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Scolt'ü Emulsión of Pitre Cod Liver OU, with Hypophosphites. In General Debility, Emaciation, Consumption and Wasting iu Children, Is a most valuable food and medicine. It creates an appetite for tooH, strengthens the nervous systera and builds up the body It ia prepartd in a palatable torm and prescribed universally by Physicians. Take no olher. There are about lor y lüdies engaged in the siudy of art al CowlfB Art School, Boston. Of this numbr, the mvj rity are tukiog everv braneh of instruction. Upward.s of 100 stuiients will shordy be serionsly at work in the varions classes. GLíavv.0 the Children. They are esS5XVr pecially liable to sudden Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. We guarantee Acker's English Bemedy a positivo cure. It savea lioars of anxious watching. Sold by John Moobe. Driiggist. Mme. Dieulafoy, who ably assisted her husband in his purevering researchep into Persian ant:quitieg, und helped him to brinn; many premoua relies to France, has been made a Knight ot the Lcgic n of Honor. Harpar's Bzir: Beiween Scylla and Charybdes 's no longer pipular. It is between St. Paul and MinneHpolis. It you would mannge a woman or a hjrse you n ust fist learn to manage your temper. Maich, 1882, Rev. L N. S Onge, P. P. Indian M.ssionary, Glen Falls, N. Y., wrote: ''A sh gle ppliea'i n of St, Jacobs Oil relieved me of rheutnatism." Ootober 29, 1886, he writes again : 'it cured me then." Miss Liberty, of Bedloe's Island, is the only Wüman ia the country who does not want a new hat. Those who believe that nature will work offacough or cold should understand that this is done at the expende of the consdtution. Each time this weakens the system, aDd we all know that the termination of thi? dangerous practice is a comsumptive's grave. Don't take the chances, when a Sfty cent bottle of Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure will salely and promptly cure any recent cough, cold or throat or lung trouble. Buy the dollarbottle of Eberbach & Son, for chronic cases or family use. Ticket Agent - You don't expect those two boys to go on one ticket? She - Of course I do. It's a twin. onsiiiiipuoii cured. Au old physician. retire'd from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India misEionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure oi Consumption Bronchitis, Catarrah, Asthmal, Throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powera in thousauds of cases, has felt it his duty to make it kuown to his sufi'ering fellows. Actaated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suífering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire It, this recipe in Germán, Fren ch orEnglish, with full directions for preparing and using. Send bymail by addressing with stamp, naming paper. W. A. Noyes, 149 Powtr't Block, Rochnttr JV. T. Wife - If I should ever die, will you really marry again? Huband - Nevor nevei! Whatdo yon take me for? The best on earth can truely be said of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which 9 a sure, safe and speedy cure for cuts, bruises, acalda, burng, wounds and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter and all skin ruptiong. Try this wonder healer. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Only 25 cents. If wonen had the eolving of the labor question it would be the !aw f jr all husbands to keep the (loal-scuttle 611ed. is waxranted, is because it is the best Blood Preparation known. It will positively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds np the constitution. Bemember, we guarantee it. John Moork, Druggist. " Was earl y man a savage?" aeks a magazine writer. That depends on whether the early man had cold coffee for breakfast. ■Wien Bby ni sick, we gT her Cutoria, ■When the ni a Child, she oried for Castoria, When she becme Misa, she olong to Caatori, When iho hftd Chüdren, she gTe them GMtori, Philedelphia News : This winter may be a freak, anyhow, and have two back bone8 in sound working order. Hark Twain. The American press generallv appears to have lost conceit of Mark Twain. One reason for this changeof feelingmay be that Mark has grown rieh. lt is an unapardonable error for a humorist tobe rich. He ought to live in a garret, like James Triplett, be the happy professor of one thread bare coat, and shoes that let the water in. But even under these direful circumstances 25 cents would purehase him from that most painful of all complaints, Rheumatism. They are advertised every where. For Sale by H. J. Brown, Dist. Agt. for A on Arbor. Dr. Seth Amold's Soothing and Quieting Cordial tor children. RecommeQded b mothers and nurses. 25e. NcTcOLD FEET ! Bend one dollar in currency, with size of hoe usually worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic Insoles for rheumatism, eold feet and bad circulation. ïhey are the most powerful made in tbe world. The wearer feels the warmth, life and revitalization in three minutes alter putting them on. Sent by return mail upon receipt of price. Send your address for the "New Departure in Medical Treatment Without Medicine," with thousands of testimonial. Write us full particulars of difficulties. Our Magnetic Kidney Belts for gentlemen will positively cure the following diseases without medicine : Pain in the back, head or limos, nervous debility, lumbago, general debilit?, rheumatism, paralysis, neuralgia, sciatica diseases of the kidneys, lorpid liver, seminal emissions, impotency, heart disease, dyspepsia, indigestión, hernia or rupture piles, etc. Consulta' tion free. Price of Belt, with Magnetic Insoles. $10. Sent by exprets C. O. D. or by return mail upon recept of price. 8end measure of waist and size of bhoe wom. Send for circulara. Order direct NOTR- Theabove described Belt with insoles is warranted to positively eure chronic cases of seminal emissionB and impotency or money refunded even after one year's trial. THE MAGNETiC APPLIANCE CO., 134 Dearbern St., toleago, II!.


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