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"Man'8 Moral 8enses," will be the subject of Bev. Dr. Rsmsay's disco arses next. Sunday mormng aDd evening. Judge Campbell, of Detroit, will beliver a lecture in Hobart hall, Thursday evening, May 5th, at eicrht o'clock, The publio ia cordially invited. Maple sugar social next Tuesday evening at Cropsey's hall, for the bene5t of the temperance union. Music, mirth and maple sugar, Lotg of fun for little money. The subject of the lecture upon Christian History, at the Uoitarian church, next Sunday evening, will be "The Influence of the Reformation upon Philosophy and Science." At the meeting of the Unity club next Monday evening, in the parlors of the Unitariau church, will be given the final entertainment of the season, in the form of a social and supper. During the evening Mrs. Sunderland will give a talk on Robert Browning. Services in St. Andrew's church next Sunday as follows: 7:30 a. m., morning prayer and litany; 10:30 A. M., holy communion and sermón ; 12 m., lecture on confirmation; 12 m , Sunday school; 7:30 p. m., evening p ayer and sermón. The Bishop of the Diocese has appointed the eventeg of the 15th of May for confirmation.


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Ann Arbor Register