160 Acres, 2U miles south wet of Ann Arbor. A firet-cl. ss farm well undtr-drained and improved. Address Israel Clark, Ann Arbor. 483 tf WEATHER STRIPS CHAMPION-Best in the world. Exelude rain, wind and dust. Leave orders at Eberbacn's Hardware store or No 12 f,ïxï?'si, No extra charges for repairs. M. J. FURNÜM, Prop. IABM FOK BALE- 160 ACRES. 2U MILES 'oothwest of Ann Arbor. A áretelas farm well under-drained and lmDroved. Address Israel Olark. Ann Arbor. 4Stf. LOANING- Money to loan on flrst class real estáte mortgages at current rates of interest. Batlsfactory arrangements made with capitalista denrlng such investment. Every conveyance and transactton in abstracts of tlUes carefuily exunlnert u to legal eflfect. Zina P. Klng, Ann Arbor, Mich. tf


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