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BACH & ABEL. Our Dress Goods departnient can not be surpassed. We are now offering soine extraordinary bargains, to which we ask your early attention. There are many things in this department which can not be found anywhere else and but few of them can be bougtit near the prices we are selling them for. MEDIUM PRICED DRESS GOOLS. 150 pieces at 50 cents a yard. This comprises tbe largest assortment ever shown at the price. All first-class styles, 38 inches wide and nearly all worth 75c. There are checks, stripes, broken block checks and fancy mixtures of all colors and ghades. 50 pieces Jamestown Suitingsin plain and fancy stripes at 25c per yard. Best goods in 'the world for the price. Mixed Cloth Suitings, 54 inches wide 85c. Camel's Hair 42 and 44 inches wide, Góc, 75c, and $1.00 per yard. French Drap D'Alnia in ten shades at 90c, cheap at $1.25. AllWool Albatross 38 inehes wide, 50 cents. Special sale of all over Laces and flouncings. 5 pieces Flouncings 40 inches wide 65c, 75c and $1.00 per yard. 6 pieces Cream and White Flouncing, 40 inches wide, $1.50, $2.00, $2,50 and S3.00 per yard. 6 pieces Chantilla and Spanish Guipure Laces, 40 inches wide at $2.00, $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 per yard. 5 pieces Chantilla and Spanish Guipure all over Laces at $2.00, $3.00 and $3.50 per yard. Few patlerns in windows Ihis week. BacL. & Abel. OCR 25 CENT COLUMN. Adverttsements, such as To Rent, For Sale, or Wants, not exeeeding three llnes, can be inserted hree weeks for 25 cents. HORSE WANTED- I will board .and keep a hor.-c for his ute about my place. Dr. Kraft. 644 FOR SALE AT A BAEGAIN- House and lo', No. 28 llaynardst. Loiation desirable for student boarders. Ii.quire of E. B. Pond, 6 N. Main-st 64Otf OR SALE- A few tons of choice hay. J. C. Bird. Box 765. 644-46 WANTED- Eiiher a competent Cook or second Girl, at 27 N. Ingalls-st. 614-6 LOST- A black silk Umbrella. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at 27 N. Ingulls-st, or at this office. 614 6 LOST- Between 26 S. Division-st and the Postoffice, a B'ue Turquoise Scarf Pin in the form of a butterfly. Please leave at this office. 6 FOR SALE.- A 189J6 acre farm on gravel road, 4J4 miles S. of Anu Arbor. Inquire of Hecry Krause, Lodi, orbox 137, Ann Arbor. 643 55 WE WANT AN AGENT.- In every gas consuming town to teil on commission an article of universal consumption. To the right party witn email capital entire control of territory. Heebine & Russeli.. Indianapolis, Ind. t6 E. Market St. 634-46 rpHE BOTT FARM, 200 ACRES-Town of LynA. don, for sale at sacrifice or to trade for city property. Matthews Real Estáte Agency. 5 FOR SALE OR RENT- Modern dwelling on Thayer st near University. W. R. Prise. 643-5 "ÜOR SALE- Cuthbert Easpberry Planta in X large or small lots, leave orders at Cousins & Hall's, Greenhouse, South TJniversity-aye. 643-5 LOST- A lady's silver Watch and gold Chain some place betweeu State-st and Hangsterfer's halL Finder wül bë suitaWy rewarded Dy leav ing at this office or at the srewar's office in the üniversity. 64?-5 WANTED- Reiidtnce property in Ann Arbor in exchange for Lansing property, or other iinproved land. Inquire of H. J. Brown. 642-i TTOR SALE- 2 new houses, 1 vacant lot in the r sixth ward, neartheccmpus. One-third down, balance at interest. S. D. Allen. 6!3-5 WANTED- A girl to do house-work. Inquire at 29 E. Üniversity Ave. 642-44 FOR SALE - Raspberry Plants, early Ohio, Gregg, Cuthberts. Apply to Wm. Looker at Miner's place, opposite S. G. Millers. 642-4 FOR SALE- 30,000 Greggs. Black Raspberries. Í5 per 1000. J. H. Clough, W. Huron-st. 642-4 WANTED- Any gentleman desireing a good paying job, work to be in Washtt-naw Co. For particulare, apply toLock Box 22, Hanover, Mich. 639-44' ( OOD brick house wüh lot, corner of Orleans VJTand Forest-ave for sale at a sacrifice. Apply to Matthew's Eeal Estáte Agency, 639-44 rpo RENT- A small neat cottage. An elderlv X couple defcired, to whoro sorae work can be given In fruit time. Ann Arbor, Maren '87. J. D. Baldwiu. 637tf FOR SALE- f.000 Snider & Tnylor's Proliflc Blackberry Plants, 10,000 Gregg Raspberry tips, 40o Pear Seedings, and a few Peach trees of the very best variety. Aun Arbor, Marcli '7. J. D. Bildwin. 637tf TïANTKD- A good girl for general houseVV work. Apply at No. 25 E. University A-re. 637-tf REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.- Houses and lots valued from $1.000 to Ï6,OOO and contsiuii g from one fifth oi an acre to twenty acres- ali In the city limite. Homes rented on reasonable terms in central localities. Farms exchanged icr city property. Enquire of J. Q. A.SESSION3, 632tf Attorney and Real Estáte Aeent Office' over Express Office, Main St., Ann Arbor. ■ÜOR SALE- My house, No. 27 Ann Street, or will ■E exchange for smaller house, or well located vacant lot. H. M. Taber. 623tf FINE FARM FOR SALE- Two miles from Ann Arbor, eonsisting of 160 acres in a high (tate ot cultivation. Has been nsed as a dairy farm for 13 years, consequently boü is rery rich. Splendidly watered by creek and springs, large two story frame house, large basement barn, carriage house, large thedwith hayloft, also grain barn; good orchard. Terms one third cash, balance on long time to puit purchaser. Address, R. Watennann, Ann Arbor, Mich. 624tf FAEM FOR SALE- 160 Acres, 2% miles southwet of Ann Arbor. A flrst-cl. ss farm well under-drained and improved. Address, Israel Clark, Ann Arbor. 483-tf WEATHER STRIPS CHAMPION- Best in the world. Exelude rain, wind and dust. Leave orders at Eberbacn's Hardware store or No. 12 Lawrence-st No extra charges for repairs. M. J. FURNUM, Prop. FARM FOR SALE- 160 ACRES, 2U MILES ■outhwee! of Ann Arbor. A first-class farm well nnder-drained and improved. Address Israel Glark. Ann Arbor. 483-tf. X OANING- Money to loan on flrst clase real Ij estáte mortjrages at currentrates of Interest. Batlsfactory arrangements made with capitalista deslrlng sueh investment. Every conveyance KBd transaction in abstracts of titles carefully examlned as to legal effect. Zina P. King, Ann Arbor, Mich. tf


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