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The largest, and by far tbe fines', exhibition of Sewing Machine Art (being valued at $10,000) will be JWplayed at No. 38 South Main-st, next door to Wm. Arnold's jewelry store, next week, May 2 to 7, inclusive. Every lady interested in sewing machines or sewing machine art s'iould not fail to see this work. A competent lady operator will be present, with a Domestie sewing machine, showing how the work is done. Iw Don't ask is the B zaar going out. I want to reduce my stock $1,000 durine; May or go out. Prices greatly reduced. Attend the great clearing sale of Books at Andrews & Witherby's. lw I Offer some Extra bargains in Pianos and Organs to close out a certain lineof goods. tf Alvin Wilset. Corsets Canvassers wanted at once, for the Whalebone Coreet Co. Custom made Corseta. Liberal commision with exclusive territory. Cali or address, Miss L. M. Foley, General Ag't for Michigan. 95 E. Huron-st, Ann Arbor. 634tf The best line of Window Shades, Rollers, etc, in the city at lw Andrews & Witherby's. Doe. Sinion's Pleasant Barber Shop, directly opposite the south door of the court house, is the best place in the city for anything in his line. Try it. Picked up by a gentleman and left in my store, on Ann st, Maynard's block, a lap-robe. The owner can have it. 643-44 J. W. Maynard. If you need Crockery, Glassware and Tinware, the Bazaar will sell it cheap the next 30 days to close. 1 w For Sale Evergreens, Norway Spruce and Arbor Vilses for Hedge and ornamental purposes. Also Apple, Pear and Peach trees. Grape Vines and all sniall Fruit Planta, Cheap and reliable to name, at my place ou West Huron st. 642 45 3. H. Allmand. Money to Loan On first class and fitst mortgage Real Estáte. Apply to S. H. Doug'ass. S. H. Douolass, I W. Runt, Trustees. Ann Arbor, Dec. 1886. 6'J6tf. Beautiful satin lined Prince AlbertSuits can be found at Wm. W. Douglas & Co's 638 tf Horses Tor Sale. Farm, Family and Draft Horses always on hand. Eight hundred sold in siz years. Every boiee guaranteed as represented or money refunded. We refer with pleasure to all purchasers. All correspondence promptly answered. Noyes & W allace. Chelsea, Mich. Just think of it. A child's Suit for three dollars, and a beauty too, at W. W. Douglas & Cos. 638 tf An elegant line of those four button Cütaway Suits now on sale st W. W. Douglas & Co's. 638 (f It will pay any man to buy an O vercoat for next winter at the prices that Wm. W. Douglas & Cj. are selhng them at 638 tf Wall Paper at especially low prices and a large lot of Remnants to be closed out cheap at Andrews & Witherby's. lw Tbe Ann Arbor Savlngs Bank. Among the Savings Banks in our state there is noi e outside of Detroit that has taken a more solid and prominent position than the Ann Arbor Savings Bank. lts growth has been steady and of the kind that makes it one of the best banks in the state. The list of depositare embraces our cilizens occupying all different positions, but mainly among the farmers, mechanics and laborers, and these are the classes whom they especially seek. Deposits are reoeived from one Jollar up and i a teres t paid. Helio ! Helio ! Helio ! 35 I The enterprising Druggist, Mr. H. J. Brown has taken the agency of Baxter's Lucky Star Cigar. Hereafter the lovers ot a good smoke can be accommodated with a cigar for five cents that will prove, upon trial, superior to the ten cent cigars sold. The Lucky Star is pure Havana 611er and guaranteed unflavored. H. J. BROWN, Solé Ag't. Ask for the Lucky Star, Only five cents UNDERTAKING. Having pürchased the Hearse and Undertaking outfit formerly belonging to John Keck & Co., I am ready to attend to all calis by night or day. Can always be" found in the Keek store. tf W. G. DIETERLE. Chancery Notice. The Circuit Court for the County of Washtcnaw, in chanoery. Kate a . Ulber, va. Herman Ulber. It satisfactorily appearing to me by affidavit on file, that the defendant Herman Ulber is not a resident of this State, but resides in Milwaukee, in the state of Wisconsin On motion of E. D. Kinne, complalnant's solicitar, tt is ordered that the said defendant Herman Ulber cause his appearance to be entered heieín within four months from the date of this order, and in ca-e of his appearance, that he cause his anwer to the complainant's bilí of complaint to be flled. and a copy thereof to be served on the complainant's solicitar within twenty days after service on him of a copy of said bilí, and notice of this order, and that in default thereof, said bilí be taken as qpnfessed by the said non resident defendant. And it is further ordered, that within twenty days, after the date thereof, the taid complainant cause a notice of this order, to be published in the i nn Arbor Register, a newspaper priuted, published and circulating in aid county. and that eaid publication be continued therein at least on e in each week for six weeks in succession, or ihat Khe cause a copy ■ { this order, to be personally served on said non-resident defendant at,least twenty days before the above time preBcribed for this appearance. C. JOSLYN. E. D. Kinne, Circuit'Judge. Solicitor for Complainant. Dated Aprü 20, 1887. fi-1-1-650 Sale PARASOLS AND SILK ÜÍIREL1ÍS; D. F. Schairer's NOT AN OTHER SÜCH GATHERING UNDEB ONE ROOF IN ANN ARBOR. WE HAVE BÜSIED OÜRSELVES SINCE LAST DECEMBER TO BRING TOGETHER PROM ALL SOURCES AN BXHIBITION OF Parasols and Silk Umbrellas Tln.t will Surprise jon. In order to créate an early demand and sensation for our Parasol Department which we have placed up stairs we shall offer the following for this sale: 200 Misses' Fancy Parasols at 25c each. 100 Misses' Plain and Fancy Parasols at 50c and 7óc each. 50, 22 inch Coaching Parasols, all colors and Black at $1.00, worth $1.50. 50, 22 inch Coaching Parasols, handsome sticks and frames in Beige, Brown, Navy and Red at $1.50, worth $2.00. 25 very stylish 22 inch striped Parasols at $2.25. 25 Black Satin, Lace trimmed Parasols at $2.00. 15 very fine Black Satin, changeable linings trimmed with 5 inch real Black Spanish Quipure Lace, choice handles at $3.00, worth $4.00. 25 all Silk Pongee Parasols, New French Shapes at $2.00 and $2.50 each. Lace Covered Parasols in Black and Beige at $5.00nd $6.00. Big Bargains. Everything in high class novelties now open. Special Offering of Silk Umbrellasi 24 inch Silk Umbrellas at $1.50 and $2.00. 26 inch Silk Umbrellas with Silver and Natural handles at $2.00 and $2.50. 26 inch, very best quality Silk Umbrellas with. Gold and Silver handles at $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 All very stylish and nobby, The Parasol season opens with many new ideas and some are very odd and stylish. Ladies ! don't think of bnying a parasol or Silk Umbrella until you have seen our elegant stock and low prices. White Aprons! 20 dozen White Lawn Aprons, 5 styles, extra size with deep hem and four tucks only 25c each, worth 50c. 10 dozen White Lawn Aprons trimmed with Lace and Embroidery at 35c, 40c and 50c. Jerseys! Jerseys! They have come to stay and always will be good. We exhibit some elegant low priced novelties. Boucle Jerseys, Coat back at $1.00, $1.25 to $2.50. Cashmere Jerseys, Tailor-Made at 75c and $1.00. Misses' Jerseys at $1.00. Our fine Coat Back Tailor-Made Jerseys are ail made from a 300, cloth are much superior to any ever shown in this city at $1.50, $1,75 and $2.00. Fine Beaded Front Jerseys at $2.50, worth $3.00. We are doing the Jersey Business of the town. Low Prices, Choice Styles and Superior quality, doing the work Money saved buying goods at D. P. SOHATRER.


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Ann Arbor Register