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results, are Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta. Eecommended by pliysicians and endorsed by all who have used them. The best Temedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency.and Constipation. Guaranteed, and sold at 25c. by JonN Moork, Druggist. At an exhibiton of dogs to be held 1 1 SJa dstone, Eogland, this month, Mi s Motdsworth Leeiïs, is annonnced t,o j'idge t m pug dog and Mis. Jenkins, of Vokm han, toy spaniel-1. g Greatest Blood Purifier KNOWN. # I I TaisGreat Germán Medicine is tlie#, II III fhoaiiestanil best. MSclosesof SVh-M g II PHrKBITTKIlSfortl.00,les8than S I III one cent a dose. It will cure the UI □ worst cases of skin disease, fronw M a comnion pimple on the íhcqM f jJ Ito that awful discase Scrofula. 9 SUU'HUR BlïTKRS is the# best medicine to use In all BBaea of euch stubborn andyour Kid III deep seated diseases. Do#n(.vs „,-,.,, ut III not ever toke Mof order, l'se ijl BLUE PILLS süVr"UkS Iormercury.theynredead"1 ' p no the purest and best#you' U8e_. metliciue ever made. gnJplmr BlttrS 1 II _,IsyoürTongneOoatedJ[ ' m Q withayellowstickyDon't'wait nntil yoti M II substance? lsyour#are unable to walk, or [Tl Illbrcath foul and#are flat on jour back, III offensive? Your#but get some at once, it 1 1 Hstomach is out#will cure you. Sulphurlll II of order, üsejf Bitters is UISULPIIITR #rho Tnr-iliil'a ïVipnd S! C3 HITTFR'ïs IDMIIU S Lrituum íáinimediatelyjrrhe young, the agcd and uj III I8 yur lr-tering are bood made well by III III ine thick,#ts use. Kememlwr what you ll UI ropy, clO'ÏVread hore, it may save yoiirlll III udy, or#life, it haa saved hnndreds. ■II g #Don't wait until to-moiiow, f f Try a Bottle To-day! Q J& m Are you hnr-splrlted and weak, II S Mor suüe'riiic irr.m the pxoesses of III aouth" If o, SL-LPIIUH BlTTKKsIll '"#wiU cure you. Send 8 '2-ccnt stampa t" A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., for best metttcal work published? A NEW ERA ! m sai cíe. Sal-Muscatelle. Tlie rrystallized salts as extraeted from grapes arnl fruit; a most wonderful product trom Ifatíre's labomtory ; the greatest bovereign prepaiation ever placed befure the American public. Sal-Muscatelle Is Nature's own product ; it supplies to the wenry sjtein the want of sound, ripe ;rapes and frmt : il keepa the blood pure and the jratn clear; is a natural blessing to the faggedotit and weary. an imjerative companion to Dusinessmen, adies and childrn. Have it in 5'our homes, travels, sumioer resorts and sea-side cottages. ick -Headache apa byspepia Cltre Prepared by the SAL-MUSCATELLE CO... P. O. Box MU, lew York Clly. TOB SALS BY H.J.BROWN Druggist, ANN ARBOR, - MICH. Farrand, Williams & Co., Wholesale Agts. DETBOIT. Aíkyonr retaller f or the James Means' 83 Shoe. ( aulion 1 Some dealers recommend inferior coods in order to make a larfrer proflt. Tnls is tnc original $3 Shoe. Beware of imltationn which acknowledgeThelr own iiiferiority by attempting to huil upon the reputation of the original. None Genuine nnlcss bearing this stamp, JAMES MEANS' --Tcr Ceotleme-, t Ü 2 J p & v 9v onvc. ■E' ' '?ri Made in Button, Congress and f gr aLace. Best Cafy Skin. UnexK Icelleil in DurabilÜy, Comfort L B - 3HL Apjiearance. A postal card ■', V 'a aenttouswill bringyouinJE; V r ÏBk f ormatlon how to get this xx "l. Shoe In any State or Mf S)J. Means& Co Oor celebrated factory produces a larger qnantlty of Shoes of this crarie than any other factory in the world. Thoaeands who wear them will teil you the reasimlf youafk thfin. JAMES MEANS' 82 MUOE forjBoyI unupproached in Durabillty. Full line o f tbe above shoes fo: sale in Ann Arbor by L. Gruncr. REPORT OP THJü UüNDITION OFTHX Ann Arbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR, MICH., OH MONDAY, Jan. 3d, A. D., 1887. un In AcoordHnce wltb NpcC iuna 18, 19 umi 67 ir! the General Bnnkingr l,n a Vlllllllllll in 1871. RESOURCES. Loansaud Discounts 8 272,771 59 Bonds and Mortgages 175,237 91 U. 8. 4 per cent. Registered Bonds_ 11,400 00 Overdrafts 441 22 Furmture and Fixtures 1,930 85 Due from National and State Banks.... 87,098 01 Cash on hand 35,983 74 Í 684,863 82 LIABILITIES. Capital Stoelt 50,000 00 Surplus Fund 50,000 00 Proflt and Loss 15,388 72 January Dividend 2,680 00 Due Depositare 466,794 60 f 581,863 32 I do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 4th day of January, 1837. L. GRÜNER, Notary Public. TAI LOR I 10 WOODWARD AVE. Cor. Congrees-St., DETROIT. Braneb of Cblcago. Fashionable lailoriag MODERATE PRIOES. ♦ Spring Styles oW Ready ! All the Novelties. LATEST :-: DESIGNS ! Scotch Suitings, Fancy Worstede, Corkscrew Dlagonals, Meltons and Kerseys, Lona on Trouserings. Fit and Satisfaotioa Quar anteed. Pants to Order trom - - $5 00 Nults " "... 20 OO Spring Overeoats, - - 18 OO Au early inspection of our stock is invited. The largest and finest assortment of Woolens in the city. Do not watt bat place jour orders now Samples and rules for 6elf-measurement eent on application. I I 0 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT. Raymond Baby Jumper _ p O a ejII I ïirt ► SB f IS MP , i ■ i-J ÍJQ V Wg -ogS'5' k 1 Q ■ wr "Eo-5'b ij S I 'f 88 Jm s f" BP -i jlB rnTTTfil 1 A TT?TÏ "y ' oona on Me at O0k 1 Hlö rñrJlft p. RoweU. Co' Newspape


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