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"BUSINESS CARDS. CK PDSON, Prr.etr. South-west comer of Huron and Fourth Btreeta rsArbor. i56-507 GEORGE E. FROTHINGHAM, M. D., Pbysiclan nel Snrgeou. Office Hamüton Building, Rooms 1,2, and 8. Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thured&y aml Frlday, 10 to 12 A. M.; Wednesday and Saturday, 2 W 4 r. M. A"lex. w. hamilton Attomey at Lw, Will practicein both State and United Htatea Conrte. Office Rooms, one and two, lst floor of Se new brick block. corner of Huron and Fourth atreets, Ann Arbor, Michigan. VU-JA p EORGE W. RENWICK, TEACHER OF VülCE GÜLTÜRE,SING1KG, HÁRMONY & PIÁÍÍO. EonsuccfullyughtbymAddre,. I. O. G. T. Washtenaw Lodge, No. 719, meebs every Monaay evening at 7:30 in their temple, third door ut of the Post Office, and third floor. Gkorge Scott, C. T. 620.32 O. W. Sage, K. Sec. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D., PHYSICIAN &SURGE0N. Office and residence over postofflee. firat Boor 621-83A. P. SMITH AnnArbvr, - - Michigan. Public Farm Auctioneer. Bales made in any part of the County. Correspondence promptly answered. Boi 224!. 633-45+ 0.C.,mNKINS,D.D.8.) DEOTAL OFFICE OVKK ASDBEWS BOOK STOBK, 13 MAIN STREET. ANN ARBOB. 456-507 NICHOLS BROS., DENTAL OFFICE gecond Floor Masonic Kloek . ove' ving liiuik . Ann Arbor, Mira. reeth extracted without pain by tlie use of gaa or vitalized air. 486-487 ZINA F. ZING, Law and Coilection Office. 0 S. COMMISSIONER, and Agent for plaalnï I nsurance ín reliable compañías. All business entrusted to thls office reoelTOi prompt and caretul attenüon. Money remltted a.42aMínSreet, South, nn Arbor, Mloñ. 427-4"8 "Wlvil. BIC3-C3-S Gntractor i Mier, And all kinas of work '.n connection -with the above promptly executed Shop. OomeiofChurchandOrleansSte. Box 1248. esa- WXLLXAH ARNOLD, SELLS 1847 RIGERS BROS.' SPOONS, FORKS AND KNIVB8. At bottom prlces, engravlnü includcö , fallllneof thejugtly C8lebietE(3 ROCKFORD WALTHAM and ELGIN WATOHES. Open face, Key eind Stem-wlndliig alwaye on hand and regulated, ready for a man t pocket. If yon cannotreadthls get one ofJohnston Co j eye-glaesesor spectacles tor eale by WIL ABSOL D, S6 Main St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 2Í-475 WE ARE IN THE SWIM FOB THE Mst Material Traie Of your County. Send for Catalogue. ALLEN & PARKHURST, 27 and 174 Summlt St.. Toledo, O SPECIAL NOTICE ! Hving purchased the Interest of D. J. Boa In the property known as the Wit E OBLE PLANING MILL I am now prepared to flll all orden In SÁSSS5, BÜQHS, SIKfi and KOÜLOIXSS Of all descriptlon, planing done to order on short notioe. Pint class work guaranteed at the lowest prices. JOHN AEMSTOït , snceessor to RO8S & 1BHSTBON. Cor. N. Fifth and Depot sts, oppoaite M. C. R. R. depot 660-611 SODA Best in theWorfJ.


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Ann Arbor Register